= GDAL/OGR 1.5.0 = '''These are preliminary release notes, the 1.5.0 release has not yet occured.''' == GDAL/OGR 1.5.0 - General Changes == SWIG Bindings: * The "Next Generation" Python SWIG bindings are now the default. * Python utility and sample scripts migrated to swig/python/scripts and swig/python/samples. * Added Raster Attribute Tables to swig bindings. * Added Geometry.ExportToKML * Added CreateGeometryFromKML * Added CreateGeometryFromJson * Added Geometry.ExportToJson SWIG C# related changes: * Support for the enumerated types of the C# interface * C# namespace names and module names follows the .NET framework naming guidelines * Changed the names of the Windows builds for a better match with the GNU/Linux/OSX builds * The gdalconst assembly is now deprecated * GDAL C# libtool build support * CreateFromWkb support * Dataset.ReadRaster, Dataset.WriteRaster support * Added support for Dataset.BuildOverviews * More examples added Build: * CFG environment variable now ignored. Instead set CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS environment variable to -g for debug builds or -O2 for optimized builds like most other packages. * Added --with-hide-internal-symbols to restrict exported API from .so files to be the GDAL public API (as marked with CPL_DLL). Other: * OGR and GDAL C APIs now generally check for NULL objects and recover with an error report instead of crashing. == GDAL 1.5.0 - Overview of Changes == Core: * Enable Persistent Auxilary Metadata (.aux.xml) by default. * Support for "pam proxies" for files in read-only locations. * Create and CreateCopy pre-Delete output existing dataset. * Added Identify() method on drivers (per RFC 11: Fast Format Identify) * Implement GetFileList() on datasets (per RFC 12). * Implement Delete(), Rename(), Copy() based on GetFileList() (per RFC 12). * vrtdataset.h, memdataset.h and rawdataset.h are now considered part of the public GDAL API, and will be installed along with gdal.h, etc. * Support nodata/validity masks per RFC 14: Band Masks. * Plugin drivers test for ABI compatability at load time. * Creation flags can now be validated (this is used by gdal_translate) * Default block cache size changed to 40MB from 10MB. Algorithms / Utilities: * gdal_grid: New utility to interpolate point data to a grid. * gdal2tiles.py is new for 1.5.0. * gdaltransform: stdin/stdout point transformer similar to PROJ.4 cs2cs. * gdalwarp: Several fixes related to destination "nodata" handling and nodata mixing in resampling kernels. * gdalwarp: Added Lanczos Windows Sinc resampling. * gdal_rasterize: added -i flag to rasterize all areas outside geometry. * gdalenhance: new utility for applying histogram equalization enhancements. * gdalmanage: Utility for managing datasets (identify, delete, copy, rename) * nearblack: Utility for fixing lossily compressed nodata collars. Intergraph Raster Driver: * New for 1.5.0. COSAR (TerraSAR-X) Driver: * New for 1.5.0. * SAR Format. COASP Driver: * New for 1.5.0 * SAR format produced by DRDC CASP SAR Processor. GFF Driver: * New for 1.5.0 GENBIN (Generic Binary) Driver: * New for 1.5.0. ISIS3 Driver: * New for 1.5.0. * Also PDS and ISIS2 driver improved substantially and all moved to frmts/pds WMS Driver: * New for 1.5.0. SDE Raster Driver: * New for 1.5.0. SRTMHGT Driver: * New for 1.5.0. PALSAR Driver: * New for 1.5.0. * SAR format. ERS Driver: * New for 1.5.0. * ERMapper ASCII Header HTTP Driver: * New for 1.5.0. * Fetches file by http and then GDALOpen()s. GSG Driver: * New for 1.5.0. * Golden Software Surfer Grid. GS7 Driver: * New for 1.5.0. * Golden Software Surfer 7 Binary Grid. Spot DIMAP Driver: * New for 1.5.0. RPFTOC Driver: * New for 1.5.0. ADRG Driver: * New for 1.5.0. NITF Driver: * Added support for writing JPEG compressed (IC=C3). * Added support for reading text segments and TREs as metadata. * Added support for 1bit images. * Added support for GeoSDE TRE for georeferencing. * Support PAM for subdatasets. * Improved NSIF support. * Support C1 (FAX3) compression. ENVI Driver: * Many improvements, particularly to coordinate system handling and metadata. JP2KAK (Kakadu JPEG2000) Driver: * Now builds with libtool enabled. GTIFF (GeoTIFF) Driver: * Now supports BigTIFF (read and write) with libtiff4 (internal copy ok). * Upgraded to include libtiff 4.0 (alpha2) as the internal option. * Support AVERAGE_BIT2GRAYSCALE overviews. * Produce pixel interleaved files instead of band interleaved by default. * Support TIFF files with odd numbers of bits (1-8, 11, etc). GIF Driver: * Nodata/transparency support added. JPEG Driver: * Support in-file masks. AIGrid Driver: * Supports reading associated info table as a Raster Attribute Table. HFA Driver: * Support MapInformation nodes. * Support AVERAGE_BIT2GRAYSCALE overviews. * Support Signed Byte pixel type. * Support 1/2/4 bit pixel types. * Support PE_STRING coordinate system definitions. WCS Driver: * Support WCS 1.1.0 DTED Driver: * Can now perform checksum verification. * Better datum detection. HDF4 Driver: * Support PAM for subdatasets. Leveller Driver: * Added write support. * Added v7 (Leveller 2.6) support. == OGR 1.5.0 - Overview of Changes == General: * Plugin drivers test for ABI compatability at load time. * SFCOM/OLEDB stuff all removed (moved to /spike in subversion). * Various thread safety improvements made. * Added PointOnSurface implementation for OGRPolygon. Utilities: * All moved to gdal/apps. OGRSpatialReference: * Supports URL SRS type. * Upgraded to EPSG 6.13. * Operating much better in odd numeric locales. BNA Driver: * New for 1.5.0. GPX Driver: * New for 1.5.0. GeoJSON Driver: * New for 1.5.0. GMT ASCII Driver: * New for 1.5.0. KML Driver: * Preliminary read support added. DXF / DWG Driver: * Removed due to licensing issues with some of the source code. Still available in subversion from under /spike if needed. PG (Postgres/PostGIS) Driver: * Added support for recognising primary keys other than OGR_FID to use as FID. * Improved schema support. * Performance improvements related to enabling SEQSCAN and large cursor pages Shapefile Driver: * Do not keep .shx open in read only mode (better file handle management). MySQL Driver: * Added support for BLOB fields. Interlis Drivers: * Support datasources without imported Interlis TID * Remove ili2c.jar (available from http://home.gdal.org/dl/ili2c.jar * Support for inner rings in Surface geometries. * Support spatial and attribute filters.