= RFC 61 : Support for measured geometries = Author: Ari Jolma[[BR]] Contact: ari.jolma at gmail.com[[BR]] Status: Draft[[BR]] Implementation version: 2.1 or 2.2 == Summary == This RFC defines how to implement measured geometries (geometries, where the points have M coordinate, i.e., they are XYM or XYZM). == Rationale == M coordinate is in the OGC simple feature model and it is used in many vector data formats. == Changes == Changes are required into the C++ API and the C API needs to be enhanced. Several drivers need to be changed to take advantage of this enhancement but also due to the changes in the C++ API. === Common API === New OGRwkbGeometryType values are needed. SFSQL 1.2 and ISO SQL/MM Part 3 will be used, i.e., 2D type + 2000 for M and 2D type + 3000 for ZM. (Also types such as Tin and !PolyhedralSurface types can be added for completeness, even if unimplemented currently) On a more general note, there could be a path to using a clean set of values and have legacy support as an exception. I'm proposing to define aliases for legacy *25D values to have a uniform set of values. Are there any problems with that? Abstract types are defined and not part of the enum. {{{ // additions to enum OGRwkbGeometryType wkbPolyhedralSurface = 15,/**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbTIN = 16, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbPolyhedralSurfaceZ = 1015, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbTINZ = 1016, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbPointM = 2001, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbLineStringM = 2002, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbPolygonM = 2003, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbMultiPointM = 2004, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbMultiLineStringM = 2005, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbMultiPolygonM = 2006, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbGeometryCollectionM = 2007, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbCircularStringM = 2008, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbCompoundCurveM = 2009, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbCurvePolygonM = 2010, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbMultiCurveM = 2011, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbMultiSurfaceM = 2012, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbPolyhedralSurfaceM = 2015, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbTINM = 2016, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbPointZM = 3001, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbLineStringZM = 3002, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbPolygonZM = 3003, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbMultiPointZM = 3004, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbMultiLineStringZM = 3005, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbMultiPolygonZM = 3006, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbGeometryCollectionZM = 3007, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbCircularStringZM = 3008, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbCompoundCurveZM = 3009, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbCurvePolygonZM = 3010, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbMultiCurveZM = 3011, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbMultiSurfaceZM = 3012, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbPolyhedralSurfaceZM = 3015, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ wkbTINZM = 3016, /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ // define aliases #define wkbPointZ wkbPoint25D ... // define new abstract types (why? what's the difference to the enum values? - at least they do not need to be handled in switches) #define wkbCurveZ ((OGRwkbGeometryType)1013) /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ #define wkbSurfaceZ ((OGRwkbGeometryType)1014) /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ #define wkbCurveM ((OGRwkbGeometryType)2013) /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ #define wkbSurfaceM ((OGRwkbGeometryType)2014) /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ #define wkbCurveZM ((OGRwkbGeometryType)3013) /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ #define wkbSurfaceZM ((OGRwkbGeometryType)3014) /**< ISO SQL/MM Part 3. GDAL >= 2.1 */ }}} === C++ API === The property int nCoordinateDimension in class OGRGeometry will be replaced by int flags. It may have the following flags: {{{ #define OGR_G_NOT_EMPTY 0x1 #define OGR_G_3D 0x2 #define OGR_G_MEASURED 0x4 }}} Currently a hack to set nCoordDimension negative is used to denote an empty point. The removal of nCoordinateDimension may imply changes to drivers etc. which get or set it. The tests are {{{ IsEmpty = !(flags & OGR_G_NOT_EMPTY) Is3D = flags & OGR_G_3D IsMeasured = flags & OGR_G_MEASURED }}} The setters and getters are implemented with |= and &=. The !IsEmpty method is needed only in the base class but the emptiness needs to be managed in all classes. It needs to be decided but when any of these flags is set, the corresponding data becomes invalid and may be discarded. Keep the following methods with original semantics, i.e., coordinate dimension is 2 or 3, but deprecate. There is some discrepancy in documentation. Their documentation says that they may return zero for empty points while in ogrpoint.cpp it says that negative nCoordDimension values are used for empty points and the getCoordinateDimension method of point returns absolute value of nCoordDimension - thus not zero. {{{ int getCoordinateDimension(); void setCoordinateDimension(int nDimension); void flattenTo2D() }}} It is proposed to possibly add a new method to replace getCoordinateDimension. set3D and setMeasured would replace setCoordinateDimension and flattenTo2D. See below. class OGRGeometry: {{{ //Possibly add methods (SF Common Architecture): int Dimension(); // -1 for empty geometries (to denote undefined), 0 for points, 1 for curves, 2 for surfaces, max of components for collections char *GeometryType(); // calls OGRToOGCGeomType (which needs to be enhanced) //Add methods (SF Common Architecture) see above for implementation: int CoordinateDimension(); // 2 if not 3D and not measured, 3 if 3D or measured, 4 if 3D and measured OGRBoolean Is3D(); OGRBoolean IsMeasured(); //Add methods (non-standard, may cause internal changes, e.g., allocate memory for Z or M values; note the use of one method instead of second unset* method): virtual void set3D(OGRBoolean bIs3D); virtual void setMeasured(OGRBoolean bIsMeasured); //Add now or later methods: virtual OGRGeometry *LocateAlong(double mValue); virtual OGRGeometry *LocateBetween(double mStart, double mEnd); //Change the semantics of importPreambuleFromWkb: b3D is not used, the flags are managed within the method }}} int !CoordinateDimension() should have the new semantics. The method name in simple features documents actually is without prefix get. Whether set3D and setMeasured should affect the children geometries in a collection is an issue. Currently doc for setCoordinateDimension says "Setting the dimension of a geometry collection will affect the children geometries.", thus we have already committed to maintaining dimensions of children in collections. It is proposed that set3D and setMeasured either add or strip Z or M values to or from the geometry (including possible children). In general the strategy should be to follow the existing strategy regarding Z (i.e., to strip or add). Add property double m to class OGRPoint. Add constructor, getters, and setters for it. Add property double *padfM to class OGRSimpleCurve. Add constructor, getters, and setters for it. New setters with postfix M are needed for XYM data since the object may be upgraded to XYZ from XY in setters. Override methods set3D and setMeasured in those classes where setCoordinateDimension is overridden. === C API === ogr_core.h: {{{ OGRwkbGeometryType CPL_DLL OGR_GT_SetM( OGRwkbGeometryType eType ); int CPL_DLL OGR_GT_HasM( OGRwkbGeometryType eType ); }}} The current behavior is that calling !SetPoint on a point with coordinate dimension 2 upgrades the coordinate dimension 3. To keep 2D points 2D !SetPoint_2D must be used. Thus we need separate functions for M and ZM geometries. The proposal is to use postfixes M and ZM, i.e., !SetPointM, !SetPointZM. Similarly for !SetPoints and !AddPoint. !GetPoint and !GetPoints do not have a 2D version, so only *ZM version is needed. ogr_api.h: {{{ void CPL_DLL OGR_G_Is3D( OGRGeometryH ); void CPL_DLL OGR_G_IsMeasured( OGRGeometryH ); void CPL_DLL OGR_G_Set3D( OGRGeometryH, int ); void CPL_DLL OGR_G_SetMeasured( OGRGeometryH, int ); double CPL_DLL OGR_G_GetM( OGRGeometryH, int ); }}} ogr_p.h (This is public header, so new functions are needed) {{{ const char CPL_DLL * OGRWktReadPointsM( const char * pszInput, OGRRawPoint **ppaoPoints, double **ppadfZ, double **ppadfM, int * pnMaxPoints, int * pnReadPoints ); void CPL_DLL OGRMakeWktCoordinateM( char *, double, double, double, double, int ); // int = flags OGR_G_3D OGR_G_MEASURED // Change the semantics of OGRReadWKBGeometryType: b3D is not used and the returned eGeometryType may may any valid type }}} pggeometry.h is internal, so we can change the function prototype {{{ void OGRCreateFromMultiPatchPart(OGRMultiPolygon *poMP, OGRPolygon*& poLastPoly, int nPartType, int nPartPoints, double* padfX, double* padfY, double* padfZ, double* padfM); }}} === GEOS, filters, and other issues === When a geometry with measures is sent to GEOS or used as a filter the M coordinate is ignored. !LocateAlong and !LocateBetween are the only standard methods, which use M but there could be others, which for example get the extent of M. Such are not intended to be added now but they can be added later. == SWIG bindings (Python / Java / C# / Perl) changes == The new C API functions need to be exposed through swig. Further changes depend on whether the language bindings are aware of coordinates. At least Python and Perl are. == Drivers == Drivers that are probably affected by the C++ changes are at least (these use the !CoordinateDimension API) pg, mssqlspatial, sqlite, db2, mysql, gml, pgdump, geojson, libkml, gpkg, wasp, gpx, filegdb, vfk, bna, dxf. The now deprecated !CoordinateDimension API is proposed to be replaced with calls to *3D and *Measured. Once the support for M coordinates is in place the driver will advertise the support. Within the work of this RFC the support is built into shape and pg. Support for other drivers are left for further work. == Utilities == There is a minimum requirement and new possibilities. ogrinfo: report measured geom type, report measures ogr2ogr: support measured geom types ogrlineref: seems to deal specifically with measures, needs more thought gdal_rasterize: measure could be used for the burn-in value gdal_contour: measure could be used as the "elevation" value gdal_grid: measure could be used as the "Z" value == Documentation == All new methods/functions are documented. == Test Suite == At least the initial tests will be done with Perl unit tests (swi/perl/t/measures-*.t). Later autotest suite will be extended. Existing tests should not fail. == Compatibility Issues == Many drivers (actually datasets and layers) which support measures need to have the support added. Support should be advertised using {{{ #define ODsCMeasuredGeometries "MeasuredGeometries" #define OLCMeasuredGeometries "MeasuredGeometries" }}} ICreateLayer, which all drivers that have create layer capability implement, have geometry type as an argument. The method should call CPLError() with CPLE_NotSupported and return NULL if the driver does not support measures. Similarly for ICreateFeature and ISetFeature. There is a question whether the user-oriented API functions (!CreateLayer, !CreateFeature, and !SetFeature) should (silently) strip out the measures before continuing to the I* methods. This (side effect) may not be what is wanted in some usage scenarios but it would follow the pattern of what is already done with non linear geometries. An alternative would be to store M value(s) (or WKT or WKB) as attribute (scalar or vector, depending on the geometry type). Needs a decision. == Related tickets == https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/6063 https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/6331 == Implementation == The implementation will be done by Ari Jolma. The proposed implementation will be in https://github.com/ajolma/GDAL-XYZM == Voting history