Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of ExtendedRegions
- Timestamp:
- 01/16/13 00:08:25 (12 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v14 v15 107 107 * !GetMap - return a rendering of the geometry as a png. If no background is specified the image will be a transparent png 108 108 * id - required 109 * srs - (optional) default is EPSG:4326 otherwise it is the project to use when rendering the image109 * mapsrs - (optional) default is EPSG:4326 otherwise it is the project to use when rendering the image 110 110 * width - (optional) width of the image that is created. Only one of width and height are permitted 111 111 * height - (optional) height of the image that is created. Only one of width and height are permitted 112 * background - URL for loading a background image for regions. A WMS Getmap request is the typical example. The URL must be parameterized with the following parameters:112 * background - (optional) URL for loading a background image for regions or a key that references the namedBackgrounds (configured in config.xml). A WMS Getmap request is the typical example. The URL must be parameterized with the following parameters: 113 113 * minx 114 114 * maxx … … 120 120 * geom - (optional) a wkt or gml encoded geometry. 121 121 * geomtype - (optional) defines if geom is wkt or gml. allowed values are wkt and gml. if not specified the it is assumed the geometry is wkt 122 * geomsrs - (optional) the srs of the geometry passed in via the geom parameter 122 123 123 124 '''!XmlSearch and !CswSearch Integration'''