Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of LoadBalanceable

03/22/12 15:55:32 (13 years ago)



  • LoadBalanceable

    v7 v8  
    4141Because there is no vendor-independent database column type for UUIDs, they will be stored in a column of type varchar2(36). Current databases will be migrated to use this type for their ID columns, without changing the current values (except for their type, obviously).
    43 A notion exists that database perform faster if their (foreign) keys are auto-incremented integers, not strings. However if you google it, opinions whether this is really the case vary wildly and almost no-one offers actual measurements. [ Here] is a post that does show measurements in MySQL which is re-assuring. Also, a change to String UUIDs allows for the removal of thousands of places in the GeoNetwork Java code where integers are converted to strings and vice-versa.
     43A notion exists that database perform faster if their (foreign) keys are auto-incremented integers, not strings. However if you google it, opinions whether this is really the case vary wildly and almost no-one offers actual measurements. [ Here] is a post that does show measurements in MySQL which is re-assuring. Also, a change to String UUIDs allows for the removal of thousands of places in the GeoNetwork Java code where integers are converted to strings and vice-versa. Removing those increases performance because they're no longer done, and fewer short-lived objects are created which can help speed up garbage collection delays.
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