A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the first argument of string() (<download/>, <download/>) XPathException en metadata.show.embedded 05ae2521-9aee-4fcd-93d0-9fa5222fad3a 6d226011-edd9-4ec0-93ad-0374411dd6df 2011-05-18T11:57:18 ISO 19115:2003/19139 1.0 WGS 1984 test - livello serie The ISO19115 metadata standard is the preferred metadata standard to use. If unsure what templates to start with, use this one. thumbnail large_thumbnail World boundaries -180 180 -90 90 You can customize the template to suit your needs. You can add and remove fields and fill out default information (e.g. contact details). Fields you can not change in the default view may be accessible in the more comprehensive (and more complex) advanced view. You can even use the XML editor to create custom structures, but they have to be validated by the system, so know what you do :-) WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download OGC:WMS-1.1.1-http-get-map 62 iso19139 2011-05-18T11:57:18 2011-05-18T11:57:18 n <source>9617d3e3-83bf-455e-a1c3-d02957a5529e</source> <uuid>05ae2521-9aee-4fcd-93d0-9fa5222fad3a</uuid> <isHarvested>n</isHarvested> <popularity>0</popularity> <rating>0</rating> <displayOrder /> <view>true</view> <notify>true</notify> <download>true</download> <dynamic>true</dynamic> <featured>true</featured> <edit>true</edit> <owner>true</owner> <isPublishedToAll>false</isPublishedToAll> <ownername>peri</ownername> <valid>-1</valid> <baseUrl>http://web.rete.toscana.it:80/geonetwork</baseUrl> <locService>/srv/en</locService> </geonet:info> <geonet:element ref="1" parent="0" uuid="gmd:MD_Metadata_a58c669e-c49d-4537-b972-79d8b7c6b235" /> </gmd:MD_Metadata> </error>