Changes between Version 29 and Version 30 of SummerOfCode

Mar 12, 2010, 5:39:40 PM (14 years ago)

copy 2009 ideas to 2010 and trim out no longer applicable ideas, and add a few.


  • SummerOfCode

    v29 v30  
    88Google will be sponsoring another [ Summer of Code] for 2010.
    10 Below are a few ideas from previous years.
     101. '''OpenEV2''': [ OpenEV] is a GUI tool for efficient displaying and analyzing geospatial data formats supported by GDAL/OGR (including GeoTIFF, MrSID, ECW, .. ESRI Shape files, ..), it is able to convert between file formats, reproject, crop, display by OpenGL a 3D terrain based on elevation from DEM files on Linux, Windows and Mac. Have a look at [ screenshots] or [ try it]. It has almost finished port to GTK 2.0 and GDAL python-ng which needs a bit of work, packaging and improvement, more info at [ OpenEV2 updated post]. Knowledge: Python, GNU tools, GTK 2.0, Linux and partly C, C++.
     122. '''PNG Driver''': Implement efficient PNG driver using libPNG with support for optimization of PNG images exported by GDAL (info: [ tutorial] + [ png driver]). You can reuse existing open-source [ NeuQuant algorithm] for RGBA and RGB export. [ NeuQuant] is easy-to-use practical demonstration of power of the Kohonen Neural Networks. It's source code can be included into GDAL from [ original implementation of the algorithm] and/or from [ pngnq utility]. There are also other open-source tools implementing optimization of PNG which can be reused ([ AdvPNG], [ OptiPNG], [ PNGcrush]) or can be a source of inspiration ([ PNGOut]). Result should be an improved PNG driver for GDAL together with color quantization functions which will produce png files with optimized file-size. Result of this work is going to be usable in MapServer, GRASS, MapTiler and other GDAL-based projects. Knowledge: C, C++
     143. '''ODBC Driver''': Implement write support for the ODBC driver and include support for MSSQL2008 spatial database. The current ODBC driver should be extended to create or transfer spatial data into the ODBC data sources like Microsoft SQL Server. The driver must have built-in support to auto create the XMIN, YMIN, XMAX and YMAX shape envelope values for the non-spatial databases and the spatial index for the MSSQL2008 spatial databases. (info: []). Result of this work is going to be usable in any project using the OGR libraries. Knowledge: C, C++, MSSQL2008 Spatial
     164. '''OGR SQL .NET Data Provider''': Implement a .NET Data Provider inteface for the OGR SQL API. This sample application would allow the user to use OgrSqlDataAdapter to read the result of an OGR SQL query into a DataSet which could be used as the datasource of the bindable .NET controls. The provider would also support transactions and batch queries and read the multiple results into multiple data tables within the same DataSet. The OgrSqlDataReader would provide a convenient way to retrieve the records sequentially for the user. (info: []). Result of this work would go to the sample application section of the C# interface. Knowledge: C#, .NET Framework Class Libraries
     185. '''OGR WFS read (or read/write) driver''' using existing OGR GML driver for feature parsing.
     19 * [ OGC WFS Specification]
     20 * [ The OpenGIS Web Feature Service (WFS) Implementation Specification]
     21 * [ OGR Driver Tutorial]
     236. '''Develop a driver for IBM DB2 and its Spatial Extender'''
     24 * [ DB2 Spatial Extender]
     267. '''GDAL_CALC.PY''' - Development of a simple raster calculator based on Python+GDAL. Use sample:
     27    % gdal_calc a=img1.tif b=img2.tif c=img3.tif -calc c=((a+b)/2)
     298. '''Multithreading''' - Work to make GDAL and/or OGR threadsafe, and develop a test suite to validate.
     31''or your own ideas..''
    1233== 2009 Ideas List ==