= GDAL/OGR 1.4.1 - Overview of Changes = The GDAL 1.4.1 release is a stable release, and contains the following bug fixes. There should be no noteworthy changes in interfaces or APIs. == GDAL == World File Reader: * Handle case with blank lines in worldfile gracefully . #1523 * Support other numeric locales (ie. comma for decimal). #1414 GeoTIFF Driver: * Use PHOTOMETRIC creation option properly. #1559 * Fix writing pixel interleaved files. #1470 * Fix thread safety issue with inmemory geo parsing. #1500 NetCDF Driver: * Correct off-by-half-pixel error in the geotransform. #1506 * Pre-verify file is NetCDF format before calling nc_open(). #1176 Erdas Imagine (HFA) Driver: * Add support for EPT_s32 and EPT_u32 non-runs in UncompressBlock?(). #1000 * Fix support for EPT_f32 non-runs with 16bit offset values. #1000 * Avoid attempting to open "AUX" directly. #1493 HDF4 Driver: * Fix some problems with geolocation support crashes. JPEG Driver: * Support EXIF directories with no entries. #1523 FAST Driver: * Handle various FAST datasets. #1516 MEM Driver: * Fix support for memory arrays larger than 4GB. #1503 MrSID Driver: * Compute approximate statistics from overview, even if not forced. #1452 * Fix for decoding some stripped data. #1446 AAIGrid Driver: * Handling case-mixed file names. #1524 VRT Driver: * Fixed reprojection in AutoCreateWarpedVRT() #1469 == OGR == OGR: * Fixed handling of XYZM data in WKT without crashing. #1036 OGRSpatialReference: * Fix up handling of feet and numeric units in old ESRI .prj files. #1533 * Fix ESRI LCC 2SP support. #187 OGR SQL: * Allow use of <, >, <= and >= in attribute filters and WHERE. #1557 * Fix handling of special fields if values are null. #1528 * Fixed FID special field support. #1468 GML Driver: * Support files with a "BOM" marker at the beginning. #1534 Interlis Driver: * Return a clone of internal features to avoid crash if reread. #1535 Mapinfo Driver: * Back ported various MITAB 1.6.1 fixes. #1541 PostGIS Driver: * Don't disable sequential scanning. #1472 * Increase CURSOR_PAGE from 1 to 500. #1474 * Ensure that GetLayerByName(), and OpenTable() fail gracefully for non existant tables. #1480 * Improved result set cleaning. #1514 * Fixed detecting 4-dimension coordinates in input EWKB streams. #1323 Shapefile Driver: * Ensure SetFeature() and DeleteFeature() operations get applied. #1456 * Handling case-mixed file names. #1524 == Other == Java: * Fix missing import. #1463 * Make ANT location configurable #1545 * void functions should not return values #1543 Python: * Fix support for complex data in NG bindings. #1518 * Fix array order compatibility with old bindings. #1542 * Fix Dataset.ReadAsArray() * Fix WriteRaster and ReadRaster. #1481 * Geometry contructor in old bindings. #1255