Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Adding

02/01/10 06:25:42 (15 years ago)

First shot of CAS proposal


  • Adding

    v1 v1  
     1= Proposal number : ? Proposal title : Login via CAS =
     3|| '''Date''' || 2010/02/01 ||
     4|| '''Contact(s)''' || Pierre Mauduit <pierre DOT mauduit AT camptocamp DOT com> ||
     5|| '''Last edited''' || [[Timestamp]] ||
     6|| '''Status''' || draft, in progress ||
     7|| '''Assigned to release''' || ? ||
     8|| '''Resources''' || ? ||
     10== Overview ==
     12[ CAS] is an external authentication system. The goal of this proposal is to allow a GN instance to use a CAS service in order to authenticate users.
     14When CAS is configured, the user would be asked to authenticate on the CAS webservice, then after a successful login onto the webapp, he would be redirected and automatically logged into GN. My current patch allows two things to be configured :
     16 * The default administrator user : The only information CAS will give us is the username. By testing it, we can determine who would be the GN administrator.
     17 * The default group : Once our users have been authentified onto CAS, GN would have to assign them a default group (RegisteredUser, ...).
     19=== Proposal Type ===
     20 * '''Type''': core functionality addition
     21 * '''App''': !GeoNetwork
     22 * '''Module''': Jeeves (session mechanisms), GN/Guiservices
     24=== Links ===
     29=== Voting History ===
     30 * None yet
     34== Motivations ==
     36The default behavior of GeoNetwork is to use a builtin database in order to store authentication credentials. Since there are some different auth mechanisms proposed (LDAP, Shibboleth ...), the goal of this proposal is to permit an external authentication with CAS, which could be configured to use a LDAP, PAM, MySQL or whatever supported by CAS.
     38== Proposal ==
     41=== Backwards Compatibility Issues ===
     43== Risks ==
     45== Participants ==
     46 * pmauduit