= Vagrant = [http://www.vagrantup.com/ Vagrant] is a tool that works together with [https://www.virtualbox.org/ VirtualBox] to create reproducable developement environment. GDAL now includes a Vagrant configuration file that setups a Ubuntu Precise 64bit virtual machine, install all needed dependencies (quite comprehensively, except proprietary ones), and build GDAL. 1. Download and install [https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads VirtualBox]. 2. Download and install [http://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html Vagrant]. 3. Download GDAL sources : {{{ svn co https://svn.osgeo.org/gdal/trunk gdal }}} 4. Execute the vagrant configuration: {{{ cd gdal/gdal vagrant up }}} 5. Wait for the base virtual machine to be downloaded the first time, then complementary packages to be downloaded, then GDAL dependencies to be built, then GDAL sources from being fetched again, then GDAL from being compiled and installed... 6. Log to the gdal-vagrant virtual machine: {{{ vagrant ssh }}} 7. Run any GDAL command : {{{ gdalinfo --version }}} 8. Hack GDAL... {{{ cd gdal/gdal [ modify files ] make sudo make install }}}