= GSoC Candidate Projects for 2009 = * [http://socghop.appspot.com/student_proposal/review/google/gsoc2009/klokan/t123852026255 GDAL2Tiles/MapTiler and OGC WMTS] * Student: Klokan Petr Přidal * [http://socghop.appspot.com/student_proposal/review/google/gsoc2009/kedron/t123878351778 gdal2ogr conversion API + utility] * Student: Kedron Touvell * [http://socghop.appspot.com/student_proposal/review/google/gsoc2009/sprice/t123846971824 GPU accelerated imagery resampling] * Student: Seth Price * [http://socghop.appspot.com/student_proposal/review/google/gsoc2009/jorgearevalo/t123868899609 GDAL WMTS Implementation] * Student: Jorge Arevalo * [http://socghop.appspot.com/student_proposal/review/google/gsoc2009/jorgearevalo/t123868136001 PostGIS / WKT Raster driver] * Student: Jorge Arevalo * [http://socghop.appspot.com/student_proposal/review/google/gsoc2009/jorgearevalo/t123868046568 GDAL improved PNG driver] * Student: Jorge Arevalo * [http://socghop.appspot.com/student_proposal/review/google/gsoc2009/wendys/t123838503743 Implementing an Efficient PNG driver in GDAL] * Student: Wendy Stevenson = Google Summer of Code Projects for 2008 = * [wiki:SoCTMSDriver]: Read/Write driver for TMS tiles * Student: Václav Klusák * Mentor: Frank Warmerdam * [wiki:SoCGDAL2Tiles]: GDAL2Tiles Improvements * Student: Klokan Petr Přidal * Mentor: Howard Butler = Google Summer of Code Projects for 2007 = * [wiki:SoCTileDriver]: GDAL Raster Driver for PNG/JPG Tile Structure + gdal2tiles utility * Student: Petr Přidal * Mentor: Howard Butler * [wiki:SoCKMLRead]: KML read support for the existing driver * Student: Jens Oberender * Mentor: Mateusz Loskot * [wiki:SoCWMSDriver]: OGC WMS GDAL driver * Student: Adam Nowacki * Mentor: Daniel Morissette ---- * [wiki:SoCSignalProcessor]: A Synthetic Aperture RADAR Processor using GDAL (cancelled) * Student: Philippe Vachon * Mentor: Frank Warmerdam