== Basic rules for reporters == 1. Keep it simple. A reader should be able to get an idea whether GDAL compiles in his/her environment or not. If yes, which '''external''' drivers and bindings will work for sure. 1. If you encountered a problem on some platform don't put the full description here. Just mention it and add a link to appropriate bug report in "Notes" section. 1. If you have some advises, bug workarounds, extended notes etc. don't put it here but rather create a separate Wiki page and put a link in "Notes" section. 1. There are plenty of options in GDAL building with some third-party library. You can use the library from your operating system distribution, you can compile it yourself, you can get the binaries from library developers, you can use various versions of the library etc. It is not possible to cover every possible combination, so report how GDAL works with the library from your OS distro by default. If you have a reason to use 3rd party library from other source describe it in "Notes" section. 1. Some information on running the autotest suite is available in the TestingNotes. == Platforms == === Intel 32-bit === || OS/compiler || External drivers enabled || Bindings enabled || Autotest results || Notes || || Linux Debian Lenny/gcc 4.3.2 || PNG, JPEG, GIF, HDF4, HDF5, JasPer, ECW, SQLite || Python || Passed || --with-libtiff=internal (see #2668 and [http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/TIFF TIFF]) and PROJ.4 v.3.6.1 (see [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2008-November/019080.html] and #2706) required to pass the test suite. || || Linux MSVS 3.0 (kernel 2.4.32-vniins42/glibc 2.1.3-MCBC/gcc 2.95.4-MCBC) || PNG, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, KML(Expat) || Python || Can't run || || || Windows XP SP3 MS Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition || HDF4, HDF5 || None || not run || see [http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/FAQInstallationAndBuilding#CanIbuildGDALwithMSVisualC2008ExpressEdition] || === Intel 64-bit === || OS/compiler || External drivers enabled || Bindings enabled || Autotest results || Notes || || Linux Debian Lenny/gcc 4.3.2 || PNG, JPEG, HDF4, HDF5, JasPer, MrSID (DSDK v., SQLite || Python || Not passed (see #2718) || --with-libtiff=internal (see #2668 and [http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/TIFF TIFF]) and PROJ.4 v.3.6.1 (see [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2008-November/019080.html] and #2706) required to pass the test suite. || == Bindings == * C# / Win32 * warmerdam: beta1 (continuous), buildbot (vc71, vc8, etc), build and autotests are fine. * C# / Linux-mono * warmerdam: beta1 (continuous), buildbot telascience-full, build and autotests are fine. * Python Win32 / (indicate Python version, NG vs. OG, install method) * no reports * Python Unix-like / (indicate Python version, NG vs. OG, install method) * Perl Win32 * Perl Unix-like * Java * Ruby == Drivers == For driver testing give a brief sense of what testing was done, what platform, and if appropriate what version of external libraries was used. Mostly we list "problem drivers" or very new drivers. === Raster (GDAL) === * HDF4 * HDF5 * ECW * JP2KAK * MrSID * NITF (needs testing on exotic files) * NetCDF * GRIB * WCS * WMS * Other === Vector (OGR) === * OCI (Oracle) * KML * GML * GRASS * MapInfo (tab and midmif) * DODS * PG (Postgres/PostGIS) * warmerdam: AMD64 Linux - autotest passes * Informix * Ingres * Other