
Version 1 (modified by awarnock, 15 years ago) ( diff )


Display Function for System Logs

Date 2009/12/20
Contact(s) A. Warnock (A/WWW Enterprises), D. Nebert (USGS/FGDC), L. Miao (GMU), Z. Li (GMU), H. Wu (GMU)
Last edited Timestamp
Status Proposed for voting
Assigned to release 2.5
Resources No additional resources needed


Remote administration of GeoNetwork is somewhat hampered by the inability to view system logs to look for problems. We propose to add the capability for read-only viewing of the Jetty logs in the browser window for administrative users. This will be added to the Admin menu.

Proposal Type

  • Type: Module Change
  • App: GeoNetwork
  • Module: Administration interface
  • Documents:
  • Email discussions: See thread on Proposal: Display function for system logs on geonetwork-devel list
  • Other wiki discussions:

Voting History

  • Vote proposed by A. Warnock on 2009-12-20.


There is currently no ability for an administrative user to review the Jetty and GeoNetwork system logs remotely. We propose to add the ability to view them in the browser from the administration menu.


We note that many of the errors which occur during harvesting are written to the Jetty logs but are not actually visible to anyone administering the site remotely. We propose to add a simple, read-only log file viewing function to the administrative interface so that errors can more easily be tracked.

Backwards Compatibility Issues

None anticipated.


None forseen. Development will take place on a separate branch so that testing can take place before merging into the trunk.


  • A. Warnock (A/WWW Enterprises)
  • D. Nebert (USGS/FGDC)
  • L. Miao (GMU)
  • Z. Li (GMU)
  • H. Wu (GMU)
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