= Discussing this Trac instance = ''"conversations about conversations"'' It's not always clear how a certain page or even the site as a whole should be edited or brought up to date. In those cases it's helpful to have a discussion about it somewhere other than the page itself, this is that place. == Site Suggestions == === Tickets === * For emailed ticket notifications, it would be nice to have the '''ticket trac url at the beginning of the message''' as well as the end * the '''attach limit too small'''. It can be very hard to come up with a sample data set which demonstrates a raster bug and fits under the current 256kb limit. === Wiki === I (maphew) started '''a UserDocs subwiki to more easily track which pages are for end users and which for developers''' (in the TitleIndex all user docs will be grouped together, e.g. !UserDocs/HowTo/MosiacAndClip). It would be logical to extend that to DevDocs (and perhaps TracDocs for the as shipped docs) but I don't know if that fits with what everyone else is comfortable with. It does mean more typing if you have to prefix ''every'' page link. I'm not familiar with trac, maybe there is a better method to easily separate groups of pages; a tagging plugin for instance(?). Continuing on the user docs theme, '''how do we integrate the shipping docs with wiki docs?''' [/gdal/doxygen/gdalwarp.html gdalwarp.html] is a good quick reference man page, but many people could benefit from more examples. Do we create a wiki UserDocs/GdalwarpExamples or ...? Another example, the ''Projects using GDAL'' section from [/gdal/doxygen] is now out of sync with SoftwareUsingGDAL. How to reconcile/merge them?