Changes between Version 80 and Version 81 of Bolsena2010

06/07/10 02:29:12 (15 years ago)



  • Bolsena2010

    v80 v81  
    4343 ||12 || 2 #233 ||Code Refactoring || The class {{{}}} and its sister {{{}}} are in particularly bad shape, in my opinion. There are literally dozens of public methods that all do more or less the same thing. Of course it's not clearly documented why they are all there or when to use which. Would it be too drastic to propose that we keep 1 single public method for each of the functions ''createMetadata'', ''updateMetadata'', ''validateMetadata'', etc. ? || heikki: 1 | jose: critical || Make the Java doc first ||
    4444 ||  || 2 || || REST services and provide a Jeeves JSON outputs || || ||
    4745 || 16 || ||Editor enhancement (XForms) ||GeoNetwork needs a range of metadata editors and the XForms Editor (from geonetworkui sandbox) should be available as part of this range. An XForms engine is an alternative technology that potentially hides details of HTML and JavaScript from developers. (The usefulness of the XForms editor will be determined to a large extent by how well it works across browsers and how responsive it is. What does the "potentially hides details" bit actually mean? That's just wishful thinking, and adding XForms means yet another complicated technology for developers to master. Justification/Action: Develop XForms interface as providing a user friendly interface with the flexibility to meet the needs of different users. How does it relate to [ Chiba]? || heikki: 3 || ||
    4946 || 17 || || Feedback / Enhancement  ||GeoNetwork needs a range of metadata editors and the ANZMet Lite (a wizard based editor available for download from [ here]) should be part of the toolkit. ANZMet Lite needs to be open sourced under (GPL) to be distributed with GeoNetwork. Comments: If the web interface were improved, the need for ANZMet Lite would be reduced.  There is a need for “offline” metadata creation when researchers or data collectors are not connected to the Internet – this is where ANZMet Lite has unique value. Why not improve the existing GeoNetwork editor (see editor, merge some of the features into the trunk)? Justification/Action: Add ANZMet Lite as a user friendly, Wizard based PC editing interface with the flexibility to meet the needs of different users. Simon Pigot has already added GeoNetwork upload/download to ANZMet Lite. || heikki: 4 ||
    5047 || 18 || ||API enhancements || GeoNetwork services and JavaScript API need to be documented so that the user interface can be replaced and/or the existing functionality reused or customized. A different user interface skin should be easy to apply. The new Jeeves test framework offers an opportunity to document the inputs and outputs of the services. Action/Justification: The existing JavaScript API (web/geonetwork/scripts/core) needs to be documented and extended – existing code that doesn’t use the API needs to be refactored. Note: !GeoNetwork xml services documentation exists in manual. || heikki: 2 ||