= GDAL/OGR 2.1.1 Release Notes = The 2.1.1 release is a bug fix release. == Build == * Unix: Fix compilation in std=c++11 mode with Ubuntu 16.04 (#6490) * Unix: fix libqhull include path when it is /usr/local/include/libqhull (#6522) * Fix build failure on Solaris 11 on MRF driver (#6559) == Port == * Export VSICreateCachedFile() as CPL_DLL so as to enable building JP2KAK as a plugin (https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/126) * Unix filesystem: make error message about failed open to report the filename (#6545) * Fix VSIErrorV() buffer reallocation (#6545) == GDAL algorithms == * Fix GDAL_CG_Create() to call GDALContourGenerator::Init() (#6491) * GDALContourGenerate(): handle the case where the nodata value is NaN (#6519) * GDALGridCreate(): fix hang in multi-threaded case when pfnProgress is NULL or GDALDummyProgress (#6552) * GDAL contour: fix incorrect oriented contour lines in some rare cases (#6563) == GDAL Core == * DIMAP/Pleiades metadata reader: take into tiling to properly shift RPC (#6293) == Utilities == * gdal_polygonize.py: explicitly set output layer geometry type to be polygon (#6530) * gdalwarp: do not densify cutlines by default when CUTLINE_BLEND_DIST is used (#6507) == GDAL drivers == ASRP driver: * fix georeferencing of polar arc zone images (#6560) ECW driver: * Add configuration option ECW_ALWAYS_UPWARD=TRUE/FALSE to work around issues with "Downward" oriented images (#6516) GTiff driver: * fix RasterIO() reported when downsampling a RGBA JPEG compressed TIFF file (#6943) * Internal libtiff: fix 1.11 regression that prevents from reading one-strip files that have no StripByteCounts tag (#6490) ISCE driver: * fix computation of line offset for multi-band BIP files, and warn if detecting a wrong file produced by GDAL 2.1.0 (#6556) JP2KAK driver: * add support for Kakadu v7.8 (https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/138) MRF driver: * Fix plugin building (#6498) * Fix crashes on MRF using JPEG or PNG crashes due to dandling pointer (#6554) * Fix crashes when NoData is set after create (#6555) PostgisRaster driver: * fix potential crash when one tile has a lower number of bands than the max of the table (fixes #6267) SAFE driver: * fix handling of SLC Products by providing access to measurements as subdatasets (#6514) VRT driver: * avoid useless floating point values in SrcRect / DstRect (#6568) == OGR core == * Fix assertion in OGRGeometryFactory::GetCurveParmeters() on degnerated CIRCULARSTRING (#6553) * Fix crash/corrupted values when running importFromWkb() on POLYGON M/POLYGON ZM geometries (#6562) == OGRSpatialReference == * importFromESRI(): fix import of multi line MERCATOR SRS (#6523) * morphToESRI(): correctly compute standard_parallel_1 of Mercator(2SP) projection from scale factor of Mercator(1SP) (#6456, #4861) == OGR utilities == * ogr2ogr: keep -append and -overwrite when -update follows (backport trunk r34341) * ogr2ogr: do not return error on ogr2ogr --utility_version (backport of trunk r34340) * ogr2ogr: fix heuristics to detect likely absence of '-f' (#6561) == OGR drivers == CartoDB driver: * fix CartoDB'fication() by removing manual creation of the_geom_webmercator mercator, and also attach created sequence to table.cartodb_id (#6565) GeoJSON driver: * fix field type detection when first value of a field is null (#6517) * ESRI Json reader: do not set field width of 2147483647 (#6529) * fix wrong behaviour when there's a 'id' at Feature level and 'id' or 'ID' field in properties (#6538) * in case top level id is a negative integer, put the value in a 'id' attribute (#6538) LIBKML driver: * fix crash when reading or elements (#6518) MITAB driver: * limit (width, precision) of numeric fields on creation to (20,16) for compatibility with MapInfo (#6392) MSSQLSpatial driver: * Fix MSSQL bulk insert with table names containing spaces (#6527) NAS driver: * support multiple 'anlass' in updates (cherry picked from r34461) OpenFileGDB driver: * transcode UTF-16 strings found in column names, alias, etc... to UTF-8 (instead of using only their ASCII byte) (#6544) * do not error out on geometries that have a declared M array but that is missing (#6528) * do not emit an error on a empty table whose declaration has M settings (#6564) PG driver: * fix insertion of binary/bytea content in non-copy mode (#6566) ROI_PAC driver: * add support for reading/writing .flg files (#6504) S57 driver: * Fix ogr2ogr -S57 (#6549) VFK driver: * recreate DB automatically when it's outdated (#6511) VRT driver: * add support for 'm' attribute in PointFromColumns mode (#6505) SOSI driver: * make registration of driver work again (2.1 regression) (#6500) * Update to latest version of ​https://github.com/kartverket/gdal. Make SOSI driver support more geometry types (including curved geometries) plus provides some improvements on attribute-type mapping. Fix some memory errors/leaks. Disable by default non working creation code (#6503) WFS driver: * invalidate underlying layer when SetIgnoredFields() is called (QGIS #15112) == Perl bindings == * Fix GetGeomFieldIndex() * Fix Dataset.Warp (#6521)