Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of CSW202Improvements

Feb 19, 2009, 3:43:07 AM (15 years ago)



  • CSW202Improvements

    v3 v4  
    22== Context ==
    3 !GeoNetwork CSW current implementation has some known issues or missing functionnalities. The purpose of this document is to analyse the missing or incomplete elements in !GeoNetwork according to CSW ISO 2.0.2 specification. The work will be based on current !GeoNetwork trunk and focus on apply patch to !GeoNetwork project and GeoSource.
     3!GeoNetwork CSW current implementation has some known issues or missing functionnalities. The purpose of this document is to analyse the missing or incomplete elements in !GeoNetwork according to CSW ISO 2.0.2 specification. The work will be based on current !GeoNetwork trunk and focus on apply patch to !GeoNetwork project and !GeoSource.
    1010 * Specifications:
    1111  *
    12   * INSPIRE Service attachment:INSPIRE-CSW-Synthese.doc
     12  * INSPIRE Service !attachment:INSPIRE-CSW-Synthese.doc
    1313 * Implementing/compliant tools :
    1414  *
    4343===== Issues =====
    44   * How to handle '''namespace''' properly ? GeoNetwork will be as much flexible as possible and compliant to the specification regarding namespace handling.
     44  * How to handle '''namespace''' properly ? !GeoNetwork will be as much flexible as possible and compliant to the specification regarding namespace handling.
    4545   1. remove namespace from mapping (dc, csw, apiso ...)
    4646   2. mapped all properties with apiso namespace and dc (ie !SupportedISOQueryables, !SupportedDublinCoreQueryables)
    4747   3. handled properties without dealing with namespace (ie whatever we provide : dc, csw, apiso... csw should be able to perform operation and to handle search parameters)
    49   * All GeoNetwork search parameters will be supported in CSW search (even if not list in the GetCapabilities documents). Eg. any = africa will work and AnyText = africa also.
     49  * All !GeoNetwork search parameters will be supported in CSW search (even if not list in the !GetCapabilities documents). Eg. any = africa will work and !AnyText = africa also.
    5151  * Updated CSW202 schema to make validate option working.
    7979||!AnyText || No || No || - ||
    8080||Format || No || No || - ||
    81 ||Identifier || No || Yes || must be mapped to FileIdentifier (fileId in lucene index)||
    82 ||Modified || No || Yes || modified currently mapped to changeDate which is only indexed for dc schema in geonetwork. Modified must be mapped to dateStamp.Date or DateTime in ISO schema ??? ||
     81||Identifier || No || Yes || must be mapped to !FileIdentifier (fileId in lucene index)||
     82||Modified || No || Yes || modified currently mapped to changeDate which is only indexed for dc schema in geonetwork. Modified must be mapped to dateStamp.Date or !DateTime in ISO schema ??? ||
    8383||Type || No || No || - ||
    8484||!WestBoundLongitude || '''Yes''' || - || -> westBL in lucene index, check spatial search in lucene since Jesse's work ||
    131131|| Operation ||  Yes || - || add operation to lucene index ||
    132132|| !GeographicDescriptionCode || No  || No  || e.g. !GeographicDescriptionCode for dataset ||
    133 || !OperatesOn ||  '''Yes''' || -  || add OperatesOn to lucene index, should map MD_DataIdentification.citation.CI_Citation.identifier but in Geonetwork/Geosource, identifier is store in '''uuidref attribute''' of MD_DataIndetification ||
     133|| !OperatesOn ||  '''Yes''' || -  || add !OperatesOn to lucene index, should map MD_DataIdentification.citation.CI_Citation.identifier but in Geonetwork/Geosource, identifier is store in '''uuidref attribute''' of MD_DataIndetification ||
    134134|| !OperatesOnIdentifier ||  '''Yes''' || -  || add !OperatesOnIdentifier to lucene index  ||
    135135|| !OperatesOnName ||  '''Yes''' || -  || add !OperatesOnName to lucene index  ||
    189189                                <parameter name="CswParameterName" field="LuceneFieldKey" type="CswType" />
    191  * Profil support in CSW for DescribeRecord operation
     191 * Profil support in CSW for !DescribeRecord operation
    193193                <operation name="DescribeRecord">
    206206== OGC-CSW Iso Profil management ==
    207  * Add the profil for DescribeRecord operation in config-csw.xml
     207 * Add the profil for !DescribeRecord operation in config-csw.xml
    208208 * Add schema to xml/validation/csw202_apiso100/csw/2.0.2
    209  * Add profil-brief.xsl, profil-summary.xsl, profil-full.xsl in xml/csw/schemas/iso19139 directory for GetRecords output.
    211 ----
    212 == OGC-CSW TestSuite ==
     209 * Add profil-brief.xsl, profil-summary.xsl, profil-full.xsl in xml/csw/schemas/iso19139 directory for !GetRecords output.
     212== OGC-CSW !TestSuite ==
    214214=== Teamengine ===
    221221 * [ OGC test suite results]
    223  * Make Test csw:level1.1 passed by modifying GetRecords-InvalidRequest operation : Typenames must be an attribute of the query element. (but in specificiation, should be csw:Record by default ??)
    224   * Added private checkTypenames method in GetRecords class
    226  * csw:level1.2 / !DescribeRecord-ValidResponseStructure
     223 * Make Test csw:level1.1 passed by modifying !GetRecords-!InvalidRequest operation : Typenames must be an attribute of the query element. (but in specificiation, should be csw:Record by default ??)
     224  * Added private checkTypenames method in !GetRecords class
     226 * csw:level1.2 / !DescribeRecord-!ValidResponseStructure
    227227  * Regarding the BRGM specification : The !DescribeRecordResponse must include three "!SchemaComponent" elements :
    228228   * identification.xsd for data (ISO19115/19139)
    236236  * Fix namespace for !TypeName parameter : The value of !TypeName has to be qualified by a namespace or should be the default document namespace. There is currently an exception if any namespace sent in request.
    238  * csw:level1.3 / csw.GetCapabilities.document: 
    239   * Is there a reason to comment NullCheck !ComparisonOperator in GN ?
    240   * Regarding this test, 7 commons parameters are expected, idem -> what to do with common constraints (i.e. IsoProfiles, postEncoding)
     238 * csw:level1.3 / csw.!GetCapabilities.document: 
     239  * Is there a reason to comment !NullCheck !ComparisonOperator in GN ?
     240  * Regarding this test, 7 commons parameters are expected, idem -> what to do with common constraints (i.e. !IsoProfiles, postEncoding)
    262262 * Test methodology:
    263   * GeoNetwork & Geosource : Harvesting mechanism
    264   * MdWeb : Distributed search mechanism
     263  * !GeoNetwork & Geosource : Harvesting mechanism
     264  * !MdWeb : Distributed search mechanism
    266266=== Test URL ===
    277 == OGC-CSW extension in GeoNetwork ==
    278 === GetRecords operation ===
     277== OGC-CSW extension in !GeoNetwork ==
     278=== !GetRecords operation ===
    279279 * Added resultsType="results_with_summary" for narrow your search option (see sandbox)
    280280 * Added outputSchema="own" to return metadata record in their own format (dc, fgdc, iso, ...)
    293293=== output/format ===
    294  * csw.pdf : GetRecords operation results in pdf format.
    295  * csw.txt : GetRecords operation results in txt format.
     294 * csw.pdf : !GetRecords operation results in pdf format.
     295 * csw.txt : !GetRecords operation results in txt format.
    296296 : to be defined  rss