= How to translate GeoNetwork = This page describes steps necessary to include support of language other than pre-installed into existing instance of GeoNetwork and it's configuration components. == Translation of the user interface == Follow next steps to create new language. * Create new record in `Languages` table in GeoNetwork's database with new language's two-letter code. * In tables which name ends with `Des` copy all entries marked `en` (or any other existing language) to entries with new language code. After that it's possible to edit these fields using Web-interface. * Copy folders (all paths listed from GeoNetwork's root folder) to folders with new language code. (Any existing language could be treated as base for translation, not only English.) Then change copied values with translated strings, of course. * User interface * `web/geonetwork/loc/en`, * `web/intermap/loc/en`. * Metadata standards * `web/geonetwork/xml/schemas/dublin-core/loc/en`, * `web/geonetwork/xml/schemas/fgdc-std/loc/en`, * `web/geonetwork/xml/schemas/iso19115/loc/en`, * `web/geonetwork/xml/schemas/iso19139/loc/en`. * Profile specific folders of sandboxes like Bluenet, GéoSource or geocat.ch. * In ''all'' files `web/geonetwork/loc/`''''`/strings.xml` add tags with new language's code and it's name. These string used by GeoNetwork to list languages in interface switcher and indicate current a current one. For example, while adding Russian language identified by `ru`, it's necessary to include into those files `Русский` line. Here `ru` is the code for Russian and `Русский` is the Russian name ''on Russian''. * Add new language's link in interface switcher banner at the main page. Open `web/geonetwork/xsl/banner.xsl` for editing and find code: {{{ }}} Duplicate this fragment (separating new from old using '`|`') and change `en` to the code of new language. === Propose translation for integration === You can choose one of these two ways: * Create a patch if your are familiar with SVN. * Create a ZIP archive with all needed files: * all `loc` directories with translated strings, * localized database content (use [[http://druid.sourceforge.net/ Druid]] to export tables which names ends with `Des` as DDF files). Once done, send the translation to the `devel` mailing list and/or create a ticket on `trac` with files attached. == Translate GAST == Files to localize: * `gast/data/gui_de.properties` * `src/org/fao/gast/localization/message_de.properties` == Translate the installer == The only file to localize is * `packsLang.xml_deu` == Translate the documentation == Documentation is located in * `docs/docbook/gn_manual_deu` == Check the new language is aligned with others == [wiki:synch_lang]