
Version 3 (modified by heikki, 15 years ago) ( diff )


Proposal number : Proposal title: Collection of changes originating from Nationaal Georegister

Date 2009/08/24
Contact(s) Heikki Doeleman
Last edited Timestamp
Status draft
Assigned to release 2.5
Resources The work is done in the NGR project


This proposal combines various changes originally implemented in a GeoNetwork fork in the project Nationaal Georegister. The changes are otherwise unrelated, but they are not very big and I think it's more efficient to bundle them in this single proposal.

The proposed changes are:

1. Performance improvement to search
2. Persistent validation results
3. Organizations
4. Service monitoring
5. Tabbed view of Metadata
6. Local rating

Another change (INSPIRE support) will be separately described by Francois and Heikki.

Proposal Type

  • Type: GUI Change, Core Change, Module Change
  • App: GeoNetwork
  • Module: Search engine, Data Manager, Group Manager, Rating

Voting History

  • None as yet


The motivations for these changes are :

1. A better performance is preferred
2. The "validation status", that is to say whether or not a metadata is valid, is readily available e.g. for display in search results
3. The notion of Organization is lacking in GeoNetwork's domain model
4. The uptime percentage of services is readily available, e.g. for display in search results
5. A nice layout for the large view-metadata page
6. Only the metadata rating of users of your own GeoNetwork node is counted



Backwards Compatibility Issues

1. none
2. a database change is required. SQL script to update existing DBs will be available
3. a database change is required. SQL script to update existing DBs will be available
4. a database change is required. SQL script to update existing DBs will be available
5. none
6. none



  • As above

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