Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of AjaxEditorControlsAndValidation

03/25/09 21:52:57 (16 years ago)



  • AjaxEditorControlsAndValidation

    v10 v11  
    14143. XSD validation messages available as controls on elements as well as in report screen[[BR]]
    15154. Tooltips only display when title is clicked on - avoids clutter and server round trips[[BR]]
    16 5. Change presentation tabs: replace simple mode with Minimum, Core, All elements as per ISO standard document[[BR]]
     165. Change presentation tabs: add new tabs to Advanced editor: Minimum, Core, All elements as per ISO standard document[[BR]]
    17176. Trap window close using onbeforeunload event to warn users that they may lose any edits made[[BR]]
    18187. Services to support external editors such as that described in the geonetworkui proposal[[BR]]
    4949  * Delete button – server removed element and returns geonet:child via Ajax call to the javascript which adds it to the form.:
    5050  * Up/Down – server swaps elements, Ajax swaps elements in the form and controls.:
    51 '''2.''' Editor form is not submitted until save/save and close/check – allows reset button to really work as required.[[BR]]
    52 '''3.''' XSD validation messages available to the editor as alert controls – schematron error messages are already available via an additional icon. The JDOM elements involved in validation errors can be obtained through a callback on validation.[[BR]]
    53 '''4.''' No single editor can satisfy all users. An example of a plug-in GUI that replaces both the javascript layer and the XSLT layer used for the editor is the current Xforms based editor proposal (see [wiki:UserCentricGUI]). This editor runs external to GN (in Orbeon Xforms) and uses GN services to retrieve selected metadata documents plus editing information from GN's XSD parser, combined as a metadocument.[[BR]]
    55 Two services have been implemented in the BlueNetMEST sandbox:
     51'''2.''' Editor form is not submitted until 'save' or 'check' or a different tab is selected – this allows the 'reset' button to work more closely to what the user might expect.[[BR]]
     52'''3.''' XSD validation messages available to the editor as alert controls – schematron error messages are already available via an additional icon. The JDOM elements involved in XSD validation errors can be obtained through a callback and supplied to the editor to display alongside the appropriate elements.[[BR]]
     53'''4.''' Additional advanced editor/viewer tabs for ISO19139: It is possible to use the !GeoNetwork xslts in the advanced editor & viewer to some other views of the metadata record (ie. alternatives to the packages of metadata such as 'Identification'). The proposal is to add three additional tabs to the 'Advanced' editor/viewer for ISO19139:
     54 * Minimum - display only the elements that the standard says are mandatory
     55 * Core - display the elements that the standard says are the core elements for a geographic dataset
     56 * All - display all the elements in the metadata record in the order that they appear
     57Each of these tabs is intended to show a particular set of elements in the metadata record. In the case of Minimum and Core, if an element that either of these tabs expects to find is missing, then the viewer will say that the element is 'missing'.[[BR]]
     58'''5.''' No single editor can satisfy all users. An example of a plug-in GUI that replaces both the javascript layer and the XSLT layer used for the editor is the current Xforms based editor proposal (see [wiki:UserCentricGUI]). This editor runs external to GN (in Orbeon Xforms) and uses GN services to retrieve selected metadata documents plus editing information from GN's XSD parser, combined as a metadocument. Two services have been implemented in the BlueNetMEST sandbox that provide these metadocuments to support external editors:
    5760 * xml.metadocument.get?uuid=<uuid> - a service to retrieve the initial XML document plus XSD based editing information (a metadocument)
    6063=== Backwards Compatibility Issues ===
    62 Simple mode is set to disappear....
    6465== Risks ==