Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of ISO19119impl

Jan 7, 2008, 8:26:13 AM (17 years ago)



  • ISO19119impl

    v20 v21  
    139139|| CRS || referenceSystemInfo/MD_ReferenceSystem/referenceSystemIdentifier/RS_Identifier/code || ||  || 4326  if available if not the first one ||
    140140|| Status || /srv:SV_ServiceIdentification/status/MD_ProgressCode || || « completed » ||  ||
     141|| dataQualityInfo || gmd:dataQualityInfo/gmd:DQ_DataQuality/gmd:scope/gmd:DQ_Scope/gmd:level/gmd:MD_ScopeCode || || codeListValue="service" ||  ||
    142142Link between data and service:
    150150=== Data ===
    153 || || ||  WFS 1.1.0 || || ||
    154 || || ||  WMS || || ||
    155 || || ||  WCS || || ||
    158152Root element:
    159153 * WMS = WMT_MS_Capabilities/Capability/Layer
    160  * WFS = wfs:WFS_Capabilities/FeatureTypeList/FeatureType
    161  * WCS = wcs:WCS_Capabilities/ContentMetadata/CoverageOfferingBrief
    163  * Data metadata = /gmd:MD_Metadata
    164  * Layer identification = gmd:identificationInfo/srv:SV_ServiceIdentification
    165  * Distribution = gmd:distributionInfo/gmd:MD_Distribution/gmd:transferOptions/gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions/gmd:onLine/gmd:CI_OnlineResource
    166  * Data quality =  gmd:dataQualityInfo/gmd:DQ_DataQuality
    167  * Projection = gmd:referenceSystemInfo/gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem/gmd:referenceSystemIdentifier/gmd:RS_Identifie
    169 || '''Element''' || '''ISO19115 equivalent''' || '''GetCapabilities element''' || '''Note''' ||
     154 * WFS = wfs:WFS_Capabilities/wfs:FeatureTypeList/wfs:FeatureType
     155 * WCS = wcs:WCS_Capabilities/wcs:ContentMetadata/wcs:CoverageOfferingBrief
     157 * Data metadata root node = /gmd:MD_Metadata
     158 * Layer identification node = gmd:identificationInfo/srv:SV_ServiceIdentification
     159 * Distribution node = gmd:distributionInfo/gmd:MD_Distribution/gmd:transferOptions/gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions/gmd:onLine/gmd:CI_OnlineResource
     160 * Data quality node =  gmd:dataQualityInfo/gmd:DQ_DataQuality
     161 * Projection node = gmd:referenceSystemInfo/gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem/gmd:referenceSystemIdentifier/gmd:RS_Identifie
     163|| '''Element''' || '''ISO19115 equivalent''' || Service type || '''GetCapabilities element''' || '''Note''' ||
    170164|| '''Service metadata'''  ||  ||  ||  ||
    171 || Identifier || /gmd:fileIdentifier/gco:CharacterString || uuid || Problème d'unicité ? ||
    172 || Language || /gmd:language/gco:characterString || « eng » || Par défaut « eng » ||
    173 || CharacterSet || /gmd:CharacterSet/gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode || « utf8 » ||  ||
    174 || Contact || /gmd:contact || cf ||  ||
    175 || Date stamp || /gmd:dateStamp/gco:DateTime ||  || Date et heure de l'import ||
    176 || Standard name || /gmd:metadataStandardName/gco:CharacterString || « ISO 19115:2003/19139 » ||  ||
    177 || Standard version || /gmd:metadataStandardVersion/gco:CharacterString || 1 ||  ||
     165|| Identifier || /gmd:fileIdentifier/gco:CharacterString || || uuid || ||
     166|| Language || /gmd:language/gco:characterString || || « eng » || Default « eng » ||
     167|| CharacterSet || /gmd:CharacterSet/gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode || || « utf8 » ||  ||
     168|| Contact || /gmd:contact || || cf contact mapping ||  ||
     169|| Date stamp || /gmd:dateStamp/gco:DateTime ||  || Harvesting/import date ||
     170|| Standard name || /gmd:metadataStandardName/gco:CharacterString || || « ISO 19115:2003/19139 » ||  ||
     171|| Standard version || /gmd:metadataStandardVersion/gco:CharacterString || || « 1.0 » ||  ||
    178172||''' Layer identification''' ||  ||  ||  ||
    179 || Title || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT//Layer|FeatureType|CoverageOfferingBrief/Title|Description or Label (for WCS) ||  ||
    180 || Date || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/gco:dateTime || ||  ||
    181 || Abstract || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT//Layer|FeatureType|CoverageOfferingBrief/Abstract|Description ||  ||
    182 || LatLonBoundingBox || /gmd:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:geographicElement/gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox/ gmd:westBoundLongitude|gmd:eastBoundLongitude|gmd:southBoundLatitude|gmd:northBoundLatitude/gco:Decimal || /ROOT//Layer|FeatureTypeLatLonBoundingBox/@  ||  ||
    183 || Status || /gmd:status/gmd:MD_ProgressCode || « Completed » ||  ||
    184 || Contact || /gmd:pointOfContact || cf  ||  ||
    185 || Scale || /gmd:spatialResolution/gmd:MD_Resolution/gmd:equivalentScale/gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction/gmd:denominator/gco:Integer || /ROOT//Layer|FeatureType|CoverageOfferingBrief/MinScaleDenominator  || !MaxScaleDenominator ||
     173|| Title || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || /wfs:FeatureType/wfs:Title ||  ||
     174|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || /wfs:FeatureType/wfs:Title || ||
     175|| || ||  WMS || /Layer/Title || ||
     176|| || ||  WCS || /wcs:CoverageOfferingBrief/wcs:label || ||
     177|| Date || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/gco:dateTime || || ||  ||
     178|| Abstract || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || /wfs:FeatureType/wfs:Abstract ||  ||
     179|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 ||  || ||
     180|| || ||  WMS || /Layer/Abstract || ||
     181|| || ||  WCS || /wcs:CoverageOfferingBrief/wcs:Description || ||
     182|| LatLonBoundingBox || /gmd:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:geographicElement/gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox/ gmd:westBoundLongitude|gmd:eastBoundLongitude|gmd:southBoundLatitude|gmd:northBoundLatitude/gco:Decimal || //ows:WGS84BoundingBox/ows:LowerCorner / UpperCorner ||  ||
     183|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || math:min(//wfs:LatLongBoundingBox/@minx || ||
     184|| || ||  WMS || //LatLonBoundingBox/@minx || ||
     185|| || ||  WCS || //wcs:lonLatEnvelope/gml:pos[1 / 2] || ||
     186|| Status || /gmd:status/gmd:MD_ProgressCode || || « Completed » ||  ||
     187|| Contact || /gmd:pointOfContact || || cf contact mapping ||  ||
     188|| spatialRepresentationType || /gmd:spatialRepresentationType/gmd:MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode || WFS || codeListValue="vector" || ||
     189|| || ||  WCS || codeListValue="grid" || ||
     190|| Scale || /gmd:spatialResolution/gmd:MD_Resolution/gmd:equivalentScale/gmd:MD_RepresentativeFraction/gmd:denominator/gco:Integer || WMS || /Layer/MinScaleDenominator + MaxScaleDenominator  ||  ||
     191|| Topic Category || /gmd:topicCategory/gmd:MD_TopicCategoryCode || ||  || User input ||
    186192||  '''Projection''' ||  ||  ||  ||
    187 ||  || /gmd:code/gco:CharacterString ||  || Code Epsg Format ? ||
    188 || '''Distribution''' ||  ||  ||  ||
    189 || URL || /gmd:linkage/gmd:URL || [Root]/Service/OnlineResource ||  ||
    190 || Protocol || /gmd:protocol/gco:CharacterString || TO BE DEFINED || mime-type ou liste GeoNetwork ||
    191 || Name || /gmd:name/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT//Layer|FeatureType|CoverageOfferingBrief/Name ||  ||
    192 || Description || /gmd:description/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT//Layer|FeatureType|CoverageOfferingBrief/Title|Label ||  ||
    193 || '''Data Quality''' ||  ||  ||  ||
    194 || Topic || /gmd:scope/gmd:DQ_Scope/gmd:level/gmd:MD_ScopeCode ||  || « dataset », « featureType » Coverage ?  ||
     193||  || /gmd:code/gco:CharacterString || ||  || 4326  if available if not the first one ||
     194|| '''Distribution''' ||  || ||  ||  ||
     195|| URL || /gmd:linkage/gmd:URL || WFS 1.1.0 || //ows:Operation[@name='GetFeature']/ows:DCP/ows:HTTP/ows:Get/@xlink:href ||  ||
     196|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || //wfs:GetFeature/wfs:DCPType/wfs:HTTP/wfs:Get/@onlineResource || ||
     197|| || ||  WMS || //GetMap/DCPType/HTTP/Get/OnlineResource/@xlink:href || ||
     198|| || ||  WCS || //wcs:GetCoverage/wcs:DCPType/wcs:HTTP/wcs:Get/wcs:OnlineResource/@xlink:href || ||
     199|| Protocol || /gmd:protocol/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || "OGC:WFS-1.1.0-http-get-feature"  || mime-type ou liste GeoNetwork ||
     200|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || "OGC:WFS-1.0.0-http-get-feature" || ||
     201|| || ||  WMS || "OGC:WMS-1.1.1-http-get-map" || ||
     202|| || ||  WCS || "OGC:WCS-1.0.0-http-get-coverage" || ||
     203|| Name || /gmd:name/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || //wfs:FeatureType/wfs:Name ||  ||
     204|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || //wfs:FeatureType/wfs:Name || ||
     205|| || ||  WMS || /Layer/Name || ||
     206|| || ||  WCS || /wcs:CoverageOfferingBrief/wcs:name || ||
     207|| Description || /gmd:description/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || //wfs:FeatureType/wfs:Title ||  ||
     208|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || //wfs:FeatureType/wfs:Title || ||
     209|| || ||  WMS || //Layer/Title || ||
     210|| || ||  WCS || //wcs:CoverageOfferingBrief/wcs:description || ||
     211|| '''Data Quality''' || || ||  ||  ||
     212|| Topic || /gmd:scope/gmd:DQ_Scope/gmd:level/gmd:MD_ScopeCode || || « dataset »  || ||
    196214=== Contact ===
    197 || '''Element''' || '''ISO19115 equivalent''' || '''GetCapabilities element''' || '''Note''' ||
    198 || Name || /gmd:individualName/gco:CharacterString || WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/contactInformation/ContactPersonPrimary/ContactPerson ||  ||
    199 || Organisation || /gmd:organisationName/gco:CharacterString || WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/contactInformation/ContactPersonPrimary/ContactOrganization ||  ||
    200 || Role || /gmd:role/gmd:CI_RoleCode || « pointOfContact » ||  ||
    201 || Phone gmd:phone/gmd:CI_Telephone ||  ||  ||  ||
    202 || Voice || /gmd:voice/gco:CharacterString || ContactVoiceTelephone  ||  ||
    203 || Fax || /gmd:facsim/gco:CharacterString || ContactFacsimileTelephone  ||  ||
    204 || Address gmd:address/gmd:CI_Address ||  ||  ||  ||
    205 || Delivery point || /gmd:deliveryPoint/gco:CharacterString || ContactAddress/Address ||  ||
    206 || Administrative || /gmd:administrativeArea/gco:CharacterString || ContactAddress/StateOrProvince  ||  ||
    207 || City || /gmd:city/gco:CharacterString || ContactAddress/City ||  ||
    208 || PostCode || /gmd:postalCode/gco:CharacterString || ContactAddress/PostCode ||  ||
    209 || Country || /gmd:country/gco:CharacterString || ContactAddress/Country ||  ||
    210 || Email || /gmd:electronicMailAddress/gco:CharacterString || email? ||  ||
     216Root element:
     217 * WMS = WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/contactInformation/ContactPersonPrimary
     218 * WFS = wfs:WFS_Capabilities/wfs:Service/wfs:contactInformation/wfs:ContactPerson
     219 * WCS = wcs:WCS_Capabilities/wcs:Service/wcs:contactInformation/wcs:ContactPerson
     222|| '''Element''' || '''ISO19115 equivalent''' || Service type || '''GetCapabilities element''' || '''Note''' ||
     223|| Name || /gmd:individualName/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || ows:ProviderName ||  ||
     224|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || ContactPerson  || ||
     225|| || ||  WMS || ContactPerson || ||
     226|| || ||  WCS || wcs:individualName || ||
     227|| Organisation || /gmd:organisationName/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || ContactOrganization ||  ||
     228|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || ContactOrganization  || ||
     229|| || ||  WMS || ContactOrganization || ||
     230|| || ||  WCS || wcs:organisationName || ||
     231|| Position Name || /gmd:positionName/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || ContactPosition ||  ||
     232|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || ContactPosition  || ||
     233|| || ||  WMS || ContactPosition || ||
     234|| || ||  WCS || wcs:positionName || ||
     235|| Role || /gmd:role/gmd:CI_RoleCode || || « pointOfContact » ||  ||
     236|| Phone gmd:phone/gmd:CI_Telephone || ||  ||  ||  ||
     237|| Voice || /gmd:voice/gco:CharacterString || || ContactVoiceTelephone  ||  ||
     238|| Fax || /gmd:facsim/gco:CharacterString || || ContactFacsimileTelephone  ||  ||
     239|| Address || gmd:address/gmd:CI_Address ||  ||  ||  ||
     240|| Delivery point || /gmd:deliveryPoint/gco:CharacterString || || ContactAddress/Address ||  ||
     241|| Administrative || /gmd:administrativeArea/gco:CharacterString || wMS || ContactAddress/StateOrProvince  ||  ||
     242|| City || /gmd:city/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || City ||  ||
     243|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || City || ||
     244|| || ||  WMS || City || ||
     245|| || ||  WCS || wcs:address/wcs:city || ||
     246|| PostCode || /gmd:postalCode/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || ContactAddress/PostCode ||  ||
     247|| Country || /gmd:country/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || ContactAddress/Country ||  ||
     248|| || ||  WCS || wcs:address/wcs:country  || ||
     249|| Email || /gmd:electronicMailAddress/gco:CharacterString || || eMailAdd ||  ||
     250|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || eMailAdd || ||
     251|| || ||  WMS || eMailAdd || ||
     252|| || ||  WCS || wcs:address/wcs:electronicMailAddress || ||
    212255=== Operation ===
     257Root element
     258 * WMS = Capability/Request/*
     259 * WFS 1.0.0 = wfs:Capability/wfs:Request/*
     260 * WFS 1.1.0 = ows:OperationsMetadata/*
     261 * WCS = wcs:Capability/wcs:Request/*
    213263 * Identification = /MD_Metadata/srv:SV_ServiceIdentification
    214264 * Operation = /MD_Metadata/srv:SV_ServiceIdentification/srv:containsOperations/srv:SV_OperationMetadata/
    216 || '''Element''' || '''ISO19119 equivalent''' || '''GetCapabilities element''' || '''Note''' ||
    217 || '''Identification''' || || || ||
    218 || Coupling type || /srv:couplingType || « tight » ||  ||
     266|| '''Element''' || '''ISO19119 equivalent''' || Service type || '''GetCapabilities element''' || '''Note''' ||
     267|| '''Identification''' || || || || ||
     268|| Coupling type || /srv:couplingType || || « tight » ||  ||
    219269|| '''Operation''' ||  ||  ||  ||
    220 || Name || /srv:operationName/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT/Capability/Request/child::name() ||  ||
    221 || DCP || /srv:DCP/srv/DCPList || /ROOT/DCPType/child::name() ||  ||
    222 || URL || /srv:connectPoint/gmd:CI_OlineRessource/gmd:linkage/gmd:URL || /ROOT/DCPType//OnlineResource/@xlink:href ||  ||
    223 || Protocol || /srv:connectPoint/gmd:CI_OlineRessource/gmd:protocol/gco:CharacterString ||  || Note : mime-type ? « HTTP GET », « HTTP POST » ||
    224 || Function || /srv:connectPoint/gmd:CI_OlineRessource/gmd:function || « Information » ||  ||
     270|| Name || /srv:operationName/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || @name ||  ||
     271|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || name(.) || ||
     272|| || ||  WMS || name(.) || ||
     273|| || ||  WCS || name(.) || ||
     274|| DCP || /srv:DCP/srv/DCPList || || if (name(.)='Get' or name(.)='wfs:Get' or name(.)='wcs:Get' or name(.)='ows:Get') "HTTP-GET" ||  ||
     275|| || ||  || else if (name(.)='Post' or name(.)='wfs:Post' or name(.)='wcs:Post' or name(.)='ows:Post') "HTTP-POST" || ||
     276|| || || else || "Webservice" || ||
     277|| URL || /srv:connectPoint/gmd:CI_OlineRessource/gmd:linkage/gmd:URL || WFS 1.1.0 || ..//ows:Get[1]/@xlink:href ||  ||
     278|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || ..//wfs:OnlineResource[1]/@xlink:href || ||
     279|| || ||  WMS || ..//OnlineResource[1]/@xlink:href || ||
     280|| || ||  WCS || ..//wcs:OnlineResource[1]/@xlink:href || ||
     281|| Protocol || /srv:connectPoint/gmd:CI_OlineRessource/gmd:protocol/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || ows:Parameter[@name='AcceptFormats']/ows:Value || ||
     282|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || wfs:Format || ||
     283|| || ||  WMS || Format || ||
     284|| || ||  WCS ||  || none ||
     285|| Function || /srv:connectPoint/gmd:CI_OlineRessource/gmd:function || || « Information » ||  ||
     286|| coupledResource || srv:coupledResource/srv:SV_CoupledResource/srv:OperationName/srv:identifier || || For each layer and each operation ||  ||
     287|| Operation name || srv:coupledResource/srv:SV_CoupledResource/srv:OperationName || || || ||
     288|| Layer id || srv:coupledResource/srv:SV_CoupledResource/srv:identifier || || || defined on harvest/import ||
     289|| Layer name || srv:coupledResource/srv:SV_CoupledResource/gco:ScopedName || || || layer name on the service ||