Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of HowToRunUnderTomcat

Nov 7, 2013, 9:21:45 AM (11 years ago)

Removed references to intermap and subversion (moved to git now)


  • HowToRunUnderTomcat

    v19 v20  
     1Date: 09/09/2009 - minor updates without fully testing: 07-11-2013
    13= Running !GeoNetwork under Tomcat =
    35!GeoNetwork can be run under Tomcat.
    5 There are three web applications (webapps) in !GeoNetwork; you will find
    6 them in the `web` directory of the installation: `geonetwork`, `intermap`, and `geoserver`.
     7There are two web applications (webapps) in !GeoNetwork; you will find
     8them in the `web` directory of the installation: `geonetwork` and `geoserver`.
    79For !GeoNetwork to function correctly in Tomcat (or in any servlet
    8 container, for that matter), you must publish at least `geonetwork` and `intermap`;
    9 the following instructions publish all three webapps.
     10container, for that matter), you must publish at least `geonetwork`;
     11the following instructions publish both webapps.
    1113 1. Install Tomcat.
    12  1. Prepare !GeoNetwork.  You can either:
     14 1. Prepare !GeoNetwork. You can either:
    1315   a. Use the installer.
    14    a. Download and build from source.  See HowToWorkWithSubversion
     16   a. Download and build from source.  See HowToWorkWithGit
    1517      for help with downloading, and HowToCompile for help with
    16       building.  If you will be using !McKoi, follow the instructions
    17       to use GAST to initialize the database.
     18      building.
    1819 1. Copy or link to the webapps.  Either:
    1920   a. From your !GeoNetwork build (or installation), copy all of the
    2021      subdirectories of the `web` directory to the `webapps` directory
    21       of Tomcat. (So you will have `webapps/geonetwork`, `webapps/intermap`,
     22      of Tomcat. (So you will have `webapps/geonetwork`,
    2223      etc., in your Tomcat installation.)
    2324   a. In the directory `$CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost`
    2425      of your Tomcat installation, create a configuration file for
    2526      each webapp.  You will have files `geonetwork.xml`,
    26       `intermap.xml`, and `geoserver.xml`. In the file `geonetwork.xml`
     27      and `geoserver.xml`. In the file `geonetwork.xml`
    2728      put the following, adjusting the `docBase` path as necessary:
    2829      {{{
    2930      <Context docBase="/...path_to_GeoNetwork_installation_goes_here.../web/geonetwork"
    30                privileged="true" antiResourceLocking="false" antiJARLocking="false">
    31       </Context>
    32       }}}
    33       In the file `intermap.xml`
    34       put the following, adjusting the `docBase` path as necessary:
    35       {{{
    36       <Context docBase="/...path_to_GeoNetwork_installation_goes_here.../web/intermap"
    3731               privileged="true" antiResourceLocking="false" antiJARLocking="false">
    3832      </Context>
    5145 1. If you can't find your log files, make sure you edit `/...path_to_GeoNetwork_installation_goes_here.../web/geonetwork/WEB-INF/log4j.cfg`:
    5246   a. Change 'log4j.appender.jeeves.file' to '/var/log/tomcatXXX/geonetwork.log' (XXX = Tomcat version) or wherever you want to have your logs.
    53  1. Do the same for intermap with `/...path_to_GeoNetwork_installation_goes_here.../web/intermap/WEB-INF/log4j.cfg`.
    5447 1. Start Tomcat.
    56 '''''Unfortunately''''' . . . at present stopping Tomcat does not shut down !GeoNetwork cleanly.  This is
    57 documented at [].
    58 You need to make either of the modifications suggested there before you build.
    6049= Running the Z39.50 server =