Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of AjaxEditorControlsAndValidation

03/23/09 17:35:32 (16 years ago)



  • AjaxEditorControlsAndValidation

    v7 v8  
    5151'''2.''' Editor form is not submitted until save/save and close/check – allows reset button to really work as required.[[BR]]
    5252'''3.''' XSD validation messages available to the editor as alert controls – schematron error messages are already available via an additional icon. The JDOM elements involved in validation errors can be obtained through a callback on validation.[[BR]]
    53 '''4.''' No single editor can satisfy all users. An example of a plug-in GUI that replaces both the javascript layer and the XSLT layer used for the editor is the current Xforms based editor proposal. This editor runs external to GN (in Orbeon Xforms) and uses GN services to retrieve selected metadata documents plus editing information from GN's XSD parser, combined as a metadocument. Currently, after this editor has finished with the document, it is stored external to GN. However, the document could be returned to GN using any of the services GN currently provides.[[BR]]
     53'''4.''' No single editor can satisfy all users. An example of a plug-in GUI that replaces both the javascript layer and the XSLT layer used for the editor is the current Xforms based editor proposal (see [wiki:EditorEnhancements]). This editor runs external to GN (in Orbeon Xforms) and uses GN services to retrieve selected metadata documents plus editing information from GN's XSD parser, combined as a metadocument. Currently, after this editor has finished with the document, it is stored external to GN. However, the document could be returned to GN using any of the services GN currently provides.[[BR]]
    5555Two services are planned (and available for development in the !BlueNet MEST):