Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Release/1.5.1-News

Mar 14, 2008, 12:01:22 AM (16 years ago)



  • Release/1.5.1-News

    v1 v1  
     1= GDAL/OGR 1.5.1 =
     3 * #1769 (PNG): Improved handling of corrupt PNG files.
     4 * #2104 (RS2): Support 8bit Radarsat 2 datasets.
     5 * #1672: Ignore NaN when computing raster min/max
     6 * #2111 (gdaltindex): Fix cross heap problem on win32.
     7 * #2107 (AAIGRID): consider nodata when establishing pixel type.
     8 * #2115 (GTifF): Fix writing 1 bit TIFF files.
     9 * #1929: Improved LDFLAGS support on Unix builds.
     10 * #2116 (ADRG): Various improvements to ADRG driver.
     11 * #2118 (ECW): Fix NULL pointer crash in ECWDataset::Open()
     12 * #2119 (Terragen): overflow in implicit constant conversion
     13 * #2120 (OCI): Correct memory leaks in Oracle driver.
     14 * #2122 (SWIG): Correct handling of null progress func in C#
     15 * #2121 (gdalenhance): Various fixes.
     16 * #2125 (GMT): Fix quoting problems in GMT output.
     17 * #2134 (Geoconcept): Improve coordinate system support, various fixes.
     18 * #2132 (Golden Surfer 7): Fix georeferencing problems.
     19 * #2172 (Golden Surfer 7): Fix bigendian GS7 support.
     20 * #2160 (SRS): PROJ.4 translation of OSGB36 datum broken
     21 * #1217 (Shape): Polygon with 4 nested rings not broken up properly
     22 * #1794 (AAIGRID): yllcorner georeferencing bug
     23 * #2166 (HDF5): Remove debugging printf.
     24 * #2131 (GMLJP2): GMLJP2 Honours EPSG Preferred Geographic Axis Ordering
     25 * #2167 (HFA): Add missing HFA creation options to driver metadata.
     26 * #2170 (GMLJP2): Fix GMLJP2 memory leaks.
     27 * #2176 (ISIS3): Support # comments in ISIS3 Labels.
     28 * #2177 (Shape): Shapelib errors should not be fatal.
     29 * #2179: Fix ILWIS building with gcc 4.3
     30 * #2158: GDALOpen() slow on directories with many files.
     31 * #2182 (SWIG): GNUmakefile should use configured python interpreter for build
     32 * #2185 (SWIG): NULL passed to Driver.CreateCopy() causes crash.
     33 * #2184 (MySQL): TestCapability("CreateField") corrected.
     34 * #2183 (GTiff): Better handling of ENVI created GeoTIFF files coordinate sys.
     35 * #2187 (Python): fix layer __getitem__ bug
     36 * #2189 (GTiff): Writing YCbCr JPEG Compressed TIFFs fixed.
     37 * #2190 (PNM): Fix false PNM file recognition.
     38 * #2196 (NetCDF): Fix crash on large attributes.
     39 * #2201 (Interlis): Fix crash on Interlis 1 files
     40 * #2144 (HFA): Fix Xform generation for rotated/skewed geotransforms.
     41 * #2178 (BT, ): Fix off-by-half-pixel issues for pixel as point formats.
     42 * #2216: Improve VC++ built libs/includes to be MingW usable.
     43 * #2215 (GML): Improve GML geometry detection / case sensitivity.
     44 * #2219 (PAux): Handle improved spelling of AuxiliaryTarget.
     45 * #2222 (Python): Add GetSubDatasets() method.
     46 * #2225 (HDF4): Improved NRL projected products georeferencing support.
     47 * #2227 (ENVI): Fix ENVI State Plane Handling
     48 * #2231: Fix GDALReprojectImage() error handling for null dest srs.
     49 * #2229 (VRT): Fix OGR VRT driver thread safety issue (shared opens).
     50 * #2240 (VRT): Fix error handling for 2GCP VRT Warped datasset.
     51 * #2224 (GSAG): Various golden surfer ascii fixes.
     52 * #2202 (OCI): Support Oracle databases without spatial types.
     53 * #2245 (AAIGRID): Fix crash when .prj not created.
     54 * #2242 (gdalwarp): Fix cross-heap crash bug.
     55 * #2249 (NITF): Fix problem with paletted images (new in 1.5)
     56 * #2255 (JP2KAK): Fix /vsimem file IO for JP2KAK driver.
     57 * #2257 (GTiff): BigTIFF not enabled by default with internal libtiff on win32.
     58 * #2199: Support IO using buffers larger than 2GB.
     59 * #2259: Try to always set driver on OGRDataSources.
     60 * #2258: --with-ogpython=<path to python> no longer works
     61 * #2268 (INGR): Fix alignment crash on Sparc.
     62 * #2274 (NDF): Fix crash with non-local NDF 2 files.
     63 * #1863 (gdalwarp): Fix quiet mode.
     64 * #2263 (gdal_translate): Fix cross heap VRTDataset "new" crash.
     65 * #2218 (Shape): Improve error recover with corrupt shapefiles.
     66 * #2005 (GTiff): Fix problems with TIFFs with many blocks.