13 | | The purpose of this integration is to allow users to upload a GeoTIFF file or a zipped Shapefile to a metadata and deploy that dataset as a map service on !GeoServer. After upload, the user will see a button that allows her/him to trigger this deployment. The metadata will be adjusted accordingly and the Capabilities document of !GeoServer will provide a link back to the !GeoNetwork metadata record. |
14 | | |
15 | | |
16 | | === User Interface === |
17 | | [[Image(geopublisher.png)]] |
18 | | |
19 | | Actions : |
20 | | * Select a node to publish the dataset in (See configuration for details on adding a node) |
21 | | * Check button: Try to get current dataset in selected node. |
22 | | * Publish button: Publish current dataset to remote node. If dataset is already publish in that node, it will be updated. |
23 | | * Unpublish button: Remove current dataset from remote node. |
24 | | * Add online source button: Add an onlinesource section to the current metadata record pointing to the WMS and layername. |
25 | | |
26 | | === Sequence diagram === |
27 | | [[Image(publish-wxs.png)]] |
| 13 | The purpose of this integration is to allow users to upload a GeoTIFF file or a zipped Shapefile to a metadata record and deploy that dataset as a Web Map Service on one or more !GeoServer node. After upload, the user will see a button that allows her/him to trigger this deployment. The metadata online source section is updated. |
63 | | 1. A user edits a metadata, uploading the file as it is needed. |
64 | | 2. In edit mode, online source section with a file for download attached, will provide the geopublisher panel. |
65 | | 3. When the publish button is pressed, GN will create the REST URLs needed by GS to publish the given layer. The REST URL follow http://docs.geoserver.org/1.7.x/en/user/extensions/rest/rest-config-api.html |
| 42 | The following use case is covered by the proposal : |
| 43 | * A user edits a metadata, uploading the file as it is needed. |
| 44 | * In edit mode, online source section with a file for download attached, will provide the geopublisher panel: |
| 45 | * Select a node to publish the dataset in (See configuration for details on adding a node) |
| 46 | * GeoNetwork checks if: |
| 47 | * the file provided is correct (eg. ZIP contains one Shapefile or a tiff) |
| 48 | * the layer has already been published to that node. If yes, the layer is added to the map preview. |
| 49 | * Publish button: Publish current dataset to remote node. If dataset is already publish in that node, it will be updated. |
| 50 | * Unpublish button: Remove current dataset from remote node. |
| 51 | * Add online source button: Add an onlinesource section to the current metadata record pointing to the WMS and layername in order to display the layer in the map viewer of the search interface. |
| 52 | * Style button: Only available if the !GeoServer styler has been installed and declared in the configuration. |
| 56 | In case of ZIP compression, ZIP file base name must be equal to Shapefile or !GeoTiff base name. |
| 57 | * One Datastore, !FeatureType, Layer and Style are created for a vector dataset (one to one relation). |
| 58 | * One CoverageStore, Coverage, Layer are created for a raster dataset (one to one relation). |
| 59 | |
| 60 | === Other screenshots === |
| 61 | ==== With GeoServer styler installed ==== |
| 62 | [[Image(geopub-style.png)]] |
| 63 | |
| 64 | ==== With PostGIS layers ==== |
| 65 | [[Image(geopub-db.png)]] |
| 66 | |
| 67 | === Configuration === |
| 68 | When the publish button is pressed, !GeoNetwork create the REST URLs needed by !GeoServer to publish the given layer. The REST URL follow http://docs.geoserver.org/trunk/en/user/extensions/rest/rest-config-api.html |
| 69 | |
| 70 | An option is added to config-gui in order to turn on/off the feature. This feature is not available by default. |
80 | | @param adminurl GeoServer REST service config URL |
81 | | @param wmsurl GeoServer WMS service URL use to display map preview |
82 | | @param wfsurl GeoServer WFS service URL use to display map preview |
83 | | @param user GeoServer user login |
| 85 | @param adminUrl GeoServer REST service config URL |
| 86 | @param wmsUrl GeoServer WMS service URL use to display map preview |
| 87 | @param wfsUrl (Not used) GeoServer WFS service URL use to display map preview |
| 88 | @param stylerUrl (Optional) GeoServer WFS service URL use to display map preview |
| 89 | @param user GeoServer user login |