Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of ISO19119impl

Dec 6, 2007, 8:06:03 AM (17 years ago)



  • ISO19119impl

    v8 v9  
    1212Define a webcrawler which is able to grab information from webservices (e.g. WxS) available on the Internet and produce a draft metadata to be able to simplify metadata editing for webservices.
    14 Uses cases :
    15  * UC1 : Create metadata about a WxS service (i.e. Create a full ISO19119 MD based on a GetCapabilities request)
    16  * UC2 : Update Bbox section of a dataset metadata based on WMS GetCapabilities info (i.e. Update part of MD based on a Request)
     14=== Uses cases ===
     15 * UC1 : Create metadata using copy/paste the GetCapabilities document of a WxS service (i.e. Create a full ISO19119 MD based on a GetCapabilities request)
     16 * UC2 : Harvest metadata from a WxS service (i.e. Create a full ISO19119 MD based on a GetCapabilities request)
     17 * UC3 : Update Bbox section of a dataset metadata based on WMS GetCapabilities info (i.e. Update part of MD based on a Request)
     19==== Import GetCapabilities document ====
     22==== Harvest GetCapabilities document ====
    20 == Parameters ==
     28=== Parameters ===
    2129 * Input parameter : URL of the service for which to create metadata
    22  * Ouput parameter : ISO19119 metadata xml file to be load into GeoNetwork
     30 * Ouput parameter :
     31   * ISO19119 metadata xml file to be load into GeoNetwork
     32   * ISO19139 metadata for each layers of the services
     33   * (optional) thumbnails
    24 == GUI ==
    25 TODO
     35=== GUI ===
     36==== Import ====
    27 === Mapping ===
    28 TODO
    29 === Default value ===
    30  * lang
    31  * charset
    32  * MD contact info
    34 = Q&A =
    35 How to deals with updates of existing MD ? diff ? GUI to handle such aspects !
     39==== Harvesting ====
     45=== Mapping ===
     46==== Service ====
     47Root element:
     48 * WMS = WMT_MS_Capabilities
     49 * WFS = WMT_MS_Capabilities
     50 * WCS = WCS_Capabilities
     52 * Service metadata /gmd:MD_Metadata
     53 * Service Identfication /gmd:identificationInfo/srv:SV_ServiceIdentification
     55|| '''Element''' || '''ISO19119 equivalent''' || '''GetCapabilities element''' || '''Note''' ||
     56|| '''Service metadata''' ||  ||  ||  ||
     57|| Identifier || /gmd:fileIdentifier/gco:CharacterString || WxS = uuid || Service url ||
     58|| Language || /gmd:language/gco:characterString || « eng » || Par défaut « eng » ||
     59|| CharacterSet || /gmd:CharacterSet/gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode || « utf8 » ||  ||
     60|| Contact || /gmd:contact || cf  ||  ||
     61|| Date stamp || /gmd:dateStamp/gco:DateTime ||  ||  ||
     62|| Standard name || /gmd:metadataStandardName/gco:CharacterString || « ISO 19119 » ||  ||
     63|| Standard version || /gmd:metadataStandardVertsion/gco:CharacterString || 1 ||  ||
     64|| '''Service Identfication''' ||  ||  ||  ||
     65|| Title || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT/Service/Title  ||  ||
     66|| Date || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/gco:dateTime || CI_DateTypeCode? ||  ||
     67|| Abstract || /gmd:abstract/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT/Service/Abstract pour WMS et WFS, /ROOT/Service/Label pour WCS ||  ||
     68|| Status || /gmd:status/gmd:MD_ProgressCode || « Completed » ||  ||
     69|| Contact || /gmd:pointOfContact || cf  ||  ||
     70|| Keyword || /gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords/gmd:keyword/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT/Service/KeywordList/Keyword  || « theme » for type ||
     71|| Topic Category || /gmd:topicCategory/gmd:MD_TopicCategoryCode ||  || User input ||
     72|| Service type || /srv:serviceType/gco:LocalName codeSpace="" || « OGC:WMS » ou « OGC:WFS » ou « OGC:WCS » || user input ||
     73|| Service version || /srv:serviceTypeVersion/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT/@version eg. « 1.0.0 » ||  ||
     74|| Fees || /srv:accessProperties/gmd:MD_StandardOrderProcess/gmd:fees/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT/Service/Fees ||  ||
     75|| AccessConstraint || /gmd:resourceConstraints/gmd:MD_Constraints/gmd:useLimitation || /ROOT/Service/AccessConstraints ||  ||
     76|| Operations || /srv:containsOperations/srv:SV_OperationMetadata/srv:operationName/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT/Capability/Request/* || cf  ||
     77|| OperatesOn || /srv:operatesOn/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/@uuidref || ID des métadonnées de données générées ||  ||
     78|| Bounding box || /srv:SV_ServiceIdentification/srv:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:geographicElement/gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox || EX_GeographicBoundingBox ||  ||
     79|| CRS || referenceSystemInfo/MD_ReferenceSystem/referenceSystemIdentifier/RS_Identifier/code ||  || 4326  if available if not the first one ||
     80|| Status || /srv:SV_ServiceIdentification/status/MD_ProgressCode || « completed » ||  ||
     83Link between data and service:
     87        <gmd:MD_DataIdentification uuid='identifier'/>
     91==== Data ====
     93Root element:
     94 * WMS = WMT_MS_Capabilities/Capability/Layer
     95 * WFS = WFS_Capabilities/FeatureTypeList/FeatureType
     96 * WCS = WCS_Capabilities/ContentMetadata/CoverageOfferingBrief
     98 * Data metadata = /gmd:MD_Metadata
     99 * Layer identification = gmd:identificationInfo/srv:SV_ServiceIdentification
     100 * Distribution = gmd:distributionInfo/gmd:MD_Distribution/gmd:transferOptions/gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions/gmd:onLine/gmd:CI_OnlineResource
     101 * Data quality =  gmd:dataQualityInfo/gmd:DQ_DataQuality
     102 * Projection = gmd:referenceSystemInfo/gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem/gmd:referenceSystemIdentifier/gmd:RS_Identifie
     104|| '''Element''' || '''ISO19115 equivalent''' || '''GetCapabilities element''' || '''Note''' ||
     105|| '''Service metadata'''  ||  ||  ||  ||
     106|| Identifier || /gmd:fileIdentifier/gco:CharacterString || uuid || Problème d'unicité ? ||
     107|| Language || /gmd:language/gco:characterString || « eng » || Par défaut « eng » ||
     108|| CharacterSet || /gmd:CharacterSet/gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode || « utf8 » ||  ||
     109|| Contact || /gmd:contact || cf  ||  ||
     110|| Date stamp || /gmd:dateStamp/gco:DateTime ||  || Date et heure de l'import ||
     111|| Standard name || /gmd:metadataStandardName/gco:CharacterString || « ISO 19115:2003/19139 » ||  ||
     112|| Standard version || /gmd:metadataStandardVersion/gco:CharacterString || 1 ||  ||
     113||''' Layer identification''' ||  ||  ||  ||
     114|| Title || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT//Layer|FeatureType|CoverageOfferingBrief/Title|Description or Label (for WCS) ||  ||
     115|| Date || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/gco:dateTime || Date et heure de l'import CI_DateTypeCode? ||  ||
     116|| Abstract || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT//Layer|FeatureType|CoverageOfferingBrief/Abstract|Description ||  ||
     117|| LatLonBoundingBox || /gmd:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:geographicElement/gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox/ gmd:westBoundLongitude|gmd:eastBoundLongitude|gmd:southBoundLatitude|gmd:northBoundLatitude/gco:Decimal || /ROOT//Layer|FeatureTypeLatLonBoundingBox/@  ||  ||
     118|| Status || /gmd:status/gmd:MD_ProgressCode || « Completed » ||  ||
     119|| Contact || /gmd:pointOfContact || cf  ||  ||
     120|| Scale || /gmd:spatialResolution/gmd:MD_Resolution/gmd:equivalentScale/gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction/gmd:denominator/gco:Integer || /ROOT//Layer|FeatureType|CoverageOfferingBrief/MinScaleDenominator  || !MaxScaleDenominator ||
     121||  '''Projection''' ||  ||  ||  ||
     122||  || /gmd:code/gco:CharacterString ||  || Code Epsg Format ? ||
     123|| '''Distribution''' ||  ||  ||  ||
     124|| URL || /gmd:linkage/gmd:URL || [Root]/Service/OnlineResource ||  ||
     125|| Protocol || /gmd:protocol/gco:CharacterString || TO BE DEFINED || mime-type ou liste GeoNetwork ||
     126|| Name || /gmd:name/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT//Layer|FeatureType|CoverageOfferingBrief/Name ||  ||
     127|| Description || /gmd:description/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT//Layer|FeatureType|CoverageOfferingBrief/Title|Label ||  ||
     128|| '''Data Quality''' ||  ||  ||  ||
     129|| Topic || /gmd:scope/gmd:DQ_Scope/gmd:level/gmd:MD_ScopeCode ||  || « dataset », « featureType » Coverage ?  ||
     131==== Contact ====
     132|| '''Element''' || '''ISO19115 equivalent''' || '''GetCapabilities element''' || '''Note''' ||
     133|| Name || /gmd:individualName/gco:CharacterString || WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/contactInformation/ContactPersonPrimary/ContactPerson ||  ||
     134|| Organisation || /gmd:organisationName/gco:CharacterString || WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/contactInformation/ContactPersonPrimary/ContactOrganization ||  ||
     135|| Role || /gmd:role/gmd:CI_RoleCode || « pointOfContact » ||  ||
     136|| Phone gmd:phone/gmd:CI_Telephone ||  ||  ||  ||
     137|| Voice || /gmd:voice/gco:CharacterString || ContactVoiceTelephone  ||  ||
     138|| Fax || /gmd:facsim/gco:CharacterString || ContactFacsimileTelephone  ||  ||
     139|| Address gmd:address/gmd:CI_Address ||  ||  ||  ||
     140|| Delivery point || /gmd:deliveryPoint/gco:CharacterString || ContactAddress/Address ||  ||
     141|| Administrative || /gmd:administrativeArea/gco:CharacterString || ContactAddress/StateOrProvince  ||  ||
     142|| City || /gmd:city/gco:CharacterString || ContactAddress/City ||  ||
     143|| PostCode || /gmd:postalCode/gco:CharacterString || ContactAddress/PostCode ||  ||
     144|| Country || /gmd:country/gco:CharacterString || ContactAddress/Country ||  ||
     145|| Email || /gmd:electronicMailAddress/gco:CharacterString || email? ||  ||
     149==== Operation ====
     150 * Identification = /MD_Metadata/srv:SV_ServiceIdentification
     151 * Operation = /MD_Metadata/srv:SV_ServiceIdentification/srv:containsOperations/srv:SV_OperationMetadata/
     153|| '''Element''' || '''ISO19119 equivalent''' || '''GetCapabilities element''' || '''Note''' ||
     154|| '''Identification''' || || || ||
     155|| Coupling type || /srv:couplingType || « tight » ||  ||
     156|| '''Operation''' ||  ||  ||  ||
     157|| Name || /srv:operationName/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT/Capability/Request/child::name() ||  ||
     158|| DCP || /srv:DCP/srv/DCPList || /ROOT/DCPType/child::name() ||  ||
     159|| URL || /srv:connectPoint/gmd:CI_OlineRessource/gmd:linkage/gmd:URL || /ROOT/DCPType//OnlineResource/@xlink:href ||  ||
     160|| Protocol || /srv:connectPoint/gmd:CI_OlineRessource/gmd:protocol/gco:CharacterString ||  || Note : mime-type ? « HTTP GET », « HTTP POST » ||
     161|| Function || /srv:connectPoint/gmd:CI_OlineRessource/gmd:function || « Information » ||  ||
     165=== Contact ===
    39167More info : contact [ François Prunayre]