= GDAL/OGR 1.9.2 Release Notes = The 1.9.2 release is a bug fix release. == Core == * Fix infinite GDALOpen recursion with some VRTs (#4835) * Avoid destroying existing overviews (.aux/.rrd) (#4831) * Support recognising NaN better in CPLStrtod() (#4799) * Fix windows declaration for CPLGetErrorHandlerUserData() (#4755) * Fix compilation with Gentoo modified zlib 1.2.6 (#4723) * Look for libgeotiff headers in /usr/include/libgeotiff too (#4706) * Improve warning handling in CPLClearRecodeStubWarningFlags() (#4650) * Fix Solaris compilation bug (#4705) * MorphFromESRI(): compare SPHEROID/PRIMEM parms, not names (#4673) gdalwarp: * Do not drop chunks to process because of transform errors (#4795) * geolocation transformer: ignore incoming pabSuccess values (#4794) gdaldem: * fix color relief output via !CreateCopy (#4764) gdal_rasterize: * Fix crash with -i and no features (#4744) Perl Bindings: * Fix Geo::OGR::Geometry::Points method (#4833) Java Bindings: * Fix gdalconst.DMD_ and DCAP_ constants (#4828) * Fix SWIG 2.0.6 compilation problem (#4669) == GDAL 1.9.2 == KMLSuperOverlay Driver: * Fix bad placing of tiles with large raster regions (#4834) BAG Driver: * Fix serious problems with tiled images (#4548) HDF4 Driver: * Avoid using tile API for non-tile sized chunks (#4672) GeoPDF Driver: * Support Poppler 0.20 (#4668) VRT Driver: * Fix integer overflow filling buffer larger than 2GB (#4815) GeoTIFF (GTiff) Driver: * avoid crash on improperly formatted metadata (#4816) * Fix factor_b/factor_c problem when initiatlizing from EPSG CSV (#4689) * Avoid applying GEOGCS units to projected srs (#4677) NITF Driver: * Do not attempt to return large DESDATA as escaped text (#4803) * Add code "TF" in NITF series table (#4776) RPFTOC Driver: * Relax SanityCheckOK() to avoid rejecting valid CIB datasets (#4791) ECW Driver: * Improve picking (one pixel reads) on large datasets (#4790) NetCDF Driver: * Fix "km" support (#4769) * fix use of freed memory in NCDFAddGDALHistory() (#4709) * fetch SRS before metadata (#4691) BT Driver: * Fix support for 2G+ files (#4765) RMF Driver: * Fix zone number detection (#4766) Rasterlite Driver: * Fix problem with creating internal overviews affecting other tables (#4737) GIF Driver: * Add giflib 5.0 compatability (#4675) * Add giflib 4.2.0 support (#4675) DTED Driver: * update partial cell indicator (#4687) GRIB Driver: * Avoid caching more than 100MB (#4682) == OGR 1.9.2 == Shapefile Driver: * Fix memory leak when ignoring geometry (#4749) * Fix /vsizip EOF handling affecting zipped shapefiles (#4748) * Fix handling of 8859xx in .cpg file (#4743) * Remove assert if !SetFeature() called with in valid FID (#4727) * Try to support recoding of field names (#4650) * OGRDataSource::!CopyLayer(): take field renaming into account (#4667) SQLLite Driver: * return empty layer when select returns zero rows (#4684) FileGDB Driver: * Add FGDB_BULK_LOAD configuration option for faster bulk loading (#4420) * Fixes for tolerance and scale parameters in SRS (#4455) * Use ESRI SRS DB to find WKT definition (#4455) DXF Driver: * Take extrusion direction into account (#4842) * Write HATCH in compatible way + misc improvements (#4680) * Ignore spline frame control points for VERTEX of POLYLINE (#4683) GML Driver: * Use Xerces parser for files encoded in ISO-8859-1n (#4829) * fix MultiLineString typo in GML3 .XSD file (#4674) MSSQL Driver: * Fix MSSQL Spatial / 3D issue (#4626, #4806) * Fix multipoint geometry handling (#4781) ODBC Driver: * Make !SetAttributeFilter(NULL) work (#4821) SDE Driver: * Add support for CLOB and NLOB data types (#4801) JSON Driver: * parse double values in locale insensitive way (#4814) CSV Driver: * Allow creating a new .csv file in messed up case, support single column CSV files (#4824) * Fix export of real values in non-C locale (#4761) WFS Driver: * Fix problem with double quoted WFSLayerMetadata (#4796) Geomedia Driver: * fix loading of boundary geometries that are 2.5D or multiring (#4734) MITAB Driver: * Fix double free on Create failure (#4730) !ArcInfo Binary Coverage (AVCBin Driver: * Fix VAT read past EOF problem (#3031) Postgres/PostGIS Driver: * optimize SRID fetching on PostGIS 2.0 using ST_SRID() (#4699, #4700)