= GDAL Tracker and Wiki = This Trac instance is used for bug, enhancement & task tracking, a user and developer wiki, and a view into the subversion code repository of [http://www.gdal.org/ GDAL] project. To edit the wiki pages and bug/enhancement/task tickets you'll need to login with an [http://www.osgeo.org/osgeo_userid OSGeo Userid]. Read the TracGuide for details about how the site works. == Bug Tracking == * [/newticket Submit a new bug report] (you need to [http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/login login] with an [http://www.osgeo.org/osgeo_userid OSGeo Userid]) * [query:status!=closed&type=defect&order=id&desc=1 List Open Bugs] * [query:status!=closed&type=enhancement&order=id&desc=1,compact List Open Enhancement Requests] == User Wiki == * [wiki:FAQ] * [NewsAndStatus News and Status Reports] * [LicensingIssues Licensing Issues] * [GovernanceAndCommunity Governance and Community Participation] * [DownloadSource Source Downloads] * [DownloadingGdalBinaries Downloading] ready to use executables. * [SoftwareUsingGdal Software Using GDAL] * CodeSnippets - code snippets and GDAL usage examples (feel free to add interesting samples) * [UserDocs Additional notes on GDAL and OGR utilities] * [http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/presentations Presentation(s)] * ConfigOptions - details on available GDAL/OGR configuration options and how they work. * [SecurityIssues Security issues] == Developer Wiki == * BuildHints - building GDAL from source for various systems, with support of various data formats * [RfcList RFC] (Request For Comment) List * [wiki:Buildbot Automated builds] - GDAL compilation and testing farms * Google Summer of Code [wiki:SummerOfCode Ideas] and [wiki:SoCProjects Projects] * [wiki:Sponsorship] * TestingNotes - gdalautotest, etc. * HowToContribute * [wiki:ReviewerChecklist Reviewer check-list] * [wiki:SummerOfCode Google Summer of Code] * [wiki:GDAL20Changes]: Large and small changes we might make on a major release * [wiki:MeasuredGeometriesInDrivers]: Working page for problems in & solutions for drivers regarding geometries with measures == GDAL/OGR In Other Languages == There is a set of generic [http://www.swig.org/ SWIG] interface files in the GDAL source tree (subdirectory swig) and a set of language bindings based on those. Currently active ones are [GdalOgrInCsharp CSharp], [GdalOgrInJava Java], [GdalOgrInPerl Perl], and [GdalOgrInPython Python]. The SWIG bindings for PHP and [GdalOgrInRuby Ruby] are out of date. There are also other bindings that are developed outside of the GDAL source tree. These include bindings for [https://github.com/lukeroth/gdal Go],[GdalOgrInLua Lua], [https://github.com/naturalatlas/node-gdal Node.js], [http://dl.maptools.org/dl/php_ogr/php_ogr_documentation.html PHP], [http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rgdal/index.html R] (rgdal in !SourceForge is out of date), [GdalOgrInTcl Tcl]. There are also more Pythonic ways of using the vector/OGR functions with [https://github.com/Toblerity/Fiona Fiona] and the raster/GDAL ones with [https://github.com/mapbox/rasterio Rasterio] (note: those offer APIs not strictly coupled the GDAL/OGR C/C++ API) == Releases == * [wiki:Release/2.2.1-News] * [wiki:Release/2.1.4-News] * [wiki:Release/2.2.0-News] * [wiki:Release/2.1.3-News] * [wiki:Release/2.1.2-News] * [wiki:Release/2.1.1-News] * [wiki:Release/2.0.3-News] * [wiki:Release/1.11.5-News] * [wiki:Release/2.1.0-News] * [wiki:Release/2.0.2-News] * [wiki:Release/1.11.4-News] * [wiki:Release/2.0.1-News] * [wiki:Release/1.11.3-News] * [wiki:Release/2.0.0-News] * [wiki:Release/1.11.2-News] * [wiki:Release/1.11.1-News] * [wiki:Release/1.11.0-News] ---- For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.