Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of ChangesFromNGR

Aug 24, 2009, 5:59:45 AM (15 years ago)



  • ChangesFromNGR

    v22 v23  
    7373'''3. Organizations'''[[BR]]
    7474In !GeoNetwork there is no concept of "Organization". In [ NGR] and in [ SwissTopo] the concept was needed and has been implemented as a small addition to the existing notion of "Group". It would be better, though, to not mix up those two concept and implement Organization as a first-class citizen in !GeoNetwork's domain model.[[BR]][[BR]]
    75 An Organizations page lists all the organizations in your !GeoNetwork node and provides a quick search link to search metadata by organization.[[BR]]
     75An Organizations page lists all the organizations in your !GeoNetwork node and provides a quick search link to search metadata by organization.[[BR]][[BR]]
    7676TODO add class diagram[[BR]]
    9797'''7. Relevance as a percentage'''[[BR]]
    9898In standard !GeoNetwork search results can be ordered by relevance. This is based on the relevance score that the Lucene search engine gives to each item in the search results. However it is not shown to the user what the relevance score for each result *is*.[[BR]]
    99 In [ NGR] the relevance score is displayed with each search result. Because the Lucene score is an unattractive float between 0 and 1, the relevance score is normalized such that the highest score from the search results is set to 100, and all other results' scores are calculated relative to that.[[BR]]
     99In [ NGR] the relevance score is displayed with each search result. Because the Lucene score is an unattractive float between 0 and 1, the relevance score is normalized such that the highest score from the search results is set to 100, and all other results' scores are calculated relative to that.[[BR]][[BR]]