= GDAL/OGR 2.0 Release Notes = == In a nutshell... == * New GDAL drivers: - BPG: read-only driver for Better Portable Graphics format (experimental, no build support) - GPKG: read/write/update capabilities in the unified raster/vector driver - KEA: read/write driver for KEA format - PLMosaic: read-only driver for Planet Labs Mosaics API - ROI_PAC: read/write driver for image formats of JPL's ROI_PAC project (#5776) - VICAR: read-only driver for VICAR format * New OGR drivers: - Cloudant: read/write driver for Cloudant service - CSW: read-only driver for OGC CSW (Catalog Service for the Web) protocol - JML: read/write driver for OpenJUMP .jml format - PLScenes: read-only driver for Planet Labs Scenes API - Selaphin: read/write driver for the Selaphin/Seraphin format (#5442) * Significantly improved drivers: CSV, GPKG, GTiff, JP2OpenJPEG, MapInfo file, PG, SQLite * RFC 31: OGR 64bit Integer Fields and FIDs (trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc31_ogr_64) In OGR core, OGR SQL, Shapefile, PG, PGDump, GeoJSON, CSV, GPKG, SQLite, MySQL, OCI, MEM, VRT, JML, GML, WFS, CartoDB, XLSX, ODS, MSSQLSpatial, OSM, LIBKML, MITAB * RFC 46: GDAL/OGR unification ( http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc46_gdal_ogr_unification) - GDAL and OGR PDF drivers are unified into a single one - GDAL and OGR PCIDSK drivers are unified into a single one * RFC 49: Add support for curve geometries (http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc49_curve_geometries) In OGR core, and GML, NAS, PostgreSQL, PGDUMP, GPKG, SQLite, VFK, VRT, Interlis drivers * RFC 50: Add support for OGR field subtypes (http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc50_ogr_field_subtype) In OGR core, OGR SQL, swig bindings, CSV, FileGDB, GeoJSON, GML, GPKG, OpenFileGDB, PG, PGDump, SQLite, VRT * RFC 51: RasterIO() improvements : resampling and progress callback (http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc51_rasterio_resampling_progress) * RFC 52: Stricter SQL quoting (http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc52_strict_sql_quoting) * RFC 53: OGR not-null constraints and default values (http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc53_ogr_notnull_default) In OGR core, OGR SQL, PG, PGDump, CartoDB, GPKG, SQLite, MySQL, OCI, VRT, GML, WFS, FileGDB, OpenFileGDB and MSSQLSpatial * RFC 54: Dataset transactions (https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc54_dataset_transactions) In PG, GPKG, SQLite, FileGDB and MSSQLSpatial * RFC 55: refined SetFeature() and DeleteFeature() semantics. In GPKG, Shape, MySQL, OCI, SQLite, FileGDB, PG, CartoDB, MITAB and MSSQL * RFC 56: OFTTime/OFTDateTime millisecond accuracy ( https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc56_millisecond_precision ) * RFC 57: 64bit histogram bucket count ( https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc57_histogram_64bit_count ) * Upgrade to EPSG v8.5 database * Fix locale related issues when formatting or reading floating point numbers (#5731) == New installed files == * data/gdalvrt.xsd: XML schema of the GDAL VRT format == Backward compatibility issues == See https://svn.osgeo.org/gdal/branches/2.0/gdal/MIGRATION_GUIDE.TXT == GDAL/OGR 2.0 - General Changes == Build(Unix): * Fix for cpl_recode_iconv.cpp compilation error on freebsd 10 (#5452) * Fix pthread detection for Android * Fix in Armadillo detection test (#5455) * Fix detection of OCI by changing linking order to please modern GCC (#5550) * Fix test to accept MariaDB 10.X as valid MySQL (#5722) * Make sure $(GDAL_INCLUDE) is first to avoid being confused by GDAL headers of a previous version elsewhere in the include path (#5664) * Always use stat rather than stat64 for Mac OSX in AC_UNIX_STDIO_64. (#5780, #5414). * Add support for ECW SDK 5.1 (#5390) * Do not enable Python bindings if PYTHON env variable is set without --with-python being explicitly specified (#5956) Build(Windows): * PDF: fix compilation issue with Visual Studio 2012 (#5744) * PDF: Add support to compile the pdf driver as plugin (#5813) * Add support for MrSID 9.1 SDK (#5814) * when building netCDF, HDF4, HDF5 as plugins, call registration of 'sub-drivers' GMT, HDF4Image and HDF5Image (#5802) Build(all): * Ruby bindings: disable autoconf and makefile support (#5880) * Fix compilation errors with json-c 0.12 (#5449) * Fix compilation error in alg/gdalgrid.cpp when AVX is available, but not SSE (#5566) == GDAL 2.0 - Overview of Changes == Port: * Introduce a more generic lock API (recursive mutex, adaptive mutex, spinlock) * Add types for CPLMutex, CPLCond and CPLJoinableThread (only enforced in -DDEBUG mode) * Add CPLGetPhysicalRAM() and CPLGetUsablePhysicalRAM() * CPLSpawn() on Windows: quote arguments with spaces in them (#5469) * /vsigzip/: avoid infinite loop when reading broken .gml.gz file (#5486) * /vsizip/ : fix bug that caused premature end of file condition with some read patterns (#5530) * /vsizip/ on >4GB zips: accept .zip declare 0 disks (#5615) * /vsitar/: remove useless validation test that prevents from opening valid .tar files (#5864) * /vsistdout/: add VSIStdoutSetRedirection() for compatibility with MapServer FCGI (https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/pull/4858) * /vsimem/: update st_mtime and return it with Stat() * /vsimem/: in update mode, when seeking after end of file, only extend it if a write is done * /vsimem/: Make Rename() on a directory also rename filenames under that directory (#5934) * /vsicurl/: avoid reading after end-of-file and fix failure when reading more than 16MB in a single time (#5786) * Allow CPL_VSIL_CURL_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS to be set to special value {noext} * VSIWin32Handle::Flush(): no-op implementation is sufficient to offer same guarantee as POSIX fflush() (#5556) * Unix VSIL: reset eof in all cases in Seek() * Windows plugins: complementary fix to #5211 to avoid error dialog box when there are dependency problems (#5525) * Fix VSIReadDirRecursive() recursing on the parent or current directory (#5535) * cpl_error: obfuscate password * HTTP: set CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL if available (#5568) * Add COOKIE option to CPLHTTPFetch() (#5824) * CPLHTTPFetch(): add retry logic in case of 502, 503 and 504 errors with the GDAL_HTTP_MAX_RETRY (default: 0)and GDAL_HTTP_RETRY_DELAY (default: 30 s) config options (#5920) * Fix stack corruption upon thread termination with CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption on Windows 32 bit (#5590) * cpl_csv: Stop probing for csv/horiz_cs.csv. (#5698) * vsipreload: implement clearerr() and readdir64() (#5742) * CPLsetlocale(): return a string that is thread-locale storage to avoid potential race in CPLLocaleC::CPLLocaleC() (#5747) * CPLHexToBinary(): faster implementation (#5812) * CPLAcquireMutex(): improve performance on Windows (#5986) Core: * Add imagery (satellite or aerial) metadata support (Alos, DigitalGlobe, Eros, GeoEye, OrbView, Landsat, Pleiades, Resurs-DK1, Spot/Formosat). * Reduce lock contention on the global cache mutex and make it possible to use spin lock instead with GDAL_RB_LOCK_TYPE=SPIN * Block cache: make block cache manager safe with respect to writing dirty blocks (#5983) * EXIF reader: fix memleak in error code path * EXIF reader: add missing validation for some data types (#3078) * Fix crash in GDALPamRasterBand::SerializeToXML() when saving an empty RAT (#5451) * ComputeStatistics(): use Welford algorithm to avoid numerical precision issues when computing standard deviation (#5483) * Fix crashing issue with TLS finalization on Unix (#5509) * GDALJP2Metadata::CreateGMLJP2(): use EPSGTreatsAsLatLong() and EPSGTreatsAsNorthingEasting() to determine if axis swapping is needed (#2131) * GDALJP2AbstractDataset: implement GetFileList() to report .wld/.j2w if used * GMLJP2: be robust when parsing GMLJP2 content that has nul character instead of \n (#5760) * GMLJP2: add missing rangeParameters element to validate against GMLJP2 schema (#5707) * GMLJP2: write non null bounding box at root of FeatureCollection (#5697) * GMLJP2: SRS export as GML: output XML definition of a SRS as a GML 3.1.1 compliant Dictionary (#5697) * GMLJP2: when setting GDAL_JP2K_ALT_OFFSETVECTOR_ORDER=TRUE write it as a XML comment so that we can interpret the OffsetVector elements correctly on reading * GMLJP2: when parsing a GMLJP2 box, accept srsName found on gml:RectifiedGrid if not found on origin.Point, so as to be compatible with the example of DGIWG_Profile_of_JPEG2000_for_Georeferenced_Imagery.pdf (#5697) * GMLJP2: add compatibility with GMLJP2 v2.0 where SRS is expressed as CRS URL * GMLJP2: on reading, don't do axis inversation if there's an explicit axisName requesting easting, northing order (#5960); also strip axis order in reported SRS * JP2Boxes: add null terminated byte to GDAL XML, XML or XMP boxes * Add GDALGetJPEG2000Structure() (#5697) * GDALMultiDomainMetadata::XMLInit(): when importing XML metadata, erase the existing document to replace it with the new one * Metadata: fix correct sorting of StringList / metadata (#5540, #5557) * Make GetMaskBand() work with GDT_UInt16 alpha bands (#5692) * Fix 32bit overflow in GDALRasterBand::IRasterIO() and GDALDataset::BlockBasedRasterIO() (#5713) * RasterIO: small optimization in generic RasterIO() implementation to avoid loading partial tiles at right and/or bottom edges of the raster when they are going to be completely written * Fix crash when calling GetTiledVirtualMem() on non-Linux platform (#5728) * Add GDAL_OF_INTERNAL flag to avoid dataset to be registered in the global list of open datasets * GDALDriver::CreateCopy(): accept _INTERNAL_DATASET=YES as creation option, so as to avoid the returned dataset to be registered in the global list of open datasets * Implement GDALColorTable::IsSame() * GDALPamDataset: do not serialize dataset metadata unless it has been set through GDALDataset::SetMetadata() or GDALDataset::SetMetadataItem() * GDALLoadTabFile: add TAB_APPROX_GEOTRANSFORM=YES/NO configuration option to decide if an approximate geotransform is OK (#5809) * Optimize copy efficiency from tiled JPEG2000 images * Avoid fetching remote non-existing resources for sidecar files, when using /vsicurl/ with a URL that takes arguments (#5923) Algorithms: * RPC transformer: fix near interpolation in RPC DEM (#5553) * RPC transformer: take into account nodata in RPC DEM (#5680) * RPC transformer: add RPC_DEM_MISSING_VALUE transformer option to avoid failure when there's no DEM at the transformed point (#5730) * RPC transformer: in DEM mode, implement optimization, in specific conditions (input points at same longitude, DEM in EPSG:4326) to extract several elevations at a time * TPS transformer: fix crash if the forward or backward transform cannot be computed (#5588) * OpenCL warper: remove unused variable in bilinear resampling that can cause compilation error (#5518) * OpenCL wraper: fix code compilation with NVIDIA OpenCL (#5772) * Overview: Fix and speed-up cubic resampling in overview computation to take into account scaling factor (#5685) * Overview: ignore alpha=0 values when compute an average overview of an alpha band; and also avoid memory errors when calling GetMaskBand()/GetMaskFlags() after overview computation if GetMaskXXX() has been called before (#5640) * Overview: avoid crash when computing overview with a X dimension much smaller than Y dimension (#5794) * GDALRegenerateOverviewsMultiBand(): fix stride calculation error with certain raster dimensions (#5653) * Warper: numerous speed optimizations (SSE2 specific code, more fast code paths, ...) * Warper: fix Cubic and Bilinear resampling to work correctly with downsizing (#3740) * Warper: fix and optimize CubicSpline * Warper: regardless of the warping memory limit, add heuristics to determine if we must split the target window in case the 'fill ratio' of the source dataset is too low (#3120) * Warper: accept warping options METHOD=NO_GEOTRANSFORM and DST_METHOD=NO_GEOTRANSFORM to run gdalwarp on ungeoreferenced images * Warper: fix GDALSuggestedWarpOutput() wrong extent in some circumstances (e.g. dataset of big dimension with world coordinates) (#5693) * Warper: fix integer overflow when reprojecting into an area with (part of) bounds completely outside of the source projection (#5789) * Warper: add min,max,med,q1 and q3 resampling algorithms (#5868) * Warper: add a SRC_COORD_PRECISION warping option to help getting more reproducable output when -wm parameter changes (#5925) * Warper: fix failure in GDALSuggestedWarpOut2() when top-left and bottom-right corners tranform to the same point (#5980) * GDALReprojectImage(): takes into account nodata values set on destination dataset * Median cut and dithering: optimizations and enhancements to deal with 8-bit precision (only if using internal interface for now) * rasterfill: add option to specify driver to use for temporary files * Polygonize: speed optimization: do not try to build the polygon for pixels that are masked by the mask band (i.e. alpha, nodata, etc...). Can considerably speed-up processing when the nodata outline forms a very complex polygon Utilities: * gdalinfo: display extra metadata domains attached to band, and refactor code a bit (#5542) * gdalinfo: add -oo option per RFC 46 * gdalinfo: add -json switch (partial implementation of RFC 44) * gdaladdo: add -oo option per RFC 46 * gdaladdo: add warning when subsampling factor 1 specified * gdal_translate: add -oo option per RFC 46 * gdal_translate: add -r and -tr options per RFC 51 * gdal_translate: add a -projwin_srs option to be able to express -projwin coordinates in another SRS than the one of the dataset * gdal_translate: support -'outsize avalue 0' or '-outsize 0 avalue' to preserve aspect ratio * gdal_translate: avoid preserving statistics when changing data type in situations where clamping can occur * gdal_translate: adjust RPC metadata (pixel/line offset/scale) when subsetting/rescaling, instead of just discarding it * gdal_translate: don't recopy band units if rescaling or unscaling is involved (#3085) * gdal_translate: increase GDAL_MAX_DATASET_POOL_SIZE default value to 450. (#5828) * gdal_translate: preserve NBITS image structure metadata when possible * gdalwarp: add -oo option per RFC 46 * gdalwarp: add -te_srs option to specify -te in a SRS which isn't the target SRS * gdalwarp: add a -ovr option to select which overview level to use, and default to AUTO. Also add a generic OVERVIEW_LEVEL=level open option, and make it available in standard VRT (#5688) * gdalwarp: initialize destination dataset to no_data value when automatically propagating source nodata (#5675) * gdalwarp: only apply INIT_DEST when processing the first input dataset (#5387) * gdalwarp: increase GDAL_MAX_DATASET_POOL_SIZE default value to 450. (#5828) * gdalwarp: do not preserve NODATA_VALUES metadata item in output dataset if adding an alpha channel with -dstalpha * gdalwarp: fix '-dstnodata none' to avoid read of uninitialized values (#5915) * gdalwarp: make -crop_to_cutline densify cutline in source SRS before reprojecting it to target SRS (#5951) * gdaldem: avoid too large files to be produced when using -co COMPRESS=xxxx -co TILED=YES (#5678) * gdallocationinfo: add -oo option * gdaltransform: add a -output_xy flag to restrict output coordinates to 'x y' only * gdal_grid: use nodata= parameter in the algorithm string to determine the nodata value to set on the band (#5605) * gdal_grid: fix crash in optimized mode with GCC 4.4 on 64bit (#5987) * gdalbuildvrt: add a -r option to specify the resampling algorithm * gdal_edit.py: add -unsetstats option (and fix -a_nodata to run on all bands, ant not just first one) * gdal_edit.py: add -stats and -approx_stats flags (patch by mwtoews, #5805) * gdal_edit.py: change -mo add metdata to existing one; add new option -unsetmd to clean existing metadata * gdal_edit.py: add -oo to specify open options * gdal_retile.py: fix to make it work with input images of different resolutions (#5749) * gdal_retile.py: implement progress bar (#5750) * gdal_merge.py: add timing information in verbose output * gdal_merge.py: take into account alpha band to avoid writing zones of source images that are fully transparent (#3669) * gdal2tiles.py: fix inverted long/lat in BoundingBox and Origin elements of tilemapresource.xml (#5336) * pct2rgb.py: make it work with color tables with less than 256 entries (#5555) * gdal_fillnodata.py: FillNodata: copy no data value to destination band when creating a dataset (if available) (#4625) * gdal_proximity.py: add a -use_input_nodata flag * gdalcompare.py: add options to suppress selected comparisons * gdalcompare.py: takes into account differences in overview bands * gdalcompare.py: compute difference on float to avoid integer underflow * epsg_tr.py: change to make it possible to export GEOCCS and COMPD_CS to proj.4 epsg and PostGIS spatial_ref_sys.sql files Python samples: * Added swig/python/samples/jpeg_in_tiff_extract.py * Added dump_jp2.py * Added validate_jp2.py * Added build_jp2.py * Added gcps2ogr.py * tolatlong.py: report error when operating on a non-georeferenced dataset AAIGRID: * Fix formatting string (#5731) BAG driver: * change nodata value for uncertainty band to 1e6 (#5482) BMP driver: * backout r17065 change that infered georeferencing based on the resolution information in the BMP header (#3578) DIMAP driver: * DIMAP 2: handle the case where the Raster_Data element is in main file (#5018, #4826) * DIMAP 2: fix to extract geodetic SRS (#5018, #4826) * DIMAP 2: fix to extract geotransform from JPEG2000 file if not available in XML (#5018, #4826) DDS driver: * Add ETC1 compression format support * Header correction for worldwind client ECW driver: * correctly assign color interpretation to bands if order is unusual ENVI driver: * avoid generating potentially corrupted .hdr files when opening in update mode; Write 'Arbitrary' instead of 'Unknown' as the projection name for an undefined SRS (#5467) * when writing, consider that LOCAL_CS SRS is like ungeoreferenced (#5467) ERS driver: * reset RasterInfo.RegistrationCellX/Y if setting a new geotransform on an updated .ers file (#5493) * fix SetProjection() (#5840) GeoRaster driver: * fix Oracle SRID authority (#5607) * fix user-defined SRID issue (#5881) * new SRID search (#5911) GIF driver: * add compatibility with giflib 5.1 (#5519) * fix crash on images without color table (#5792) * fix reading of interlaced images with giflib >= 5.0 * validate the size of the graphic control extension block (#5793) * implement GetFileList() to report worldfile GRASS driver: * GRASS 7.0.0 support (#5852) GRIB driver: * avoid divide by zero while setting geotransform on 1xn or nx1 grib file (#5532à * allow writing PDS template numbers to all bands (#5144) GTiff driver: New capabilities: * for JPEG-in-TIFF, use JPEG capabilities to decompress fast overview levels 2,4 and 8, to generate 'hidden' overviews used by RasterIO() * add DISCARD_LSB creation option (lossy compression) to be best used with PREDICTOR=2 and LZW/DEFLATE compression * when GTIFF_DIRECT_IO=YES is enabled, performance improvements in GTiffRasterBand::DirectIO() with Byte dataset and Byte buffer * implement dataset DirectIO() * add GTIFF_VIRTUAL_MEM_IO=YES/NO/IF_ENOUGH_RAM configuration option so that RasterIO() can rely on memory-mapped file I/O (when possible and supported by the OS) * support reading and created streamable files * for JPEG-compressed TIFF, avoid quantization tables to be emitted in each strip/tile and use optimized Huffman coding by default * avoid SetNoDataValue() to immediately 'cryztalize' the IFD * allow unsetting TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE, TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME, etc... by removing them from metadata list or passing None as a value of SetMetadataItem() (#5619) * allow lossless copying of CMYK JPEG into JPEG-in-TIFF * set alpha on target by default when translating from Grey+Alpha * Internal overviews: for near, average, gauss and cubic, and pixel interleaving, make sure to use the same code path for compressed vs uncompressed overviews (#5701) * add RPCTXT=YES creation option to write sidecar _RPC.TXT file * internal libtiff updated to upstream libtiff 4.0.4beta * internal libgeotiff updated to upstream libgeotiff SVN head * speed optimization on write (at least in Vagrant) (#5914) * use importFromEPSG() when ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey is available (#5926) * on reading better deal with a few ESRI formulations of WebMercator (#5924) Fixes: * when overriding metadata in update mode, make sure to clear it from PAM file (#5807) * fix handling of Mercator_2SP (#5791) * avoid TIFF directory to be written (at end of file) when creating a JPEG-in-TIFF file * for a paletted TIFF with nodata, set the alpha component of the color entry that matches the nodata value to 0, so as gdal_translate -expand rgba works properly * fix to make band SetMetadata(NULL) clear band metadata (#5628) * fix error message when requesting a non existing directory * check data type with PHOTOMETRIC=PALETTE * be robust to out-of-memory conditions with SplitBand and SplitBitmapBand * avoid using optimized JPEG --> JPEG-in-TIFF path if INTERLEAVE=BAND is specified with a 3-band JPEG * to make Python bindings happy, avoid emitting CE_Failure errors due to libtiff errors when we still manage to open the file (#5616) * avoid crash when reading GeoTIFF keys if the stored key type isn't the one expected * make sure to call libgeotiff gtSetCSVFilenameHook() method when linking against external libgeotiff * avoid/limit DoS with huge number of directories * clean spurious spaces when reading values from _RPC.TXT * serialize RPC in PAM .aux.xml file if using PROFILE != GDALGeoTIFF and RPB = NO * fix clearing of GCPs (#5945) * avoid generated corrupted right-most and bottom-most tiles for 12-bit JPEG-compressed (#5971) * make sure to use scanline write API when writing single-band single-strip 1-bit datasets GRASS driver: * fix compilation issues against GRASS 7 HDF4 driver: * Add configuration support to be able to open more files simultaneously * Add class suffix to the parameter name when parsing HDF-EOS objects. * Fix AnyTypeToDouble() to use proper type (int instead of long) to work with DFNT_INT32/DFNT_UINT32 on 64-bit Linux (#5965) * MODIS: Set more correct values for PIXEL_/LINE_ OFFSET/STEP by comparing longitude and latitude subdatasets dimensions with main subdataset dimensions HDF5 driver: * avoid opening BAG files in the case HDF5 and BAG are plugins, and HDF5 is registered before BAG HFA driver: * fix recognition of Hotine Mercator Azimuth Center in Imagine format (and Swisstopo GeoTIFF) (#5551) * fix various hangs on invalid files * read projection even when it does not contain datum information (#4659) HTTP driver/wrapper: * make it work with vector files too * fix handling of non VSI*L file on Windows IRIS driver: * add support for the SHEAR data type (#5549) JPEG2000 driver: * do expansion of 1-bit alpha channel to 8-bit by default. Can be controlled with the 1BIT_ALPHA_PROMOTION open option (default to YES) * add GMLJP2 creation option * add GMLJP2V2_DEF creation option to create a GMLJP2 v2 box * Add capability of reading GMLJP2 v2 embedded feature collections and annotations * Add read/write support for RPC in GeoJP2 box (#5948) JP2ECW driver: * add metadata about JPEG2000 codestream and boxes (#5408) * Add 1BIT_ALPHA_PROMOTION open option (default to YES) to control expansion of 1-bit alpha channel to 8-bit * correctly assign color interpretation to bands if order is unusual * add WRITE_METADATA and MAIN_MD_DOMAIN_ONLY creation options to write GDAL metadata, JP2 XML boxes or XMP box * add GMLJP2V2_DEF creation option to create a GMLJP2 v2 box * Add capability of reading GMLJP2 v2 embedded feature collections and annotations * Add read/write support for RPC in GeoJP2 box (#5948) JP2KAK driver: * Compatibility with Kakadu v7.5 (#4575, #5344) * Handle Kakadu version 7 allocator.finalize (#4575) * fix bug in vsil_target::end_rewrite() that prevented TLM index to be generated (#5585) * Add FLUSH in creation option XML (#5646) * Do expansion of 1-bit alpha channel to 8-bit by default. Can be controlled with the 1BIT_ALPHA_PROMOTION open option (default to YES) * add GMLJP2V2_DEF creation option to create a GMLJP2 v2 box * Add capability of reading GMLJP2 v2 embedded feature collections and annotations * Add read/write support for RPC in GeoJP2 box (#5948) JP2OpenJPEG driver: * Support writing arbitrary number of bands. (#5697) * Generate cdef box when transparency is needed. Add NBITS, 1BIT_ALPHA and ALPHA creation options (#5697) * add INSPIRE_TG (for conformance with Inspire Technical Guidelines on Orthoimagery), PROFILE, JPX and GEOBOXES_AFTER_JP2C creation option (#5697) * add GMLJP2V2_DEF creation option to create a GMLJP2 v2 box * Add capability of reading GMLJP2 v2 embedded feature collections and annotations * add PRECINCTS creation option (#5697) * allow several quality values to be specified with QUALITY creation option. Add TILEPARTS, CODEBLOCK_WIDTH and CODEBLOCK_HEIGHT options (#5697) * support reading&writing datasets with unusual order of band color interpretation (#5697) * add WRITE_METADATA and MAIN_MD_DOMAIN_ONLY creation options to write GDAL metadata, JP2 XML boxes or XMP box (#5697) * add support for reading/writing/updating IPR box (from/into xml:IPR metadata domain) (#5697) * add YCC creation option to do RGB->YCC MCT, and turn it ON by default (#5634) * add USE_SRC_CODESTREAM=YES experimental creation option, to reuse the codestream of the source dataset unmodified * support reading & writing images with a color table (#5697) * support update mode for editing metadata and georeferencing (#5697) * add compatibility with OpenJPEG 2.1 (#5579) * fix warning when reading a single tile image whose dimensions are not a multiple of 1024 (#5480) * Add 1BIT_ALPHA_PROMOTION open option (default to YES) to control expansion of 1-bit alpha channel to 8-bit * Add read/write support for RPC in GeoJP2 box (#5948) * limit number of file descriptors opened JPEG driver: * use EXIF overviews if available * add EXIF_THUMBNAIL creation option to generate an EXIF thumbnail * use optimized Huffman coding to reduce file size * add support for reading and writing COMMENT * optimize whole image reading with dataset IRasterIO() * report non-fatal libjpeg errors as CE_Warning (or CE_Failure if GDAL_ERROR_ON_LIBJPEG_WARNING = TRUE) (#5667) * in compressor, increase default val of max_memory_to_use to 500MB JPIPKAK driver: * avoid symbol collision with kdu_cpl_error_message from JP2KAK driver * reset the bNeedReinitialize flag after a timeout (#3626) KMLSuperOverlay driver: * fix truncated raster on 32 bit builds (#5683) * make Identify() more restrictive to avoid false positives L1B driver: * add support for little-endian LRPT datasets (#5645) * expose band mask when there are missing scanlines (#5645) * expose WGS-84 or GRS-80 datum if read from header record (#5645) MAP driver: * retrieve the image filename in a case insensitive way (#5593) MBTiles driver: * better detection of 4 bands dataset and take into account alpha component of color table in RasterIO() (#5439) * avoid wrong detection of 3 bands when finding paletted PNG in /vsicurl mode (#5439) * fix dimension computation when opening a single tile dataset * better computation of extent from min/max of tile coordinates, for a single zoom level * use standard EPSG:3857 origin to fix a ~8m shift (#5785) MEM driver: * implement optimized versions of raster band and dataset IRasterIO() MSG driver: * fix compilation problem (#5479) * fix memory leaks (#5541) NetCDF driver: * Force block size to 1 scanline for bottom-up datasets if nBlockYSize != 1 (#5291) * Fix computation of inverse flattening (#5858) * In case the netCDF driver is registered before the GMT driver, avoid opening GMT files * Fix crash on opening a NOAA dataset (#5962) NGSGEOID driver: * make Identify() more restrictive NITF driver: * deal correctly with JPEG2000 NITF datasets that have a color table inboth Image Subheader and JP2 boxes, and for drivers that don't do color table expension * HISTOA TRE: put definition of TRE in conformance with STDI-0002 (App L page 14) and STDI-0006 (Page 57) (#5572) OGDI driver: * Remove OGDIDataset::GetInternalHandle (#5779). OZI driver: * remove .map header detection from Identify() since this is actually handled by the MAP driver PCIDSK driver: * close dataset in case of exception in PCIDSK2Dataset::LLOpen() (#5729) PCRaster driver: * Allign libcsf code with PCRaster raster format code (#5843) * Implement Create() (#5844) * Improve handling of no-data value (#5953) PDF driver: * add compatibility with Poppler 0.31.0 * in the OGC Best practice case, switch rotational terms of the geotransform matrix (gt[2] and gt[4]) * in the OGC Best practice case, handle rotations of 90 and 270 degrees. * advertize LAYERS metadata domain * deal with OHA- datum (Old Hawaiian) * fix compilation problem with Podofo on Windows (patch by keosak, #5469) * add sanity check on page count PDS driver: * Added support for SPECTRAL_QUBE objects used e.g. by THEMIS instrument of Mars Odyssey spacecraft. PNG driver: * add creation options to write metadata in TEXT/iTXt chunks * optimize whole image reading with dataset IRasterIO() * Internal libpng: update to 1.2.52 PostgisRaster driver: * Fix read of metadata for tables with multiple raster cols (#5529) Rasterlite driver: * accept space in filename RPFTOC driver: * add tweak for weird relative directory names in the A.TOC file (#5979) VRT driver: * add handling of a shared='0' attribute on to open sources in non-shared mode, and VRT_SHARED_SOURCE config option that can be set to 0 in case the shared attribute isn't there (#5992) * VRT warp: make selection of source overview work (#5688) * VRT warp: expose as many overviews in warped dataset as there are in source dataset, and make warped VRT honour -ovr parameter of gdalwarp (#5688) * make sure nodata value set on VRT raster band is taken into account in statistics computation (#5463) * fix ComputeStatistics() on VRT that are a sub-window of source dataset (#5468) * VRT raw: fix corrupted serialization on Windows (#5531) * implement heuristics to determine if GetMinimum()/GetMaximum() should use the implementation of their sources of not. Can be overriden by setting VRT_MIN_MAX_FROM_SOURCES = YES/NO (#5444) * VRT warp: avoid to warp truncated blocks at right/bottom edges, so that scale computation is correct * fix RasterIO() to be able to fill buffers larger than 2GB (#5700) * fix performance problem when serializing into XML a big number of sources * do not output empty node on VRTDataset and VRTRasterBand elements * fix rounding of output window size on VRTSimpleSource (#5874) * add trick to make relativeToVRT works for a VRT-in-VRT * add more checks to CheckCompatibleForDatasetIO() to avoid issues with overview bands (#5954) * preserves relative links on reserialization of existing VRT (#5985) USGSDEM driver: * take into account horizontal unit = ft in the UTM case (#5819) TIL driver: * fix half pixel shift in geo registration (#5961) WEBP driver: * Lazy uncompressed buffer allocation and optimize band-interleaved IRasterIO() for whole image reading WMS driver: * Add support for ArcGIS server REST API * fix to make GDAL_DEFAULT_WMS_CACHE_PATH configuration option work as expected (#4540) * move the WMS layer name encoding to be done before the sub datasets URLs are created. XYZ driver: * fix back line seeking with datasets that have not the same number of values per lines (#5488) * deal with lines that have missing values (but still regularly spaced) == OGR 2.0 - Overview of Changes == Core: * OGRPolygon::importFromWkt(): fix memleak when importing broken 2.5D polygon * Fix OGRFeature::SetGeometryDirectly() and SetGeomFieldDirectly() to free the passed geometry even if the method fails (#5623) * OGR SQL: Add hstore_get_value(hstore, key) function * OGR SQL: sanitize how we deal with field names expressed as table_name.field_name and "fieldname.with_point_inside". By default, use standard quoting rules, and be tolerant when there's no ambiguity * OGR SQL: support arbitrary boolean expression on ON clause of a JOIN * OGR SQL: accept AS keyword in 'FROM table_name AS alias' clause * OGR SQL: don't consider backslash-doublequote as an escape sequence when inside a single-quoted string literal * Add OGR_API_SPY mechanism (http://www.gdal.org/ograpispy_8h.html) * Make OGRParseDate() recognize ISO 8601 format * ogr_core.h: only ignore -Wfloat-equal for IsInit() and not for the rest of the file and files that include it (#5299) * OGR layer algebra: properly initialize field maps to avoid Valgrind warnings in OGRLayer::Update() (#5778) * Make OGR_F_SetFieldBinary() set OFTString fields, mostly for testing purposes * OGR_G_CreateGeometryFromJson(): attach a WGS84 SRS to the returned geometry if the json object has no 'crs' member (#5922) OGRSpatialReference: * Upgrade to EPSG v8.5 database * Proj.4 import: for HOM, make sure +no_off/no_uoff is preserved, and change default value of gamma parameter to be the same as alpha (#5511) * Proj.4 export: export Aitoff, Winkel I, Winkel II, Winkel-Tripel, Craster, Loximuthal, Quartic Authalic * Adding support for Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere without AUTHORITY SECTIONS (#3962) * Add QSC (Quadrilateralized_Spherical_Cube) projection, compatible with PROJ 4.9 * Various fixes to put EXTENSION node before AUTHORITY and make it pass Validate() (#5724) * importFromEPSG()/exportToProj4(): avoid precision loss in TOWGS84 parameters, e.g. on Amersfoort / RD EPSG:4289 (https://trac.osgeo.org/proj/ticket/260) * Add OSRCalcInvFlattening() and OSRCalcSemiMinorFromInvFlattening(), and use them in various places (#5858) * Remove deprecated variant of OGRSpatialReference::importFromOzi() (#5932) Utilities: * ogrinfo: add -oo option per RFC 46 * ogrinfo: display dataset and layer metadata. Add -nomdd, -listmdd, -mdd all|domain options, like in gdalinfo. OGR VRT: add dataset and layer metadata support * ogrinfo: add -nocount and -noextent options * ogr2ogr: add -oo and -doo options per RFC 46 * ogr2ogr: add -spat_srs option * ogr2ogr: turn string value to one element list if destination field is stringlist * ogr2ogr: fix problem with SRS when copying layers with multiple geometry columns with different SRS (#5546) * ogr2ogr: add special case for -update and GPKG and input=output * ogr2ogr: when copying a layer that has a source integer/integer64 field with same name as target FID column, avoid creating it into target layer and use its content as the FID value (#5845) * ogr2ogr: in non-append mode, if target layer has a FID creation option, reuse source FID name and source FIDs, unless -unsetFid is specified (#5845) * ogr2ogr: copy source dataset and layer metadata, unless disabled by -nomd. Additionnal dataset metadata can be set with -mo KEY=VALUE * ogr2ogr: add -ds_transaction to force dataset transactions, mainly for FileGDB driver * ogr2ogr: fix crash with -clipdst when a reprojection fails before (#5973) * ogrlineref: fix project if reper lies on first point or last point of line * ogr_layer_algebra.py: for Update, Clip and Erase, only creates attribute of input layer by default (#5976) Other: * OGR WCTS removed from tree Cross driver changes: * MSSQLSpatial and GPKG: use standardized 'GEOMETRY_NAME' option name. Add GEOMETRY_NAME to SQLite (#5816) * FileGDB and MySQL: use standardized 'FID' option name. SQLite: add a FID layer creation option (#5816) * SQLite, GPKG, PG, PGDump: in a newly created table, allow to create a integer field with same name of FID column (#5845) BNA driver: * fix segfault when calling GetNextFeature() on a write-only layer CartoDB: * add CARTODBFY layer creation option * launder layer and column names by default (#5904) * enable by default batch insertion of features in update mode * on a newly created layer, send new features created by CreateFeature() by chunks of a maximum size of 15 MB (configurable through CARTODB_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE). * implement deferred field creation * support boolean type * register tables with cdb_cartodbfytable() * fix creation of features with Date/DateTime/Time values * fix for multi-user account, and optimization for SQL layers * implement TestCapability() and CreateDataSource() similarly to PostgreSQL, i.e. redirect to Open() in update mode * accept a user column to have the same name of the FID (cartodb_id) * do automatic polygon->multipolygon promotion at creation time * in authenticated mode, retrieve all column information, including spatial info, default value and primary key in one single statement * use integer primary key of tables, when available, to scroll faster among features instead of using OFFSET/LIMIT (#5906) CSV driver: * add optional field type detection with AUTODETECT_TYPE=YES open option * add QUOTED_FIELDS_AS_STRING open option that default to NO. So by default, if AUTODETECT_TYPE=YES, the content of quoted fields will be tested for real, integer,... data types * fix to avoid truncation of WKT geometries to 8000 characters (#5508) * fix segfault when reading allCountries.txt of geonames.org (#5668) * accept space as separator as input/output, and add MERGE_SEPARATOR=YES/NO open option DXF driver: * improve TestCapability(ODsCCreateLayer) FileGDB driver: * add layer creation option to set CONFIGURATION_KEYWORD * avoid error message when failing to import SRS from WKID code (might be an ESRI code for example) * do not reject features with null geometry * use LatestWKID when available (#5638) * avoid emitting error when opening a FileGDB v9, so that OpenFileGDB can be tried to open it, in the case FileGDB is a plugin (#5674) * fix CreateFeature() to work when a esriFieldTypeGlobalID field is not set * report width of string fields (#5806) * add compatibility with FileGDB SDK v1.4 * enable bulk load on newly created layers GeoJSON driver: * implement Date/Time/DateTime field type detection * expose a 'id' object, of type string, directly on Feature object (not in its properties) as a field * add FLATTEN_NESTED_ATTRIBUTES and NESTED_ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR open options * TopoJSON: establish layer schema from objects properties (#5870) * implement automatic scrolling through result sets of ArcGIS GeoServices Feature Service (#5943) * accept and skip UTF-8 BOM (#5630) * ESRIJson: parse correctly rings of esriGeometryPolygon objects to build correct Polygon or MultiPolygon (#5538) * avoid truncation of real numbers on reading (#5882) * internal libjson-c: Fix to read floating point numbers in non C locale (#5461) * improve TestCapability(ODsCCreateLayer) * make string comparison for authority name case insensitive so as to recognize lowercase 'epsg' (#4995) * support reading Feature without geometry field GeoRSS driver: * fix to parse ATOM feed documents with atom: namespace (#5871) GME driver: * Added fixes discovered while using v.in.ogr and v.out.ogr in GRASS GML driver: * add XSD=filename open option * add FORCE_SRS_DETECTION, INVERT_AXIS_ORDER_IF_LAT_LONG, CONSIDER_EPSG_AS_URN, READ_MODE, EXPOSE_GML_ID, EXPOSE_FID, DOWNLOAD_SCHEMA and REGISTRY open options * fix bug that prevented multiple instanciation of the reader with Xerces backend (#5571) * parse correctly GML geometries whose srsDimension attribue is on top-level geometry element and not on posList (#5606) * add datasource option SRSDIMENSION_LOC=GEOMETRY to be able to write srsDimension attribute on top level geometry element, default on posList unchanged (#5066) * add support for reading layers resulting from a WFS 2.0 join query * read/write top and as DESCRIPTION and NAME metadata items. Also add GML_ID, DESCRIPTION and NAME creation options * support to reader response to CSW GetRecords queries * Fix incorrect geometry cast when reading GML topogeometries (#5715) * VFR: fix ST_Z type (changes) -- list all layers * VFR: include also non-spatial (removed) features (ZaniklePrvky) in type ST_Z (changes) * VFR: use String when 32-bit integer wasn't wide enough * VFR: add support for UVOH file type * VFR: add missing support for OriginalniHraniceOmpv geometry * VFR: update GFS files to RFC31 (OGR 64bit Integer Fields and FIDs) * update RUIAN GFS files: add missing GMLFeatureClasses to OB type (SpravniObvody, Mop, Momc) * add support for parsing .xsd with a of polygonProperty and multiPolygonProperty * remove wrong case insensitive comparison related to gml_registry.xml use * various fixes to better deal with ArcByCenterPoint() as found in FAA AIXML files * make Expat parser accept trailing nul characters * correctly record path to attribute in case of attribute located on a nested element when .gfs is created with GML_ATTRIBUTES_TO_OGR_FIELDS=YES * fix GML_ATTRIBUTES_TO_OGR_FIELDS=YES to work correctly with xlink:href too (#5970 * make GML_EXPOSE_GML_ID to be honoured on WFS documents GPKG driver: * add support for non-spatial layers via the gdal_aspatial extension (#5521) * add support for creating spatial index * add layer metadata read/write support * implement ST_GeometryType(), GPKG_IsAsisgnable() and ST_SRID() to be compatible with Geometry Type Triggers and SRS ID Triggers Extensions * on creation, use GEOMCOLLECTION (instead of GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) (#5937) * make SELECT expressions passed to ExecuteSQL() be evaluated by SQLite * make it possible to use spatialite 4.2.0 SQL functions * add a 'INDIRECT_SQLITE' dialect that goes through the VirtualOGR mechanism (e.g. for compat with older Spatialite) * allow table names with dash character (#5472) * emit warning when required extensions are not implemented * disable PRAGRAM integrity_check by default, since it can be expensive on big files * read-only support for tables without integer primary key * fix Date and DateTime support * implement TEXT(maxwidth) type in read and creation * implement deferred table creation * fix reporting of geometry type for 2.5D (previous behaviour had the effect to turn to wkbUnknown) * put correct value (1) in gpkg_geometry_columns for 2.5D tables (#5481) * fix component geometry type of 3D MultiGeometries (#5629) * fix GetExtent() crash on layers without extent set in gpkg_contents (#5471) * avoid leak when a table has more than one FID column * accept spatial tables whose geometry field is declared as BLOB * recognize both GeomCollection and GeometryCollection as possible values, until GeoPackage SWG clears what is the official value * escape all column names in SQL (#5520) * accept geometries with Spatialite format, that can be returned with issuing a SQL request using spatialite functions * enable Spatialite 4.3 'amphibious' mode to avoid explicit cast to Spatialite geometries GPSBabel driver: * automatically open .igc files, implement Identify() and add open options * advertize creation option GTM driver: * declare OLCCreateField and OLCSequentialWrite capabilities IDRISI driver: * fix support for multi-ring polygons (#5544) ILI driver: * Use Ili1TransferElement written by ili2c 4.5.5 and newer * Fix crash in polygon geometry reading * Fix reading SURFACE polygons with multiple rings * Fix reading tables with polygon type * Support curve geometries for ILI1 and ILI2. * Add a MODEL open option ISIS3 driver: * fix to recognize IsisCube.Mapping.LatitudeType = Planetocentric (#5717) KML driver: * fix segfault when calling GetNextFeature() on a write-only layer LIBKML driver: * add support for reading gx:MultiTrack * rework libkml singleton factory management (#5775) MITAB driver: * add support for append/update/delete operations on .tab files (#5652) * add support for CreateField() on non empty file, AlterFieldDefn() and DeleteField() for .TAB (#5652) * implement SyncToDisk() for TAB layers (#5652) * convert to use of VSI*L FILE API (#5558) * don't write field width for integer fields in .mif, which is incompatible with MapInfo (#3853) * report OLCCreateField for .mif files (#5477) * fix opening .mif file without .mid file (#5570) * swap StdParallel1 and stdParallel2 if necessary on LCC projections (https://github.com/mapgears/mitab/issues/1) * take into account scale/bounds to properly round coordinates (https://github.com/mapgears/mitab/issues/2) * add MITAB_BOUNDS_FILE configuration option to specify a file with projection bounds (https://github.com/mapgears/mitab/issues/3) * add BOUNDS layer creation option (#5642) * refactor import/export of MIF coordsys to use the TAB code; take into account MITAB_BOUNDS_FILE to add Bounds to the CoordSys string * close polygon rings when reading Region from MIF file (#5614) * fix segfault in CreateFeature() if passing an invalid OGR feature style string (#1209) MSSQLSpatial driver: * Implement SPATIAL_INDEX layer creation option for MSSQL (#5563) * Implement support for WKB geometry upload (#5682) * Fix schema handling in MSSQL driver (#5401) * Fix spatial geometry field handling (#5474) * Bind string fields to unicode string columns in the database (#5239) * Fix recognizing image columns as geometry columns for the select layers. (#5498) * Fix issue when creating non-spatial table (#5696) * Fix to read metadata if the tables are specified in the connection string (#5796) * Fix crash if the tablename is specified in the connection string (#5826) * Include geometry column name in Update statement (#5930) * Implement FID layer creation option (#5816) * Fix issue when removing an MSSQL spatial layer MySQL: * thread-safe initialization of mysql client library (#5528) NAS driver: * implement wfs:update (adds new context 'update' and fields "endet" and "anlass" to "delete" layer). * also assign xlink:href attributes as layer attribute (not only in "alkis_beziehungen" layer; #5372) * fix filtering on OGR_GEOMETRY special field * make chevrons configurable by NAS_INDICATOR OCI driver: * add a ADD_LAYER_GTYPE=YES/NO layer creation option that defaults to YES to enforce a layer geometry type and is used to retrieve the layer geometry type when listing layers (#3754) * Fix FID (multi_load=off, OGRNullFID) - start with 1 (not -1) (#5454) * use VARCHAR2 instead of VARCHAR for unsupported types * Fix "ORA-00972: identifier is too long" error (#5466) * Fix memory leaks (#5599) * Fix creation of date and datetime fields (#5600) * initialize member variable to avoid UpdateLayerExtents() to be called randomly on non spatial tables (#5376) * avoid spatial index to be created each time SyncToDisk() is called * fix memory leak in DeleteLayer(const char*) * fix reading of 2D geometries that were always turned as 3D * in layers returned by ExecuteSQL(), only expose geometry column if there's one * force NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to ". " (#5709) ODBC driver: * try alternate DSN template for 64bit ODBC * make ODBC driver honour PGEO_DRIVER_TEMPLATE config. option (and also MDB_DRIVER_TEMPLATE in case PGEO_DRIVER_TEMPLATE isn't defined) (#5594) ODS driver: * fix export of OFTDate fields that were exported as string OpenAir driver: * tweak detection logic to read beyond first 10KB bytes when needed (#5975) OpenFileGDB driver: * add compatibility with .gdbtable files bigger than 4 GB (#5615) * support opening files with ConfigurationKeyword=MAX_FILE_SIZE_4GB or MAX_FILE_SIZE_256TB (#5615) * fix occasionnal write-after-end-of-buffer (#5464) * avoid error message when failing to import SRS from WKID code (might be an ESRI code for example) * fix spatial filter with GeneralPolygon shapes (#5591) * fix for reading GDB with string fields with a default value length > 127 (#5636) * better handling of certain definitions of raster columns * use LatestWKID when available (#5638) * increase accepted size for field description zone up to 10 MB (#5660) * fix ResetReading() on SQL layer with ORDER BY on indexed column (#5669) * add support for non spatial GDB v9 tables (#5673) * improve error reporting when file exists but cannot be opened due to permission problem (#5838) * report width of string fields (#5806) * try to deal more gracefully with inconsistent nValidRecordCount vs nTotalRecordCount values (#5842) * report 25D layer geometry type on FileGDB v9 tables when relevant * optimize sequential reading of sparse layers * avoid warning when opening a00000004.gdbtable * disable feature count optimization with IS NOT NULL on an index column OSM driver: * add mechanism to compute fields from other fields/tags with SQL expressions. Apply it for z_order on lines layer * fix random crash, particularly on MacOSX (#5465) * add CONFIG_FILE, USE_CUSTOM_INDEXING, COMPRESS_NODES, MAX_TMPFILE_SIZE and INTERLEAVED_READING open options PG driver: * use COPY mode by default (unless PG_USE_COPY is set to NO) when inserting features in a newly create table (#5460) * add UNLOGGED=YES/NO layer creation option to create unlogged tables (improved version of patch by Javier Santana, #4708) * implement deferred loading of table list, to optimize ExecuteSQL() (#5450) * implement optimization for spatial table listing for PostGIS 2.x * implement deferred creation of tables to capture all attribute and geometry column creations into a single CREATE TABLE statement (#5547) * change "No field definitions found" from fatal error to debug * when creating a table and filling it, avoid re-reading the table definition from PG system tables (#5495) * better handling of SRS authority name different than EPSG (authority code must still be integral) * fix crash when writing a StringList with 0 element (#5655) * emit errors instead of debug messages when postgres issues an error (#5679) * fix to make ExecuteSQL('CREATE DATABASE foo') work * fix regression that prevented to retrieve more than 500 features from a connection with tables= parameter and on a SQL result layer (#5837) * PG/PGDump: fix truncation of fields to work with multi-byte UTF-8 characters (#5854) PGDump driver: * switch to DROP_TABLE=IF_EXISTS by default (#5627) * fix crash when writing a StringList with 0 element (#5655) PGeo driver: * try alternate DSN template for 64bit ODBC REC driver: Shapefile driver: * add SPATIAL_INDEX layer creation option (#5562) * support .prj files with UTF-8 BOM * fill 'date of last update' header with current time instead of dummy date, and add a DBF_DATE_LAST_UPDATE layer creation option to override this with a fixed date (#3919) * fix reading of shapefiles whose .shx is non conformant (#5608) * fix writing values up to 2^53 in OFTReal fields with 0 decimal places (#5625) * delete implicit FID field as soon as we CreateField a real one * GetExtent(): don't trust extent in header if it contains Not-A-Number values (#5702) * make REPACK compact .shp if SetFeature() is called and changes one geometry size (#5706) * add check not to cut unicode character while cut the string lengnt for field max length during SetFeature * avoid reading whole .shx at open time for /vsicurl/ * add SHAPE_REWIND_ON_WRITE configuration option that can be set to NO to disable correction of ring winding order on write. Useful when dealing with MultiPolygon that are MultiPatch objects in fact (#5888) * Make ENCODING layer creation option prioritary over SHAPE_ENCODING config. option SOSI driver: * remove error noise (#5710) S57 driver: * various compliance fixes in ISO8211 and S57 writer (#5798) * make it possible to set LNAM_REFS=OFF as advertized in the doc SQLite/Spatialite driver: * SQLite/Spatialte: add support for multiple geometry colunn tables, accordingly with RFC 41 (#5494) * SQLite SQL dialect: Add hstore_get_value(hstore, key) function * remove 'T' suffix when formatting the content of a Date field (#5672) * optimize CreateFeature() when fields can be null or not null from one feature to another one * Spatialite: improve insertion performance by disabling triggers and doing the job ourselves * Fix segmentation fault when executing OGR2SQLITE_Register() when compiling against sqlite 3.8.7 (#5725) * make GetFIDColumn() work when run as first method call (#5781) * emit warning when reading text values in a integer/real field (possible since SQLite has no strong typing) * support reading date/datetime from Julian day floating point representation SUA driver: * tweak detection logic to read beyond first 10KB bytes when needed (#5975) SXF driver: * Fix SXF file version check (#5456) * Fix wrong Miller Cylindrical projection string * Fix encoding issues (#5647) * Fix extract z value to OGRGeometry * Fix case sensitivity of RSC file VFK driver: * recode also header values * process DKATUZE from header properly * handle also duplicated records * check attribute 'parametry_spojeni' * speed-up GetFeatureCount() * fix reading properties. Escape characters for SQL * change SRS from EPSG 2065 to 5514 * fix reading SBP datablock (fix mismatch when reading from file and db) VRT driver: * do not propagate ignoring of x and y cols of a PointFromColumns to the source layer (#5777) * add an optional 'name' attribute on FID element, so as to be able to force the report of a FID column name even if it is not exposed as a regular field (related to #5845) * handle optional value to specify open options Tiger driver: * Fix potential buffer underflow when providing /vsistdin/ to Tiger driver (#5567) WAsP driver: * added options and changed output precision to match WAsP Map Editor * improve TestCapability(ODsCCreateLayer) WFS driver: * automatically enable paging if WFS 2.0 capabilities report paging support * evaluate SELECT with JOIN on server-side for a Join-capable WFS 2.0 server * add a TRUST_CAPABILITIES_BOUNDS open option, that can be set to YES to trust layer bounds declared in GetCapabilities response, for faster GetExtent() runtime (#4041) * add INVERT_AXIS_ORDER_IF_LAT_LONG, CONSIDER_EPSG_AS_URN and EXPOSE_GML_ID open options * add capability to use spatial functions ST_xxxxx() as server-side filters * add dataset and layer metadata * allow SELECT with several ORDER BY columns * report name of geometry column * Add COOKIE option (#5824) * when parsing a layer schema without geometry from the GML .xsd, do not expose a geometry field at the WFS layer level (#5834) XLSX driver: * fix column numbering when there are more than 26 columns (#5774) XPlane driver: * add support for Taxi Location 1300 record found in V1000 == SWIG Language Bindings == All bindings: * bind GDALGetBandDataset() as Band.GetDataset() * add Feature.GetFieldAsBinary() Java bindings: * Pass eRWFlag to allow both reading or writing. Write was broken in DatasetRasterIO(). * updates to generate maven artifacts Perl bindings: * The breaking changes are described in more detail in swig/perl/Changes-in-the-API-in-2.0. * More comprehensive use of strings as constants (such as capabilities); they are also taken from bindings, which added new ones, and not hard-coded. * New classes (e.g., VSIF, GeoTransform, GeomFieldDefn) and new methods (e.g., constant lists, Dataset::SpatialReference). * Much improved documentation and switch to Doxygen::Filter::Perl. * New test codes. * Errors are confessed with stack trace and often caught earlier with better messages. * Use of attributes is deprecated and methods have been added to replace them. * Multiple geometry fields have necessitated some changes in schema and field related methods. * More support for named parameters (i.e., hashes as arguments). * NoDataValue: set max float if undef is given. * Unit: set '' if undef is given. * Also other changes that will also remove some "use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry" warnings. * Automatic handling of SQL result layers. * Fix issue with index attribute for field meta data (schema) (#5662) * Warn if attempt to create non-integer column for colors. * Remove prefix GCP from GCP swig made attributes. Python bindings: * add optional buf_xsize, buf_ysize and buf_type parameters to Dataset.ReadAsArray() and Dataset.LoadFile(), and use dataset RasterIO for better efficiency * avoid generating Python exception when PyString_FromStringAndSize() fails and GDAL errors as Python exceptions are disabled * Band.ReadRaster() and Dataset.ReadRaster(): clear the buffer in case there are holes in it due to odd spacings specified by the user * Fix hang of Python in case of repeated call to gdal/ogr.UseExceptions() and CE_Warning emitted (#5704) * for Python 2, accept unicode string as argument of Feature.SetField(idx_or_name, value) (#4608) * for Python 2, accept Unicode strings to be passed as key and/or value of the dictionary passed to SetMetadata() (#5833) * fix processing error of ogr_python.i with SWIG 3 (#5795) * NUMPY driver: avoid returning CE_None in GetGeoTransform() when there's no geotransform set (#5801) * Make GetFieldAsBinary() work with OFTString fields * For Python3 compat, make Feature.GetField() use GetFieldAsBinary() if GetFieldAsString() fails (#5811)