= RFC 24: GDAL Progressive Data Support = Author: Norman Barker, Frank Warmerdam[[BR]] Contact: nbarker@ittvis.com, warmerdam@pobox.com[[BR]] Status: Development == Summary == Provide an interface for asynchronous/streaming data access in GDAL. The initial implementation is for JPIP, but should be generic enough to apply to other streaming / progressive approaches. Background on the JPIP (Kakadu) implementation can be found in [wiki:rfc24_jpipkak]. == Interfaces == === GDALAsyncRasterIO === This new class is intended to represent an active asynchronous raster imagery request. The request includes information on a source window on the dataset, a target buffer size (implies level of decimation or replication), the buffer type, buffer interleaving, data buffer and bands being requested. Essentially the same sort of information that is passed in a GDALDataset::!RasterIO() request. The !GetNextUpdatedRegion() method can be used to wait for an update to the imagery buffer, and to find out what area was updated. The !LockBuffer() and !UnlockBuffer() methods can be used to temporarily disable updates to the buffer while application code accesses the buffer. While an implementation of the simple accessors is provided as part of the class, it is intended that the class be subclassed as part of implementation of a particular driver, and custom implementations of !GetNextUpdatedRegion(), !LockBuffer() and !UnlockBuffer() provided. {{{ class CPL_DLL GDALAsyncRasterIO { protected: GDALDataset* poDS; int nXOff; int nYOff; int nXSize; int nYSize; void * pBuf; int nBufXSize; int nBufYSize; GDALDataType eBufType; int nBandCount; int* panBandMap; int nPixelSpace; int nLineSpace; int nBandSpace; long nDataRead; public: GDALAsyncRasterIO(GDALDataset* poDS = NULL); virtual ~GDALAsyncRasterIO(); GDALDataset* GetGDALDataset() {return poDS;} int GetXOffset() {return nXOff;} int GetYOffset() {return nYOff;} int GetXSize() {return nXSize;} int GetYSize() {return nYSize;} void * GetBuffer() {return pBuf;} int GetBufferXSize() {return nBufXSize;} int GetBufferYSize() {return nBufYSize;} GDALDataType GetBufferType() {return eBufType;} int GetBandCount() {return nBandCount;} int* GetBandMap() {return panBandMap;} int GetPixelSpace() {return nPixelSpace;} int GetLineSpace() {return nLineSpace;} int GetBandSpace() {return nBandSpace;} virtual GDALAsyncStatusType GetNextUpdatedRegion(int nTimeout, int* pnBufXOff, int* pnBufYOff, int* pnBufXSize, int* pnBufXSize) = 0; virtual void LockBuffer() = 0; virtual void UnlockBuffer() = 0; friend class GDALDataset; }; }}} ==== !GetNextUpdatedRegion() ==== {{{ GDALAsyncStatusType GDALAsyncRasterio::GetNextUpdatedRegion(int nTimeout, int* pnBufXOff, int* pnBufYOff, int* pnBufXSize, int* pnBufXSize); int nTimeout; The amount of time to wait for results measured in milliseconds. If this is zero available work may be processed but no waiting for the arrival of more imagery should be done. Processing available imagery may still take an arbitrary amount of time. int *pnBufXOff, *pnBufYOff, *pnBufXSize, *pnBufYSize; The window of data updated within the async io imagery buffer is returned in these variables. This information can be used to limit screen redraws or other processing to the portion of the imagery that may have changed. }}} The async return status list is as follows, and will be declared in gdal.h. {{{ typedef enum { GARIO_PENDING = 0, GARIO_UPDATE = 1, GARIO_ERROR = 2, GARIO_COMPLETE = 3, GARIO_TypeCount = 4 } GDALAsyncStatusType; }}} The meaning as a return value is: * GARIO_PENDING: No imagery was altered in the buffer, but there is still activity pending, and the application should continue to call GetNextUpdatedRegion() as time permits. * GARIO_UPDATE: Some of the imagery has been updated, but there is still activity pending. * GARIO_ERROR: Something has gone wrong. The asynchronous request should be ended. * GARIO_COMPLETE: An update has occured and there is no more pending work on this request. The request should be ended and the buffer used. === GDALDataset === The GDALDataset class is extended with methods to create an asynchronous reader, and to cleanup the asynchronous reader. It is intended that these methods would be subclassed by drivers implementing asynchronous data access. {{{ virtual GDALAsyncRasterIO* BeginAsyncRasterIO(int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, void *pBuf, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, int nBandCount, int* panBandMap, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace, char **papszOptions); virtual void EndAsyncRasterIO(GDALAsyncRasterIO *); }}} It is expected that as part of gdal/gcore a default !GDALAsyncRasterIO implementation will be provided that just uses GDALDataset::!RasterIO() to perform the request as a single blocking request. However, this default implementation will ensure that applications can use the asynchronous interface without worrying whether a particular format will actually operate asynchronously. === GDALDriver === In order to provide a hint to applications whether particular formats support asynchronous IO, we will add a new metadata item on the GDALDriver of implementing formats. The metadata item will be "DCAP_ASYNCIO" (macro GDAL_DCAP_ASYNCIO) and will have the value "YES" if asynchronous IO is available. Implementing drivers will do something like this in their driver setup code: {{{ poDriver->SetMetadataItem( GDAL_DCAP_ASYNCIO, "YES" ); }}} === GDALRasterBand === There are no changes to the GDALRasterBand interface for asynchronous raster IO. Asynchronous IO requests can only be made at the dataset level, not the band. === CPLHTTPFetch() === The initial JPIPKAK implementation of asynchronous IO requests will use !CPLHTTPFetch() for the JPIP network transport of requests. This will require two improvements to the implementation without changing the call sequence. 1. A new boolean option can be passed in the options list called "PERSISTENT". When it is true (ie. value "YES") persistent connection handle will be used. 2. A new option named "HEADERS" can be used to send an additional header in the HTTP request. The JPIPKAK driver will pass accept headers this way. === C API === The following C API wrappers for the C++ classes and methods will be added. Note that at this time there is no intention to provide C wrappers for all the GDALAsyncRasterIO accessors since the provided information is already available in the application from the call launching the async io. {{{ typedef void *GDALAsyncRasterIOH; GDALAsyncStatusType CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL GDALGetNextUpdatedRegion(GDALAsyncRasterIOH hARIO, int nTimeout, int* pnXBufOff, int* pnYBufOff, int* pnXBufSize, int* pnYBufSize ); void CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL GDALLockBuffer(GDALAsyncRasterIOH hARIO); void CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL GDALUnlockBuffer(GDALAsyncRasterIOH hARIO); GDALAsyncRasterIOH CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL GDALBeginAsyncRasterIO(GDALDatasetH hDS, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, void *pBuf, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, int nBandCount, int* panBandMap, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace, char **papszOptions); void CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL GDALEndAsyncRasterIO(GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALAsyncRasterIOH hAsynchRasterIOH); }}} === SWIG === It is intended that all the above functions in the C API will be wrapped for SWIG.