= HTML5 UI = || '''Date''' || 2013/03/26 | || '''Contact(s)''' || [http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Delawen María Arias de Reyna], François Prunayre, [http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Heikki Heikki Doeleman] || || '''Last edited''' || 2013/03/27 || || '''Status''' || Motion Passed || || '''Assigned to release''' || 2.10 || || '''Resources''' || Available || || '''Ticket #''' || #1288 || == Overview == This is a UI (based on the one developed for http://nationaalgeoregister.nl) [https://github.com/Delawen/core-geonetwork/tree/html5ui/web-client/src/main/resources/apps/html5ui using widgets and HTML5]. Also improves jeeves on redirections. Jeeves doesn't support right now handling of customized headers on responses (appart from 404 and other automatic headers). To allow the service to redirect urls (http://----?uuid=XXX to http://----#|XXX) this pull request adds the "[https://github.com/Delawen/core-geonetwork/commit/1b851c3699a2b68e682069f4b13e70be7bb1e50c hability to add custom response headers]. This is mandatory to allow stateful urls on the app. https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/pull/81 === Proposal Type === * '''Type''': GUI Change, Core Change * '''App''': !GeoNetwork * '''Module''': User Interface === Links === * '''Pull Request''': https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/pull/81 * '''Email discussions''': http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=CAERgKeBrZH16_QcXeZLfeYMkTaaeRy%3Dee7Qb4-AJunZO_w-erw%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=geonetwork-devel === Voting History === Vote proposed by Maria on 2013/04/03, result was * +1 Francois, Jeroen, Simon, Emmanuele == Motivations == The main motivation is to have a nice easily customizable UI compatible with latest browser technologies (HTML5). == Proposal == This is an html5 based UI which uses the wigets from geonetwork and the library ExtJS. To load it on your local computer, download the pull request of github and execute: mvn jetty:run -Penv-dev,html5ui It contains two maps: preview map and big map. You can access the big map clicking on the preview map. Both maps have synchronized layers, so if you add or remove (or change style) on one map layer, you will see that the other map also changes. Tested in Chrome, Firefox and IE>8 (also works but with some penalties on IE7). Some screenshots: [[Image(html5ui1.png)]] [[Image(html5ui2.png)]] [[Image(html5ui3.png)]] [[Image(html5uimenus.png)]] == Documentation == === Changing Style === Basic changing styling is pretty easy with this UI: ==== Colors ==== There is a file on web-client/src/main/resources/apps/html5ui/css/colors.css which contains all the colors of the app. ==== Page design ==== The html is loaded from web/src/main/webapp/xsl/search.xsl This xsl is interpreted by jeeves and transformed to show the basic page. The page scheme is basically the same on all links, so if you change the position of some html elements, they will be changed on all views. Don't forget that some of the elements are also placed with css. Specific css for this UI (not shared with other UIs like search or tabsearch) is placed on web-client/src/main/resources/apps/html5ui/css/main.css ==== Results view templates ==== They are on web/src/main/resources/apps/html5ui/js/Templates.js ==== Add more tabs ==== To add more tabs just look on search.xsl around line 240 (id="main-navigation") and add a new element like this: