Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of ISO19119impl

Jan 7, 2008, 7:45:14 AM (17 years ago)

OWS different version mapping


  • ISO19119impl

    v19 v20  
    6060== Mapping ==
    6161=== Service ===
     63OGC Service supported :
     64 * WMS 1.0.0
     65 * WMS 1.1.1
     66 * WCS 1.0.0
     67 * WFS 1.0.0
     68 * WFS 1.1.0
     70Namespaces :
     71 * xmlns:wfs=""
     72 * xmlns:ows=""
     73 * xmlns:wcs=""
    6276Root element:
    6377 * WMS = WMT_MS_Capabilities
    64  * WFS = WMT_MS_Capabilities
    65  * WCS = WCS_Capabilities
     78 * WFS = wfs:WFT_MS_Capabilities
     79 * WCS = wcs:WCS_Capabilities
    6781 * Service metadata /gmd:MD_Metadata
    6882 * Service Identfication /gmd:identificationInfo/srv:SV_ServiceIdentification
    70 || '''Element''' || '''ISO19119 equivalent''' || '''GetCapabilities element''' || '''Note''' ||
     85|| '''Element''' || '''ISO19119 equivalent''' || Service type || '''GetCapabilities element''' || '''Note''' || Agreement||
    7186|| '''Service metadata''' ||  ||  ||  ||
    72 || Identifier || /gmd:fileIdentifier/gco:CharacterString || WxS = uuid || Service url ||
    73 || Language || /gmd:language/gco:characterString || « eng » || Par défaut « eng » ||
    74 || CharacterSet || /gmd:CharacterSet/gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode || « utf8 » ||  ||
    75 || Contact || /gmd:contact || cf  ||  ||
    76 || Date stamp || /gmd:dateStamp/gco:DateTime ||  ||  ||
    77 || Standard name || /gmd:metadataStandardName/gco:CharacterString || « ISO 19119 » ||  ||
    78 || Standard version || /gmd:metadataStandardVertsion/gco:CharacterString || 1 ||  ||
     87|| Identifier || /gmd:fileIdentifier/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || //wfs:GetCapabilities/wfs:DCPType/wfs:HTTP/wfs:Get/@onlineResource + @version || Service url + version ||
     88|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || //ows:Operation[@name='GetCapabilities']/ows:DCP/ows:HTTP/ows:Get/@xlink:href + @version|| ||
     89|| || ||  WMS || //GetCapabilities//OnlineResource[1]/@xlink:href + @version|| ||
     90|| || ||  WCS || //wcs:GetCapabilities//wcs:OnlineResource[1]/@xlink:href + @version|| ||
     91|| Language || /gmd:language/gco:characterString || || « eng » || Default value « eng » ||
     92|| CharacterSet || /gmd:CharacterSet/gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode || || « utf8 » ||  ||
     93|| Contact || /gmd:contact || || cf contact mapping ||  ||
     94|| Date stamp || /gmd:dateStamp/gco:DateTime || ||  || Harvesting/Import  date ||
     95|| Standard name || /gmd:metadataStandardName/gco:CharacterString || || « ISO 19119/2005 » ||  ||
     96|| Standard version || /gmd:metadataStandardVertsion/gco:CharacterString || || « 1.0 » ||  ||
    7997|| '''Service Identfication''' ||  ||  ||  ||
    80 || Title || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT/Service/Title  ||  ||
    81 || Date || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/gco:dateTime || CI_DateTypeCode? ||  ||
    82 || Abstract || /gmd:abstract/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT/Service/Abstract pour WMS et WFS, /ROOT/Service/Label pour WCS ||  ||
    83 || Status || /gmd:status/gmd:MD_ProgressCode || « Completed » ||  ||
    84 || Contact || /gmd:pointOfContact || cf  ||  ||
    85 || Keyword || /gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords/gmd:keyword/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT/Service/KeywordList/Keyword  || « theme » for type ||
    86 || Topic Category || /gmd:topicCategory/gmd:MD_TopicCategoryCode ||  || User input ||
    87 || Service type || /srv:serviceType/gco:LocalName codeSpace="" || « OGC:WMS » ou « OGC:WFS » ou « OGC:WCS » || user input ||
    88 || Service version || /srv:serviceTypeVersion/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT/@version eg. « 1.0.0 » ||  ||
    89 || Fees || /srv:accessProperties/gmd:MD_StandardOrderProcess/gmd:fees/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT/Service/Fees ||  ||
    90 || AccessConstraint || /gmd:resourceConstraints/gmd:MD_Constraints/gmd:useLimitation || /ROOT/Service/AccessConstraints ||  ||
    91 || Operations || /srv:containsOperations/srv:SV_OperationMetadata/srv:operationName/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT/Capability/Request/* || cf  ||
    92 || OperatesOn || /srv:operatesOn/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/@uuidref || ID des métadonnées de données générées ||  ||
    93 || Bounding box || /srv:SV_ServiceIdentification/srv:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:geographicElement/gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox || EX_GeographicBoundingBox ||  ||
    94 || CRS || referenceSystemInfo/MD_ReferenceSystem/referenceSystemIdentifier/RS_Identifier/code ||  || 4326  if available if not the first one ||
    95 || Status || /srv:SV_ServiceIdentification/status/MD_ProgressCode || « completed » ||  ||
     98|| Title || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || ows:ServiceIdentification/ows:Title  ||  ||
     99|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || wfs:Service/wfs:Title || ||
     100|| || ||  WMS || Service/Title || ||
     101|| || ||  WCS || wcs:Service/wcs:label || ||
     102|| Date || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/gco:dateTime || || ||  ||
     103|| Abstract || /gmd:abstract/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || ows:ServiceIdentification/ows:Abstract ||  ||
     104|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || wfs:Service/wfs:Abstract || ||
     105|| || ||  WMS || Service/Abstract || ||
     106|| || ||  WCS || wcs:Service/wcs:description || ||
     107|| Status || /gmd:status/gmd:MD_ProgressCode || || « Completed » ||  ||
     108|| Contact || /gmd:pointOfContact || || cf contact mapping ||  ||
     109|| Keyword || /gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords/gmd:keyword/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || /ows:keywords/ows:Keyword || « theme » for type ||
     110|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || /wfs:Keywords/wfs:Keywords || ||
     111|| || ||  WMS || /KeywordList/Keyword|| || ||
     112|| || ||  WCS || /wcs:keywords/wcs:keyword || ||
     113|| Topic Category || /gmd:topicCategory/gmd:MD_TopicCategoryCode || ||  || User input ||
     114|| Service type || /srv:serviceType/gco:LocalName codeSpace="" || WFS 1.1.0 || « OGC:WFS » || user input ||
     115|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || « OGC:WFS » || ||
     116|| || ||  WMS || « OGC:WMS » || ||
     117|| || ||  WCS || « OGC:WCS » || ||
     118|| Service version || /srv:serviceTypeVersion/gco:CharacterString || || /ROOT/@version || eg. « 1.0.0 » ||
     119|| Fees || /srv:accessProperties/gmd:MD_StandardOrderProcess/gmd:fees/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || /ows:Fees ||  ||
     120|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || /wfs:Fees || ||
     121|| || ||  WMS || /Fees || ||
     122|| || ||  WCS || /wcs:Fees || ||
     123|| !AccessConstraint || /gmd:resourceConstraints/gmd:MD_Constraints/gmd:useLimitation || WFS 1.1.0 || /ows:AccessConstraints ||  ||
     124|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || /wfs:AccessConstraints || ||
     125|| || ||  WMS || /AccessConstraints || ||
     126|| || ||  WCS || /wcs:AccessConstraints || ||
     127|| Operations || /srv:containsOperations/srv:SV_OperationMetadata/srv:operationName/gco:CharacterString || WFS 1.1.0 || /ows:OperationsMetadata/* || cf mappin on operation ||
     128|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || /wfs:Capability/wfs:Request/* || ||
     129|| || ||  WMS || /Capability/Request/* || ||
     130|| || ||  WCS || /wcs:Capability/wcs:Request/* || ||
     131|| !OperatesOn || /srv:operatesOn/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/@uuidref || WFS 1.1.0  || metadata uuid for generated layer/coverage/featuretype metadata ||  ||
     132|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || || ||
     133|| || ||  WMS || || ||
     134|| || ||  WCS || || ||
     135|| Bounding box || /srv:SV_ServiceIdentification/srv:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:geographicElement/gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox || WFS 1.1.0 || math:min(//ows:WGS84BoundingBox/ows:LowerCorner / UpperCorner)  ||  ||
     136|| || ||  WFS 1.0.0 || math:min(//wfs:LatLongBoundingBox/@minx) || ||
     137|| || ||  WMS || math:min(//LatLonBoundingBox/@minx) || ||
     138|| || ||  WCS || math:min(//wcs:lonLatEnvelope/gml:pos[1 / 2]) || ||
     139|| CRS || referenceSystemInfo/MD_ReferenceSystem/referenceSystemIdentifier/RS_Identifier/code || ||  || 4326  if available if not the first one ||
     140|| Status || /srv:SV_ServiceIdentification/status/MD_ProgressCode || || « completed » ||  ||
    97142Link between data and service:
    105150=== Data ===
     153|| || ||  WFS 1.1.0 || || ||
     154|| || ||  WMS || || ||
     155|| || ||  WCS || || ||
    107158Root element:
    108159 * WMS = WMT_MS_Capabilities/Capability/Layer
    109  * WFS = WFS_Capabilities/FeatureTypeList/FeatureType
    110  * WCS = WCS_Capabilities/ContentMetadata/CoverageOfferingBrief
     160 * WFS = wfs:WFS_Capabilities/FeatureTypeList/FeatureType
     161 * WCS = wcs:WCS_Capabilities/ContentMetadata/CoverageOfferingBrief
    112163 * Data metadata = /gmd:MD_Metadata
    127178||''' Layer identification''' ||  ||  ||  ||
    128179|| Title || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT//Layer|FeatureType|CoverageOfferingBrief/Title|Description or Label (for WCS) ||  ||
    129 || Date || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/gco:dateTime || Date et heure de l'import CI_DateTypeCode? ||  ||
     180|| Date || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/gco:dateTime || ||  ||
    130181|| Abstract || /gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title/gco:CharacterString || /ROOT//Layer|FeatureType|CoverageOfferingBrief/Abstract|Description ||  ||
    131182|| LatLonBoundingBox || /gmd:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:geographicElement/gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox/ gmd:westBoundLongitude|gmd:eastBoundLongitude|gmd:southBoundLatitude|gmd:northBoundLatitude/gco:Decimal || /ROOT//Layer|FeatureTypeLatLonBoundingBox/@  ||  ||