Who? | Description | Steps
GN | Changes to the GeoNetwork's editor. | When editing an online recource, the 'upload' button present in the editor, will redirect to another page that will contain a form with the following contols:
| | - File : an upload file control
| | - Create service: a checkbox that, if checked, will instruct GN to create the service on GS. This checkbox, and the following controls, should be present only if the embedded GS is installed (the autodetect is carried out checking the web/geoserver folder).
| | - SRS: a combobox filled with data got from the GN's database
| | - Layer name : a textfield
| | - Mime type: a combobox with a few hardcoded mimetypes
| | - A button to upload the map
| | - A back button to return to the editor
GN | Service deploy: use of the GS API of the communication layer to create a service. | Input parameters will come from the web form and will be:
| | - SRS, layer name, mimetype, a link to allow GS to get the data file
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GN | - When an uploaded map is removed, GN should check if that map has a service created on GS. In this case, GN should delete that service from GS using the developed communication layer.
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GS | Provide a server side API to create and remove services. | Creation: depending on the input mime type, GS will discriminate between a geotiff image and a zipped shape file and will create the service accordingly.
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GN | Make GN's group names unique and readonly in order to use them as GS's namespaces |
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GS | Provide a SRS text file with all SRS codes present in GS. Each line of this file will have this format (fields are comma separated, 1 srs per row): | '<srs-id>', 'n', '<short label>', '<description with no CR/LF>'
| | Here 'n' is an internal, fixed flag. It will indicate if the SRS must be displayed in the combobox.
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GN | Creation and filling of a database table with content of the SRS file from the task above. Service to retrieve information from that table. |
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GS | Class to authenticate on GeoNetwork. This class will use the xml service xml.user.login to login inside GN. |
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GS | Create a tiny communication layer to communicate with GeoServer. This will be provided as a separate jar that will include a high level API to access GS's services. The API must include at least the operations needed for the integration (create service, remove service, ...). |