Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of ISO2ebRIMIssues

03/08/09 07:36:48 (16 years ago)



  • ISO2ebRIMIssues

    v10 v11  
    3232 - Section F.3.1 distinguishes !DataSet/DatasetCollection, Service and Application types of Information Resource by the value of 'hierarchyLevel'. In ISO19139 it is perfectly valid to have 0 or more than 1 hierarchyLevel. What to do in these cases ??? For now, I'm just using the first one if there are more, and if there are zero, try '!DataSet'.
    34  - Section F.3.1 tries to describes cases for distinguishing !DataSet from !DatasetCollection, when hierarchyLevel is 'dataset'. Says the spec: "in the case of an ISO 19139 compliant metadata record, the value of the MD_Metadata.hierarchyLevel property may serve as a discriminator since ISO 19139 extends the MD_ScopeCode codelist to add specific values for aggregation;" But alas, it's not defined exactly *which* codelist values map to aggregate. This is not obvious. I'm ignoring this for now.
     34 - Section F.3.1 tries to describe cases for distinguishing !DataSet from !DatasetCollection, when hierarchyLevel is 'dataset'. Says the spec: "in the case of an ISO 19139 compliant metadata record, the value of the MD_Metadata.hierarchyLevel property may serve as a discriminator since ISO 19139 extends the MD_ScopeCode codelist to add specific values for aggregation;" But alas, it's not defined exactly *which* codelist values map to aggregate. This is not obvious. I'm ignoring this for now.
     36 - Section F.3.2 is highly unintelligible. Two remarks here: (1) "Application, Dataset and !DatasetCollection instances are part of the metadata context and do not have any attributes." Because I don't see much point in generating !ExtrinsicObjects without any attributes (they would just clutter up the registry, not being related to anything), in my opinion we better skip these. And (2) the instance of !DataMetadata it talks about -- I'm assuming they mean that the earlier-created !ResourceMetadata (which is an abstract type, so really couldn't be instantiated) is here further specified in the case of the !DataMetadata subtype. So I'm not creating a new !ExtrinsicObject here, but continue processing the !ResourceMetadata (now known to be !DataMetadata) created earlier. Whether any of this is what the spec writer intended to convey, I don't know..
    3738Table F.15