
Version 2 (modified by faza, 9 years ago) ( diff )


Integration of GDAL Utilities into GDAL Core library

Authors: Faza Mahamood
Contact: fazamhd at gmail dot com
Status: Development


The aim of the project is to integrate all the functionality of GDAL utilities into GDAL core library and update the swig bindings so that the utility functions can be called from other languages without the need to make system call.

Project Plan

[may 25 - may 29] Librarify gdalinfo

Define the struct and write the set functions for the attributes. Remove any exit(), global variables, etc from the code.

[may 30 - june 1] Creation of the separate library in linux

[june 2 - june 3] Update the utility code to call the librarified function

[june 4 - june 9] Write the swig bindings for other languages(python, perl, etc)

[june 10 - june 15] Write tests

Update tests in gdalautotest. The new library code should be checked for memory leak using Valgrind.

[june 16 - july 25] Proceed with other GDAL Utilities

[july 26 - aug 17] Proceed with OGR Utilities

[aug 18 - aug 24] pending tasks and improve documentation


link to GSoC proposal

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