Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of CustomFormatting

Apr 27, 2012, 3:43:09 AM (12 years ago)



  • CustomFormatting

    v6 v7  
    4545  * Format will have two services mapped to it (html and xml), with respective content types
    4646  * Format services will be accessible by all users
    47  * RegisterXsl - Service for uploading an xsl file, it will require admin access
    48  * RemoveXsl - Service for deleting an xsl file, it will require admin access
     47 * RegisterXsl - Service for uploading an xsl file or zip file, it will require admin access
     48 * DownloadXsl - Service for downloading the zip file containing the XSL and associated resources, it will require admin access
     49 * RemoveXsl - Service for deleting an xsl file and related resources, it will require admin access
    50 There will be an Administration User interface for managing the XSL files.
     51There will be an Administration User interface for managing the Format bundles files.  Using the Administration user interface the  administrator (and only administrator) can upload either a single xsl file which is the formatter/transformer, or a zip file that contains a file called view.xsl and other resources required by the view.xsl. 
     53The view.xsl will have the format (using the service metadata.formatter.xml?debug=true&id=<id>&xslid=<xslID> will show untransformed xml that can be used by transform):
     57  / <metadata>
     58  / schemas
     59    ....
     60  / strings
     61    ....
     62  / url
     63  / viewURL
     64  / viewStrings
     65 }}}
     67The schemas will have schema labels, codelists etc... (localised) and strings will be the normal localized strings as well. 
     69If the uploaded zip file has a loc directory the files in loc/???/*.xml will be added to the xml under the viewStrings.
     71The viewURL will be a path for loading resources like images and css files.
    5274=== Backwards Compatibility Issues ===