'''Note:''' Warning: Using this, all metadata record's bounding box will be visible to all. Spatial index contains all metadata records (including templates) and the WMS will not take care of filtering bounding box according to privileges.
= How-to browse your GeoNetwork spatial index using WMS in !GeoServer ? =
=== Create a link between spatial index directory to !GeoServer data directory ===
cd trunk/data/geoserver_data/data
ln -s ../../../web/geonetwork/WEB-INF/lucene/spatial/ spatialindex
Note: Occasionally a lock issue on the Shapefile occurs when both !GeoNetwork and !GeoServer try to access the file. This causes Geoserver to lose the configuration for the shapefile. A better option could be to make a copy of the files on a regular basis or use Geoserver's RESTful interface
UPDATE: If your using geoserver 2.x and you cant get it to detect the shape file or shapefile directory - leave =data/= out from the paths shown in the screen shots.
=== Configure !GeoServer to deploy the spatial index Shapefile ===
==== Really simple SLD style ====
Catalogue bounding box styleCataloguePolygon#0000003Times New RomanNormal140.50.5
==== Access the WMS using a WMS client (eg. !OpenLayers, !GoogleEarth) ====
==== OpenLayers ====
==== !GoogleEarth ====
You could use [http://docs.geoserver.org/1.7.x/en/user/google-earth/index.html GeoServer KML templating system] in order to style your KML. On issue will be that only the metadata record ID (internal !GeoNetwork identifier) is available.
KML Demo template:
* title
Metadata: ${id.value}
* description
Metadata id: ${id.value}.
Metadata Metadata (XML)
Note: Here the privilege filter is applied by the catalogue.
=== Comments ===
* Another option at least for KML output (not WMS) is to create a searcher which output KML (Done in geocat.ch sandbox on top of a CSW searcher).
* In order to retrieve more information from the shapefile using Talend ETL could be an option to create a more complete shapefile with metadata title, change date, ...
See http://www.talendforge.org/wiki/doku.php?id=sdi:geonetworkmetadataextractfields