= Moving !GeoNetwork from MySQL to Postgres = Author : Heikki Doeleman This page describes steps taken to move from a MySQL-based installation to aPostgres-based installation. The Postgres version used is 8.3.5. === Postgres configuration for command line and JDBC access === Depending on your Postgres installation, you may need to make some changes to allow for command line access and to allow for !GeoNetwork's JDBC connection. I changed : {{{ /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf }}} such that now it contains : {{{ local all all trust host all trust host all all ident sameuser host all all trust host all all md5 }}} (for an explanation of stuff in this file, see [http://developer.postgresql.org/pgdocs/postgres/auth-pg-hba-conf.html The pg_hba.conf file]). And I changed {{{ /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf }}} uncommenting the lines {{{ listen_addresses = 'localhost' port = 5432 }}} These latter changes require a restart of Postgres. This you can do by issuing : {{{ . /etc/init.d/postgresql stop . /etc/init.d/postgresql start }}} === creating a database and user === To create a database and user you can issue the following commands : {{{ }}} === config.xml === !GeoNetwork's config.xml needs to be changed to add Postgres JDBC connection settings : {{{ main-db jeeves.resources.dbms.DbmsPool username password org.postgresql.Driver jdbc:postgresql:// 10 }}} === Database create scripts === TODO describe the changes === Exporting existing data from MySQL and importing it into Postgres === TODO describe the process === Links to related information === [http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Converting_from_other_Databases_to_PostgreSQL Converting from other Databases to PostgreSQL] [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Programming:Converting_MySQL_to_PostgreSQL Converting MySQL to PostgreSQL] [http://www.pageofguh.org/technicality/584 MIGRATING A DATABASE FROM MYSQL 5 TO POSTGRESQL 8] [http://www.markslade.name/Articles.html?a=9 Converting from MySQL to PostgreSQL] [http://www.sitepoint.com/article/site-mysql-postgresql-1/ Migrate your site from MySQL to PostgreSQL]