= The `gdal_merge` utility = ''A python script to mosaic a set of images'' ''The official documentation for gdal_merge is at http://www.gdal.org/gdal_merge.html.'' gdal_merge.py uses nearest neighbour resampling. If you want control over the resampling used, you should use gdalwarp instead. == {Win} Are there other ways of getting a list of images into gdal_merge without putting them all on the command line? == Method 1, use `--optfile` The text file is a directory list created in Windows by typing `dir /b /s *.tif > 31_input_list.txt` {{{ python gdal_merge.py -n 0 -v -o mosaic_31.tif --optfile 31_input_list.txt }}} Method 2, use a batch file wrapper, see attached.