Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Release/1.10.0-News

Apr 29, 2013, 11:13:43 AM (11 years ago)
Even Rouault

1.10.0 news


  • Release/1.10.0-News

    v1 v1  
     1= GDAL/OGR 1.10.0 Release Notes (r23656 to r25905) =
     3== In a nutshell... ==
     5 * New GDAL drivers:
     6   - ARG: read/write suuport for ARG datasets (#4591)
     7   - CTable2: read/write support for CTable2 datum grid shift format
     8   - DDS: write-only support for DirectDraw Surface format (#5017)
     9   - IRIS: read support for products generated by the IRIS weather radar software (#4854)
     10   - MAP:  read OziExplorer .map files (#3380)
     11   - MBTiles: read-only support for MBTiles rasters (needs libsqlite3)
     12 * New OGR drivers:
     13   - ElasticSearch: write-only support to write into ElasticSearch databases (needs libcurl)
     14   - ODS : read/write support for OpenOffice .ods (Open Document Spreadsheets) (needs libexpat)
     15   - OSM : read-only support for .osm / .pbf OpenStreetMap files
     16   - PDF: read/write support for vector/structured PDF files
     17   - XLSX: read/write support for MS Excel 2007 and later Open Office XML .xlsx spreadsheets (needs libexpat)
     18 * RFC 39: OGR Layer algebra methods :
     19 * Add a SQL SQLite dialect :
     20 * Make GDAL loadable as a SQLite3 extension (named VirtualOGR) (#4782)
     21 * /vsicurl_streaming/: new virtual file system handler designed to read in streaming mode dynamically generated files
     22 * GDAL API_PROXY mechanism to run GDAL drivers in a separate process:
     23 * Significantly improved drivers : PDF, SQLite, JP2OpenJPEG
     24 * Add a geocoding client :
     25 * Upgrade to EPSG 8.0 database
     27== New installed files ==
     29 * data/ozi_datum.csv
     30 * data/ozi_ellips.csv
     31 * data/osmconf.ini
     32 * include/cpl_progress.h
     33 * include/cpl_spawn.h
     34 * bin/gdalserver[.exe]
     36== Backward compatibility issues ==
     38Due to the 2-digit number '10' in GDAL 1.10, the GDAL_VERSION_NUM macro has been changed.
     39The new advised way of testing the GDAL version number (for GDAL 1.10 or later) at compilation time is :
     41#ifdef GDAL_COMPUTE_VERSION /* only available in GDAL 1.10 or later */
     47Testing of previous versions is of course unchanged.
     49== GDAL/OGR 1.10.0 - General Changes ==
     52 * New optional dependencies : libpcre (for regular expressions support in SQLite), libxml2 (validation of GML files)
     53 * --with-python: make it work with python3, and also accept path to python binary as argument of --with-python (#4725)
     54 * Use nc-config to detect netcdf compilation and linking parameters (#4424)
     55 * Add frmts/vrt to CONFIG_CFLAGS for developement version of gdal-config (needed for postgis 2.0 compilation)
     56 * Fix compilation failure with iconv on FreeBSD (#4525)
     57 * Make FileGDBAPI detection work with FileGDBAPI v1.1 and v1.2 (#4570)
     58 * Fix build on Gentoo with its custom zlib 1.2.6 with the OF macro removed
     59 * Mark man target as phony (#4629)
     60 * Add guess for the directory where to find openjdk on Ubuntu 12.04 (#4643)
     61 * Look for geotiff headers in /usr/include/libgeotiff too (#4706)
     62 * For install target, create gdalplugins subdirectory in $(DESTDIR)$(INST_LIB)/ (Unix, except MacOSX)
     63 * Better detection of OpenCL headers and library (#4665)
     64 * Changed libdap test to use dap-config to detect version when possible
     67 * (Preliminary) support to build INGRES
     68 * Make CPLGetErrorHandlerUserData() exported
     69 * Make OGDI include path overridable (to match OSGeo4W's default location)
     70 * Build and install plugins
     72== GDAL 1.10.0 - Overview of Changes ==
     75 * CPL Thread API: add condition API, modeled on POSIX pthread_cond_ API
     76 * Add CPLGetNumCPUs()
     77 * Deserialize various forms of textual representation for positive/negative infinity
     78 * Add routine to validate a XML file against its XSD schema (needs libxml2); 'optimize' it for GML files
     79 * CPLRecodeStub(): for Windows, provide an implementation of UTF8 <--> CPxxx conversions using Windows API
     80 * Make VSIFileManager::Get() thread-safe
     81 * Fix thread-safety of CPLOpenShared() (#4848)
     82 * Add CPLZLibDeflate() and CPLZLibInflate()
     83 * Add API for OAuth2 authentication protocol.
     84 * Curl: allows setting the CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH setting through GDAL_PROXY_AUTH=BASIC/NTLM/DIGEST/ANY,
     86 * /vsicurl/ and /vsicurl_streaming/ : make it possible to cache the files in RAM with VSI_CACHE = TRUE
     87 * /vsizip/: fix handling of Eof() that could cause missed last feature(s) of zipped shapefiles (#4748)
     90 * Add a DMD_SUBDATASETS driver metadata, and advertize it in relevant drivers (#4902)
     91 * Fix statistics computation when nodata value is +/- infinity (#4506)
     92 * GDALNoDataMaskBand: implement IRasterIO() for an optimization in common use case (#4488)
     93 * GDALVersionInfo(): add BUILD_INFO version string
     94 * GMLJP2: Fix bad interpretation when Lat/Long (#4657)
     95 * Set nodata value when creating external overviews so that AVERAGE algorithm works as expected (#4679)
     96 * EXIFExtractMetadata() moved to gcore/gdalexif.cpp to make it usable for other drivers
     97 * Fix infinite recursion in GDALOpen() (#4835)
     98 * GDALRasterBand::IRasterIO() : optimize downsampling/upsampling code path
     99 * C API: make GDALSetDefaultRAT() accept a NULL RAT. All drivers are ready for that now.
     100 * GDALRasterBand::GetDefaultHistogram(): change how min and max bounds are computed in the non GDT_Byte case
     101 * GDALDataset::BlockBasedFlushCache(): fix crash when band has sub-blocking
     104 * GSOC Image Correlator work (preliminary state)
     105 * Warp: divide Lanczos resampling time by at least a factor of 4.
     106 * Warp: add NUM_THREADS warping option to set the number of threads to use to parallelize the computation part of the warping
     107 * Warp: do not stop collecting chunks to operate on just because some subchunks fail (#4795)
     108 * Warp: add mode and average resampling methods (#5049)
     109 * OpenCL warper: handle errors in set_supported_formats(), fix memory leaks in error code paths, add detection of Intel OpenCL (by the way, Intel OpenCL seems to work properly only with a Float32 working data type)
     110 * OpenCL warper: fix segmentation fault related to source/destination validity masks (#4840)
     111 * Geoloc: do not trust pabSuccess in geolocation transformer (#4794)
     112 * Geoloc: add bilinear interpolation of coordinates from backmap (#4907)
     113 * Geoloc: add GDALTransformGeolocations() and SWIG binding
     114 * Add nearest neighbor and cubic interpolation of DEM in GDALRPCTransform (#3634).
     115   User can set RPC_DEMINTERPOLATION to near, bilinear or cubic to interpolate of input DEM file which set in RPC_DEM. The default interpolation is bilinear.
     116 * gdal_rasterize: fix problem identifying some connected-8 polygons (#4647)
     117 * gdal_grid: speed-up dramatically nearest neighbour search (with radius1 == radius2) by using a search quad tree
     118 * gdal_grid: parallelize processing by specifying the GDAL_NUM_THREADS configuration option (default to ALL_CPUS)
     119 * gdal_grid: for 'invdist' algorithm with default parameters, use SSE optimized version if available (at compile and runtime). Can be disabled with GDAL_USE_SSE=NO
     122 * General: make usage message more self-explanatory in case of bad option (#4973)
     123 * New application for "warping" an image by just updating its SRS and geotransform.
     124 * promote it as an 'official' tool (#4963)
     125 * gdalwarp: add "-r average" and "-r mode" resampling methods (#5049)
     126 * gdalwarp: copy metadata and band information from first source dataset and detect for conflicting values, new options -nomd and -cvmd (#3898)
     127 * gdalwarp: optimization when (-tr and -te) or (-ts and -te) are specified (#4804)
     128 * gdalwarp: assign color interpretation of source bands to target dataset, in the case of target VRT (#4462)
     129 * gdalwarp: add -setci option to set the color interpretation of the bands of the target dataset from the source dataset
     130 * gdal_translate: accept -srcwin or -projwin values that fall partially or completely outside the source raster extent. Introduce -epo and -eco options to error out in those situations.
     131 * gdallocationinfo: add a -overview overview_level option to specify an overview level, instead of the base band
     132 * gdalsrsinfo: try to open with GDAL and OGR even if argument is not a file (#4493)
     133 * gdaldem: add a -combined option to the hillshade mode to compute combined hillshading (#4753)
     134 * gdaldem: fix color-relief output with driver that has only CreateCopy() capability, and when the source block dimensions are not multiple of the raster dimension (#4764)
     135 * gdaltindex: add -t_srs option, to transform all input source bounds to same SRS (#4773)
     136 * gdalbuildvrt: add -a_srs option
     137 * gdalbuildvrt: add -sd option to select subdataset by its number
     138 * gdalbuildvrt: add a -b flag (#4992)
     139 * gdalgrid: increase working buffer of gdal_grid binary to 16 MB
     140 * Don't pass creation options to the MEM driver used for generating temporary datasets (#4532)
     141 * make -a_srs option work properly by expanding the user input to WKT; support -a_srs with empty string
     142 * add support for -gcp option
     143 * make KML output conformant with KML 2.2 (#4536)
     144 * OL 2.12 support (#4742)
     145 * add -8 option to select 8 connectedness (#4655)
     146 *, remove using of glob() API
     147 * fix output of -csv mode with multi-band raster
     148 * gdal_contour / gdal_rasterize / gdal_translate: accept numeric values in scientific format.
     149 * New sample Python script
     150 * New sample Python scrip to compare GDAL datasets
     151 * add --co creation option flag (#4964)
     152 * gdaladdo: add a -b flag
     153 * deal with color tables with more than 256 entries (#4905)
     155Multi driver changes:
     156 * Add support for reading .j2w, .jp2w and .wld files for JP2ECW, JP2MrSID, JP2OPENJPEG and JPEG2000 drivers (#4651)
     159 * Change float format string for AAIGrid to prevent pointless padding/decimals (#3732)
     161ACE2 driver:
     162 * Fix typo that prevented dataset to be opened with explicit /vsigzip/ (#4460)
     164ADRG driver:
     165 * Various fixes when opening ill-formed datasets.
     167BAG driver:
     168 * Fix serious problems with tiled images, particularly when not multiples of tile size (#4548)
     169 * Added capture of dateTime attribute
     170 * Support WKT (with Esri style VERTCS) spatial reference
     171 * Allow WGS84 spatial reference
     172 * Include compression method in metadata.
     174BT driver:
     175 * Fixes for huge files (>2GB) support (#4765)
     177CEOS2 driver:
     178 * Add various radarsat-1 related metadata fields (#4996)
     180DIMAP driver:
     181 * Check signature in METADATA.DIM, not just file existence
     182 * Fixed DIMAP2 driver to get the proper absolute path in a specific case
     184DTED driver:
     185 * Write the updated value of the partial cell indicator to the file (#4687)
     186 * Honour 'Longitude count' field of Data Record to deal properly with files with missing columns at the left and/or right of the file (#4711)
     188ECW driver:
     189 * Add support for ECW SDK 5.0
     190 * Improve picking performance on large datasets (#4790)
     191 * Use ECW SDK to do super-sampling for SDK >= 4.X
     192 * Expose 256x256 block dimension instead of scanline
     193 * Workaround a ECW SDK 3.3 bug, when doing a RasterIO() with the total number of bands, but not in the 1,2,..n order (#4234)
     194 * Add heuristics to detect successive band reading pattern (such as done by QGIS). Beneficial for ECWP
     196ENVI driver:
     197 * Add support for writing RPCs and GCPs
     198 * Add ability to access all ENVI header fields to the ENVI reader (#4735)
     199 * Write in the ENVI header metadata found in the ENVI metadata domain (#4957)
     200 * Fix reading of .sta file on 64bit Linux
     201 * Assume BSQ interleaving when 'interleave' keyword missing or unknown
     202 * Fix category names writing
     203 * Remove 'envi fft result' from the blacklist
     204 * Report wavelength and wavelength_units as band metadata (#3682)
     206ENVISAT driver:
     207 * Ported to VSI*L
     209GeoRaster driver:
     210 * Add spatialExtent and extentSRID create-options (#4529)
     211 * Fix JPEG quality not updated on metadata (#4552)
     212 * Search for RDT as regular table
     213 * Add support for RPC (#4038)
     215GIF driver:
     216 * Add support for giflib 4.2.0 (#4675) and giflib 5.0
     218GMT driver:
     219 * Make GMT driver thread-safe by adding a global mutex (since the netcdf library isn't thread-safe)
     221GTiff driver:
     222 * Internal libtiff and libgeotiff refreshed from upstream
     223 * Use EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA by default (behaviour change w.r.t. previous GDAL versions) (#4733)
     224 * Add support for reading GeoEye *.pvl metadata files (#4465)
     225 * Lossless CreateCopy'ing() from a JPEG dataset
     226 * Read EXIF metadata in the EXIF metadata domain
     227 * Ensure that rowsperstrip is never larger than ysize (#4468)
     228 * Fix writing of RGBA pixel-interleaved JPEG-compressed TIFF (#4732)
     229 * Set color interpretation to GCI_PaletteIndex after calling SetColorTable() (#4547)
     230 * Conversion for 8-bit unpacked CMYK (PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED) to RGBA.
     231 * Maximize EPSG compatability where PCS is defined (#4607)
     232 * Ensure that unusual units with an authority node are saved nicely (like EPSG:2066)
     233 * Add CT_HotineObliqueMercatorAzimuthCenter support
     234 * Fix PolarStereographic / 9829 support
     235 * Make sure that GetMetadata() initializes the value of GDALMD_AREA_OR_POINT item, if not already done (#4691)
     236 * When building overviews, if the image has already an internal mask, then build internal overviews for the mask implicitely
     237 * Better handling of SetMetadata(a_string) (#4816)
     238 * Use GTIFAllocDefn/GTIFFreeDefn with libgeotiff 1.4.1+
     239 * Add support for GEO_NORMALIZE_DISABLE_TOWGS84 (#3309)
     240 * Improve handling of description and offset/scale without reverting to .aux.xml
     241 * Workaround defects in libtiff 3.X when generating several overview levels at the same time
     242 * Special case where the EGM96 Vertical Datum code is mis-used as a Vertical CS code (#4922)
     243 * Support unsetting geotiff tags when calling SetGeoTransform([0,1,0,0,0,1]) and SetProjection('')
     244 * Rework how CSV files are searched w.r.t libgeotiff (#4994)
     246GRIB driver:
     247 * Report nodata value (#4433)
     248 * Fix fgetc signed/unsigned problem for Grib format VSI*L reader (#4603)
     249 * Avoid caching more than 100 MB in case of dataset with many bands (#4682)
     250 * uses meshLat as the latitude_of_origin parameter of LCC projection (#4807)
     252GSAG driver:
     253 * Fix hangs when reading truncated dataset (#4889)
     255GS7BG driver:
     256 * Implement Create() and CreateCopy() (#4707)
     258GTX driver:
     259 * Support reading old GTX files where datatype was Float64
     261GXF driver:
     262 * Avoid having big buffer on stack (#4852)
     263 * Avoid locale floating point parsing problems (similar to r24367).
     264 * Implement continuued lines mechanism (#4873)
     265 * Fix various vulnerabilities / DoS
     267HDF4 driver:
     268 * Add ability to increase the maximum number of opened HDF4 files
     269 * Unix build: avoid issue with system hdfeos library
     270 * Ensure we do not try to use the grid tile api for non-tilesized chunks (#4672)
     271 * Preserve more Float32 attribute precision
     272 * Import HDF USGS GCTP angular parameters as radians
     273 * Restore conventional add_offset interpretation (#4891)
     274 * Be more careful about missing dimensions (#4900)
     275 * Make HDF4 driver thread-safe by adding a global mutex (since the HDF4 library isn't thread-safe)
     276 * Search for "coremetadata" attribute name instead of "coremetadata."
     278HDF5 driver:
     279 * Add support for COSMO-SkyMed metadata (#4160)
     281HFA driver:
     282 * Added BASEDATA support for EPT_u1 (#4537)
     283 * Fix crash on dataset closing when .ige file header is corrupted (#4596)
     284 * .aux overviews: avoid destroying existing overviews when asking twice in a row to build overviews for exactly the same overview levels (#4831)
     285 * Fix sizing of RAT string column maxwidth to include null char (#4867)
     286 * Fix segfault in HFAAuxBuildOverviews with selected bands (#4976)
     288INGR driver:
     289 * do not reduce tile size to image size (#4856)
     290 * Fix value inversion when reading type 9 (bitonal RLE) untiled files (#5030)
     291 * fix slowness and incorrect random reading with RLE datasets (#4965)
     292 * Enable reading bitonal rle files wider than 22784 (0x5900) pixels (#5030)
     293 * Add RESOLUTION metadata/option to read/write DPI (#5030)
     294 * Add write support for .rle (bitonal rle files) to test the above (#5030)
     296ISIS3 driver:
     297 * Ensure scaleFactor defaults to 1 (#4499)
     299JP2ECW driver:
     300 * Workaround conflict between ECW SDK deinitialization and GDAL deinitialization, as shown by gdaljp2ecw tests of imageio-ext (#5024)
     301 * Promote 1bit alpha band of a RGBA dataset to 8 bits to improve general user experience (can be turned off by setting GDAL_ECW_PROMOTE_1BIT_ALPHA_AS_8BIT to NO)
     303JP2KAK driver:
     304 * Capture Corder in metadata for user convenience
     305 * Fix writing of resolution box where the xresolution value was written instead of the yresolution one
     306 * Skip bands that have different data type when reading multiple bands in IReadBlock() (#4638)
     307 * Default to less than 250000 lines per tile (#5034)
     309JP2OpenJPEG driver:
     310 * Require OpenJPEG 2.0.0 now
     311 * Use several decoding threads when processing multi-tiles IRasterIO() requests
     312 * Add support for writing georeferencing
     313 * Read and write JP2 Res box and translate it from/to TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION and TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT metadata items
     314 * Promote 1bit alpha band of a RGBA dataset to 8 bits to improve general user experience (can be turned off by setting JP2OPENJPEG_PROMOTE_1BIT_ALPHA_AS_8BIT to NO)
     316JPEG driver:
     317 * When there are no external overviews built, take advantage of the nature of JPEG compression to expose overviews of level 2, 4 and 8
     318 * Don't return junk content when requesting xml:XMP but no XMP metadata is present (#4593)
     319 * add a INTERNAL_MASK creation option to be able to disable appending the ZLib mask if not needed
     320 * add support for creating a JPEG loss-less file starting with the recentlish IJG libjpeg v9
     321   (with -co ARITHMETIC=yes -co BLOCK=1 -co COLOR_TRANSFORM=RGB1)
     323JPEG2000 driver:
     324 * do not accept by default source bands of type different from Byte, Int16 or UInt16 since they seem to cause crashes in libjasper.
     325   This can be overriden, at your own risk, by setting JPEG2000_FORCE_CREATION configuration option to YES (#5002)
     327KMLSuperOverlay driver:
     328 * Add read support
     329 * Remove bogus code that limited generation to one zoom level (#4527)
     330 * Set minLodPixels to 1 for zoom level 0 (#4721)
     331 * Fix bad placing of tiles with raster of the extent of a country or more (#4834)
     332 * Add FIX_ANTIMERIDIAN creation option (#4528)
     334L1B driver:
     335 * Add support for NOAA19, METOP-B and guess for METOP-C (#2352)
     337MG4Lidar driver:
     338 * Add UTF-8 filename support under Windows (#4612)
     340NetCDF driver:
     341 * Fix for gdal_rasterize (#4432)
     342 * Enable PAM for band histogram and statistics (#4244)
     343 * Add longitude_of_prime_meridian value to PRIMEM
     344 * Fix SetNoDataValue() - do not update when already set to new value (#4484)
     345 * Convert longitude values in [180,360] interval to [-180,180] (#4512) - override with config option GDAL_NETCDF_CENTERLONG_180=0
     346 * Support 2D GEOLOCATION arrays when a projected variable has coordinates attribute and supporting lon/at arrays (#4513)
     347 * Ignore coordinate and bounds variables (CF sections 5.2, 5.6 and 7.1) as raster bands, but expose them as subdatasets - this allows to open files with projected SRS (or dimension bounds) directly, without specifying the variable as a subdataset
     348 * Better support for Gaussian grids - store original latitude values in special Y_VALUES geolocation metadata item and use it for netcdf export (#4514)
     349 * Write multi-dimensional variables to a single variable (not one for each unrolled band) in CreateCopy() (#2581)
     350 * Fix handling of km units in netcdf driver and importFromProj4() (#4769)
     351 * Fix detection of 1 and 2 pixel width/height netcdf datasets (#4874)
     352 * Fix subdataset data type info (#4932)
     353 * Make netCDF driver thread-safe by adding a global mutex (since the netcdf library isn't thread-safe)
     355NITF driver:
     356 * nitf_spec.xml: add definition of ACFTB and AIMIDB TREs
     357 * Don't escape DESDATA for sizes >10mb (#4803)
     358 * Fix NITF creation when both BLOCKA and TRE are passed in (#4958)
     359 * Allow reading JPEG-in-NITF where JPEG stream dimensions are larger than NITF dimensions (#5001)
     360 * Support for cases with 2 LUTs
     362Northwood driver:
     363 * Fixes for huge files (>2GB) support (#4565, #4645)
     365PDF driver:
     366 * Add CreateCopy() support
     367 * Add update support for georeferencing and metadata
     368 * Add support for selective layer rendering (only with poppler backend)
     369 * Add GDAL_PDF_BANDS = 3 or 4 config option to select RGB or RGBA rendering; add GDAL_PDF_RENDERING_OPTIONS config option to enable selective feature rendering by combining VECTOR, BITMAP and TEXT values
     370 * Fix parsing of some georeferencing (r24022)
     371 * Recognized ISO georeferencing set at the image level (and not at the page level); expose such images as subdatasets (#4695)
     372 * Support Poppler 0.20 (and for current Poppler development version 0.23/0.24)
     373 * UTF-16 support
     374 * Report registration points as GCPs (OGC Best Practice)
     375 * Allow building driver with both Poppler and Podofo (testing purposes mostly)
     376 * Fix crashes on some PDF files with poppler >= 0.17.0 (#4520)
     377 * Improve rounding of raster dimensions (#4775)
     378 * With podofo, avoid launching the 'pdftoppm' process in a visible console on Windows (#4864)
     379 * Select neatline whose description is 'Map Layers' when it is found, to keep the best neatline for USGS PDF Topo
     380   and add GDAL_PDF_NEATLINE config. option to override that default value.
     381 * Improve detection of DPI for USGS Topo PDF to get the maximum raster quality (will increase
     382   reported dataset height and width)
     383 * Extract USGS Topo PDF embedded metadata in the EMBEDDED_METADATA domain
     385PNG driver:
     386 * Internal libpng upgraded to 1.2.50
     388PostgisRaster driver:
     389 * Implement CreateCopy and Delete (#4530)
     390 * Supports reading of tiled raster with irregular blocking and irregular pixel size
     391 * Cache postgres db connection.
     392 * Use PG enviroment variables as fallback when settings are not provided in the connection string. (#4533).
     393 * Do not report nodata value when there is none (#4414)
     394 * Removed dependency on the 'rid' column.
     395 * Fix to make SQL queries with un-rounded floating point string representations. (#4736)
     396 * Fix overview support
     398Rasterlite driver:
     399 * Support all resampling methods for internal overviews (#4740)
     400 * Fix overview support with multi-table datasets (#4568, #4737)
     401 * Add RASTERLITE_OVR_OPTIONS configuration option to specify options for the tiles of the internal overviews
     403RMF driver:
     404 * Fix incorrect zone number detection for Transverse Mercator (#4766)
     406RPFTOC driver:
     407 * Relax SanityCheckOK() to avoid rejecting valid CIB datasets (#4791)
     408 * Avoid selecting a color table that is full black
     409 * Add missing NITF series code 'TF' for 'TFC' (and fix typo in some other long descriptions) (#4776)
     411RS2 driver:
     412 * added various metadata fields (#4997)
     414SDTS driver:
     415 * Various fixes when opening ill-formed datasets.
     417SRP driver:
     418 * Various fixes when opening ill-formed datasets.
     420TIL driver:
     421 * Fix TIL driver using overview (#3482)
     422 * Add set projection and geotransformation for TILDataset
     424TSX driver:
     425 * Fix crashes in Identify() with certain filenames, and the file is empty or doesn't exist (#4622)
     427VRT driver:
     428 * VRTWarpedDataset: add INIT_DEST=0 if no INIT_DEST specified (#4571)
     429 * VRTFilteredSource: fix RasterIO() to take into account source and dest windows (#4616)
     430 * avoid crashes due to int overflow when dealing with requests filling a buffer larger than 2 GB (#4815)
     431 * VRTSourcedRasterBand: override ComputeRasterMinMax(), ComputeStatistics() and GetHistogram() to make them run on sources, only when there's one VRTSimpleSource covering the whole VRTSourcedRasterBand
     432 * solve issue when the VRT is a symlink and that the sources filenames are RelativeToVRT (#4999)
     433 * Fix relariveToVRT option in VRTRawRasterBand (#5033)
     435WCS driver:
     436 * Support version 1.1.2
     438WebP driver:
     439 * Allow reading/writing alpha channel (libwebp >= 0.1.4)
     440 * Add support for reading XMP metadata in the xml:XMP metadata domain
     442WMS driver:
     443 * Implement GetMetadataItem(Pixel_iCol_iLine, LocationInfo) to retrieve pixel attributes
     444 * Retrieve nodata, min and max values, defined per band or per dataset in the config file (#4613)
     445 * Add GetColorTable(), used by the TiledWMS mini driver (#4613)
     446 * Update TiledWMS mini-driver to support new variable substitution mechanism, min/max/nodata settings, color table support (#4613)
     447 * Add a <UserPwd> element in the XML service description file
     449XYZ driver:
     450 * avoid rescanning output file at end of CreateCopy()
     452== OGR 1.10.0 - Overview of Changes ==
     455 * Add OGRLayerDecorator class (decorator base class for OGRLayer),
     456 * Add OGRWarpedLayer class (on-the-fly reprojection of a base layer)
     457 * Add OGRUnionLayer class (on-the-fly concatenation of several base layers)
     458 * Add OGRFieldDefn::IsSame() and OGRFeatureDefn::IsSame()
     459 * Add OGRAbstractProxiedLayer, OGRProxiedLayer and OGRLayerPool classes
     460 * OGRGeometry: set SRS of geometries created via GEOS functions from the source geometry (idem for geometries returned by OGR_G_ForceXXXX() methods) (#4572)
     461 * OGRFeature: Add OGR_SETFIELD_NUMERIC_WARNING option to issue a warning when not fully
     462               numeric values are assigned to numeric fields. If the field type is Integer,
     463               then also warn if the long value doesn't fit on a int.
     464 * Add OGR_G_PointOnSurface() and add it to SWIG bindings
     465 * Add OGR_G_ForceToLineString / OGRGeometryFactory::forceToLineString to join
     466   connected segments in line strings.
     467 * Better implementation of getDimension() for OGRMultiPoint, OGRMultiLineString, OGRMultiPolygon and OGRGeometryCollection
     468 * Fix incorrect rounding in OGRFormatDouble that affected geometry WKT output (#4614)
     469 * OGRSQL: support UNION ALL of several SELECTs
     470 * OGRSQL: defer ORDER BY evaluation until necessary, so that a spatial filter can be taken into account after layer creation
     471 * OGRSQL: allow using indexes when OR or AND expressions are found in the WHERE clause
     472 * OGRSQL: fix incorrect result with more than 2 JOINs and SELECT with expressions with field names (#4521)
     473 * OGRSQL: fix 'SELECT MAX(OGR_GEOM_AREA) FROM XXXX' (#4633)
     474 * OGRSQL: fix invalid conversion from float to integer (#4634)
     475 * OGRSQL: fix behaviour of binary operations when one operand is a NULL value
     476 * OGRDataSource::CopyLayer(): take into account field renaming by output driver (e.g. Shapefile driver that might truncated field names) (#4667)
     477 * OGRLayer::FilterGeometry() : speed-up improvement in some cases and  use GEOSPreparedIntersects() when available (r23953, r25268)
     478 * OGRLayer::SetNextByIndex(): return OGRERR_FAILURE if index < 0
     479 * OGRLineString::setPoint( int iPoint, OGRPoint * poPoint ) : avoid promotting the line to 25D if the point is only 2D (#4688)
     480 * OGRGeometry::Centroid(): make it work properly on POINT EMPTY with latest SVN geos version
     481 * Add reversePoints() method on linestring
     484 * Add support for OGC URLs (#4752)
     485 * add dumpReadable() method on OGRSpatialReference
     486 * Differentiation between Hotine Oblique Mercator (aka Variant A) and Oblique Mercator (aka Variant B) (#104, #2745)
     487 * EPSG: Map methods 1028 and 1029 to normal equidistant cylindrical (#4589)
     488 * EPSG: add support for EPSG:5514 (Krovak East North)
     489 * EPSG: Add EPSGTreatsAsNorthingEasting() to deal with CRS with non-GIS friendly northing/easting axis order similarly as what was done with lat/long geographic SRS, and automatically do coord swapping in GML/WFS drivers in that case (#4329)
     490 * Ozi datum support: support all Ozi datums (#3929), support UTM projection
     491 * USGS: support USGS angular parameters in radians
     492 * MorphFromESRI() fix WKT : compare SPHEROID and PRIMEM parameters instead of names (#4673)
     493 * MorphToESRI(): Add common New Zealand GEOGCS values (#4849)
     494 * OSR ESRI: add GCS mapping name for ETRS89
     495 * ogr_srs_esri: Make InitDatumMappingTable() thread-safe
     496 * ecw_cs.wkt: Add entry for European Terrestrial Reference System 1989.
     497 * pci_datum.txt: Add entry for D894
     498 * accept "+proj=XXXX [...] +wktext" as a valid PROJ.4 string, even if projection is unhandled by OGR
     499 * recognize +proj=etmerc when importing from PROJ.4 string; and output +proj=etmerc when exporting Transverse_Mercator to PROJ.4 string if OSR_USE_ETMERC = YES (#4853)
     502 * ogr2ogr: add a -dim option to force the coordinate dimension to 2 or 3
     503 * ogr2ogr: accept -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI to ease conversion from shapefiles to PostGIS, by auto-promoting polygons to multipolygons and linestrings to multilinestrings
     504 * ogr2ogr: add -gcp, -order n and -tps options to georeference ungeoreferenced vectors (#4604)
     505 * ogr2ogr: fix -select with shapefile output when specified field name case doesn't match source field name case (#4502)
     506 * ogr2ogr: correctly deal with filenames that begin with 'polygon' or 'multipolygon' as arguments of -clipsrc (#4590)
     507 * ogr2ogr: return non-zero exit code if the -sql triggers an error (#4870)
     508 * ogr2ogr: make -t_srs work when there's no per layer source SRS, but there's per feature SRS
     509 * ogr2ogr: add a -datelineoffset option  to provide users with capability to set different offsets than 170 to -170 (#4098)
     510 * ogr2ogr: add a -fieldmap option (#5021)
     511 * ogr2ogr: automatically rename duplicated field names of source layer so that the target layer has unique field names
     512 * new sample script to update an OGR datasource from another one, by trying to identify matches between the 2 datasources
     513 * new sample script to use OGR layer algebra operations
     515Multi driver changes:
     516 * Fix bad AND priority when spatial and attribute filter are combined in PG, MySQL, SQLite MSSQLSptial and VRT drivers (#4507)
     518AVCE00 driver:
     519 * Fix GetFeatureCount() when an attribute or spatial filter is set
     521AVCBin driver:
     522 * Fix EOF test (#3031)
     524CSV driver:
     525 * Allow creating /vsimem/foo.csv
     526 * Detect and remove UTF-8 BOM marker if found (#4623)
     527 * Fix handling of empty column names in header (#4654)
     528 * Allow creating a new .csv file in a directory where there are invalid .csv
     529   files (#4824)
     530 * Use a trick so that the CSV driver creates valid single column files (#4824)
     531 * Add WRITE_BOM option to CSV driver to write UTF8 BOM for improved Excel/unicode compatibility (#4844)
     532 * Don't turn \r\n into \n in CSV field output, regardless of LINEFORMAT settings (#4452)
     533 * Don't left-pad numbers in CSV output when a width is set (#4469)
     534 * Add support for opening .tsv files, in particular the specific Eurostat .tsv files
     536DGN driver:
     537 * Add support to read and write font name in the style (#3392)
     539DXF driver:
     540 * Write HACH (Polygon) compatible with other DXF viewers
     541 * Write layer geometry extent in file header (#4618)
     542 * Ignore Spline frame control points for VERTEX of POLYLINE (#4683)
     543 * Add color to POINT, INSERT and HATCH
     544 * Take into account extruction vector to transform from OCS to WCS for MTEXT, TEXT, POINT, LINE, CIRCLE, ELLIPSE, ARC, SPLINE and HATCH (#4842)
     546FileGDB driver:
     547 * Add the FGDB_BULK_LOAD configuration option (#4420)
     548 * Do compulsory field name laundering. (#4458)
     549 * Add special SQL commands 'GetLayerDefinition a_layer_name' and 'GetLayerMetadata a_layer_name'
     550 * Implement SetFeature(), DeleteFeature() and DeleteField()
     551 * Fix inserting features in a layer of geometry type wkbNone
     552 * Define CLSID/EXTCLSID to fix Feature Class alias being ignored in ArcMap (#4477)
     553 * Use more sensible default values for tolerance and scale parameters (#4455)
     554 * Use ESRI SRS DB to find the WKT definition to use when creating a layer (#4838)
     555 * Fix the way empty geometries are written
     556 * Add read support for fields of type GlobalID or GUID (#4882)
     557 * Add XML_DEFINITION layer creation option
     558 * Support setting fields of type SmallInteger, Float and GUID
     560Geoconcept driver:
     561 * Partial support of relaxed GXT export syntax and fix when line is incomplete (#4983)
     563GeoJSON driver:
     564 * Fix HTTP HEADERS field send to server (#4546)
     565 * GeoJSON: write crs object as a FeatureCollection attribute in generated GeoJSON files (#4995); on read, strip AXIS nodes
     567Geomedia driver:
     568 * Fix loading of 'boundary' geometries when they are 2.5D or contain more than one inner rings (#4734)
     570GFT driver:
     571 * Use OAuth2 authentication (was ClientLogin in previous versions).
     573GML driver:
     574 * Add PREFIX and TARGET_NAMESPACE dataset creation options
     575 * Fix typo when writing geometry type name of MultiLineString in GML3 .xsd (#4674)
     576 * CreateFeature(): assign spatial ref when it is unset in source feature, even for GML2 case (fixes non-compliance with missing srsName on multi-geometries)
     577 * Make filtering of features based on OGR_GEOMETRY work (#4428)
     578 * Avoid point duplication concatenating GML curve segments (#4451)
     579 * Add special SQL command 'SELECT ValidateSchema()'
     580 * Allow reading srsDimension attribute when set on LineString element, and not on posList (#4663)
     581 * Partial support for reading GML 3.3 compat encoding profile, limited to <gmlce:SimplePolygon>, <gmlce:SimpleRectangle>, <gmlce:SimpleTriangle>, <gmlce:SimpleMultiPoint> elements
     582 * Support WFS GetFeature response document to be piped and opened with /vsistdin/
     583 * Support specifying connection string as 'filename.gml,xsd=some_filename.xsd' to explicitely provide a XSD
     584 * Improve detection of extent and srs for WFS 2.0
     585 * Allow ISO-8859-15 encoded files to be used by Expat parser (#4829)
     586 * Handle CompositeCurve like MultiCurve (for NAS)
     587 * Remove duplicate points in rings
     588 * Add OGR_ARC_MINLENGTH to limit the number of segments in interpolated arcs
     589 * When there are several geometries per feature, use geometry inside <XX:geometry> element for Inspire compatibility
     590 * Return per-feature SRS if there's no global SRS for a layer
     591 * Parse correctly <gml:outerBoundaryIs> when there are attributes in the element (#4934)
     592 * Recognize <gml:GeodesicString>
     593 * Recognize <gml:Envelope> elements (#4941)
     594 * Fix crash when reading CityGML attribute with empty string (#4975)
     596ILI driver:
     597 * Support for format codes (#3972)
     598 * ILI1: Use Topic name from model in itf output
     599 * ILI1: Recode ISO 8859-1 strings
     600 * ILI1: Various fixes related to enumerations
     601 * ILI2: Fix reading with models
     603Ingres driver:
     604 * Add effuser and dbpwd connection parameters.
     605 * Enhance EPSG search bath on WKT AUTH ids.
     606 * Use system defined sequence for fid instead of global (#4567)
     607 * Fix a name mixup when creating the table (#4567)
     609KML driver:
     610 * Report empty layers when there is only empty layers; don't error out on empty document (#4511)
     611 * Recognize file whose root element is <Document> and not <kml>
     613Idrisi driver:
     614 * Add support for reading attributes from .AVL / .ADC files
     615 * Ignore nodata value when computing min/max of CreateCopy()'ed dataset
     616 * Avoid setting unset values of mean and stddev to PAM (#4878)
     618LIBKML driver:
     619 * Add stylemap support
     620 * Add support for GroundOverlay reading (#4738)
     621 * Fix memory leak in OGRLIBKMLDataSource::FindSchema() when a schema is referenced by name and not by id (#4862)
     622 * Correct use of temporary variable for schema field names (#4883)
     623 * Update the layer class internal feature count when a new feature is added
     625MITAB driver:
     626 * Fix unwanted changes in data types while converting a datasource to MIF (#3853)
     627 * Fix incorrect handling of Mollweide projection (#4628)
     628 * Fix double free in OGRTABDataSource::Create() when exiting with error (#4730)
     629 * Add datum mapping between EPSG/authority codes and the MapInfo definitions. Falls back to old behaviour of name/string matching. (#481)
     630 * Avoid negative zeros in TOWGS84 read from TAB file (#4931)
     632MSSQLSpatial driver:
     633 * Report DeleteFeature/DeleteLayer capabilities
     634 * Fix the parser to swap coordinates with geography data type (#4642)
     635 * Fix to read multipoint geometries correctly (#4781)
     636 * Fix to read 3D geometries correctly (#4806, #4626)
     637 * Use MSSQL catalog if geometry_colums doesn't exist (#4967)
     638 * Utilize OGRFieldDefn::IsIgnored() (#4534)
     639 * Remove requirement for identity fid column in MSSQL tables (#4438)
     642 * Enable auto reconnect to MySQL (#4819)
     643 * Reset field width and precision when converting from an unhandled field type to TEXT (#4951)
     645NAS driver:
     646 * Better support for wfsext:Replace (#4555)
     647 * Skip elements "zeigtAufExternes" and "objektkoordinaten" (fixes PostNAS #3 and #15)
     648 * Issue a warning when geometry is overwritten, invalid geometry is found or featureless geometry appears
     649 * Issue a debug message when a existing attribute is overwritten (to catch array)
     650 * Use forceToLineString() on line strings (fixes PostNAS #18)
     651 * Handle MultiCurve and CompositeCurve
     652 * Merge multilinestrings
     653 * Accept XML files that have AAA-Fachschema.xsd in header (and remove trailing whitespace)
     654 * Add EPSG:25833
     656NULL driver:
     657 * No-op output driver for debugging/benchmarking purpose (Not included in build process)
     659OCI driver:
     660 * Fix for index creation when layers are created (#4497)
     662ODBC driver:
     663 * Allow opening directly *non-spatial* MS Access .MDB databases (on Windows only)
     664 * Make SetAttributeFilter(NULL) work (#4821)
     665 * Add optimized GetFeatureCount() implementation
     667NTF driver:
     668 * Various fixes when opening ill-formed datasets.
     670OCI driver:
     671 * Fix issue with pre-existing tables with laundered names not being recognized (#4966)
     672 * Make sure the FID counter is correctly initialized when data is appended (#4966)
     673 * Better quoting of identifiers (#4966)
     675PGeo driver:
     676 * PGeo / Geomedia : remove heuristics that tried to identify if a MDB file belonged to the PGeo or Geomedia driver (#4498)
     678PG driver:
     679 * Add a 'COLUMN_TYPES' layer creation option (#4788)
     680 * Fix insertion of features with FID set in COPY mode (#4495)
     681 * Honour datasource read-only mode in CreateField(), CreateFeature(), SetFeature() and DeleteFeature() (#4620)
     682 * Avoid fatal error when the public schema is absent (#4611)
     683 * Differ SRS evaluation on SQL layers (#4644)
     684 * Optimize SRID fetching on SQL result layer; compatibility with PostGIS 2.0 by using ST_SRID (#4699, #4700)
     685 * Always fetch the SRS to attach it to feature geometry of result SQL layers.
     687PGDump driver:
     688 * Add a 'COLUMN_TYPES' layer creation option (#4788)
     690REC driver:
     691 * Add robustness checks against corrupted files
     693SDE driver:
     694 * Add support for CLOB and NCLOB data type (#4801)
     696Shapefile driver:
     697 * Add support for reading ESRI .sbn spatial index (#4719)
     698 * Add defered layer loading
     699 * Implement auto-growing of string and integer columns
     700 * Add a special SQL command 'RESIZE table_name' to resize (shrink) fields to their optimium size, also available as a RESIZE=YES layer creation option for conveniency
     701 * Recode field name from UTF-8 to DBF encoding in CreateField()
     702 * In creation, limit fields of type OFTString to a width of 254 characters (#5052)
     703 * Spatial index optimization (#4472)
     704 * Fix GetFeatureCount() when spatial filter set, especially on big-endian hosts (#4491)
     705 * Fixed wrong return value of OLCStringsAsUTF8 in OGRShapeLayer::TestCapability if GDAL was compiled without iconv support (#4650)
     706 * Support properly creating layers that include dot character
     707 * Avoid assert() if SetFeature() is called on a feature with invalid FID (#4727)
     708 * Correctly deal with .cpg files containing 8859xx string (#4743)
     709 * Make TestCapability(OLCFastFeatureCount) return TRUE when an attribute filter is set only if attribute indices can be used
     710 * Shapelib: Fix memory leaks in error code path of DBFCreateLL() (#4860)
     711 * Deal better with shapefile directories with foo.shp and FOO.DBF, particularly for REPACK support, and particularly for Windows OS (on Linux, foo.shp and FOO.DBF will be 2 different layers)
     712 * Delete temporary _packed.cpg file generated during REPACK of a layer whose .dbf has an accompaying .cpg file
     713 * In DeleteDataSource(), delete .cpg file if existing
     715S57 driver:
     716 * Various fixes when opening ill-formed datasets.
     717 * Preliminary support for FFPT/FFPC update records (#5028)
     718 * Add RECODE_BY_DSS suboption to OGR_S57_OPTIONS configuration option that can be set to YES so that the attribute values are recoded to UTF-8, from the character encoding specified in the S57 DSSI record (#5048, #3421, adapted from patch by julius6)
     720SQLite/Spatialite driver:
     721 * Add support for tables with multiple geometry columns (#4768)
     722 * Add (preliminary) support for Spatialite 4.0 database changes (#4784)
     723 * Make GDAL loadable as a SQLite3 extension (named VirtualOGR) (#4782)
     724 * Add support for OFTDateTime/OFTDate/OFTTime field types
     725 * Add a SRID layer creation option
     726 * Make REGEXP function available by using libpcre (#4823)
     727 * Add a COMPRESS_COLUMNS layer creation option to make string columns ZLib compressed
     728 * Implement minimalistic set of spatial functions if Spatialite isn't available
     729 * Spatialite: make use of spatial filter on result layers when the SQL expression is simple enough (no join, etc...) (#4508)
     730 * Spatialite: spatial index can be used even when linking against regular SQLite (#4632)
     731 * Spatialite: to improve performance, defer spatial index creation at layer closing or when a spatial request is done
     732 * Spatialite: use Spatialite 'layer_statistics' and 'spatialite_history' to cache the row count and extent of (spatial) layers
     733 * Spatialite: add support for reading Spatialite 4.0 statistics (filling them on the fly still not implemented)
     734 * Spatialite: for Spatialite 4.0, translate INIT_WITH_EPSG=NO into InitSpatialMetaData('NONE') to avoid filling the spatial_ref_sys table
     735 * On SQL result layers, report the SRS of the geometry of the first feature as the layer SRS
     736 * Defered layer definition building for table and view layers
     737 * Speed-up opening of a result layer that has an ORDER BY
     738 * Cache GetExtent() result
     739 * Allow inserting empty feature
     740 * Return empty layer when SELECT returns 0 rows (#4684)
     741 * Add compatibility for newer SQLite versions when using the VFS layer (#4783)
     742 * Add missing column name quoting
     744TIGER driver:
     745 * Fix opening TIGER datasource by full file name (#4443)
     746 * Updated to use VSI*L
     748VFK driver:
     749 * SQLite is now a compulsory dependency for VFK
     750 * Store VFK data in SQLite (in-memory) database
     751 * Don't read whole file into buffer, but only on request
     752 * id property of data records in VFK file exceed int limit -> use GUIntBig for id values
     753 * Fix reading multi-line data records
     754 * Recode string feature properties - convert from cp-1250 to utf-8
     755 * Skip invalid VFK features
     757VRT driver:
     758 * Add <OGRVRTWarpedLayer> (on-the-fly reprojection of a base layer)
     759 * Add <OGRVRTUnionLayer> (on-the-fly concatenation of several base layers)
     760 * Add <FeatureCount>, <ExtentXMin>, <ExtentYMin>, <ExtentXMax>, <ExtentYMax> to <OGRVRTLayer>
     761 * Add an optional 'dialect' attribute on the <SrcSQL> element
     762 * Fix OGR VRT sensitive to whitespace and <?xml> nodes (#4582)
     763 * Optimizations to avoid feature translation when possible
     764 * Implement GetFIDColumn() (#4637)
     765 * Implement StartTransaction(), CommitTransaction() and RollbackTransaction() by forwarding to the source layer
     766 * Auto enable bAttrFilterPassThrough when possible
     768WFS driver:
     769 * WFS paging: change default base start index to 0 (was 1 before), as now clarified by OGC (#4504)
     770 * Accept several type names if the TYPENAME parameter is specified
     771 * Forward SQL ORDER BY clause as a WFS SORTBY for WFS >= 1.1.0
     772 * Fix spatial filter with WFS 2.0 GeoServer
     773 * Check that left-side of a binary operator in an attribute filter is a property name before submitting it to server-side
     774 * Major overhaul of URL-escaping
     775 * Fix issues when querying the WFSLayerMetadata and that one of the field contains double-quote characters (#4796)
     776 * Remove auto-added ACCEPTVERSIONS=1.0.0,1.1.1 - when none of VERSION or ACCEPTVERSIONS were specified - because it does not work with WFS 2.0 only servers
     777 * Automagically convert MAXFEATURES= to COUNT= if people still (wrongly) used it for WFS 2.0
     778 * Honour paging when running GetFeatureCount() and that RESULTTYPE=HITS isn't available (e.g. WFS 1.0.0) (#4953)
     779 * Optimize WFS 1.0 (or WFS 1.1.0 where RESULTTYPE=HITS isn't available) so that in some circumstances the GML stream
     780   downloaded is used to compute GetFeatureCount() and GetExtent() together
     781 * Fix segfault on non-GML output when there's SRS axis swapping but the feature has no geometry (#5031)
     783XLS driver:
     784 * Set FID to the row number in the spreadsheet software (first row being 1). In case OGR detects a header line, the first feature will then be assigned a FID of 2 (#4586)
     785 * Non-ascii path support for Windows (#4927)
     787== SWIG Language Bindings ==
     789All bindings:
     790 * Add VSIReadDirRecursive() (#4658)
     791 * Add a osr.CreateCoordinateTransformation(src, dst) method (and for Java, a static method CoordinateTransformation.CreateCoordinateTransformation(src, dst) (#4836)
     792 * Add ogr.ForceToLineString()
     793 * Clear error before OGR_Dr_Open() (#4955)
     794 * Add a SetErrorHandler(handler_name) method
     796CSharp bindings:
     797 * Add C# signature for FileFromMemBuffer that accepts byte array (#4701)
     799Java bindings:
     800 * Fix compilation issue with SWIG 2.0.6 on Java bindings (#4669)
     801 * New test application:
     802 * Fix values of gdalconst.DCAP_* and gdalconst.DMD_* constants (#4828)
     803 * Fix check for opaque colors in getIndexColorModel()
     805Perl bindings:
     806 * Specify module files to install
     807 * Return values have to be mortal, this was not the case in many instances.
     808 * New method Driver::Name aka GetName
     809 * doc target in GNUmakefile to call doxygen
     810 * Default to first band in GetRasterBand.
     811 * New method Geo::OGR::Layer::DataSource
     812 * New method Geo::OGR::Layer::HasField
     813 * Geometry method accepts geometries in Perl structures
     814 * Fixed a bug in FeatureDefn::create which changed the fields.
     815 * New experimental methods ForFeatures and ForGeometries.
     816 * InsertFeature, Tuple and Row methods use the Tuple and Row methods from Feature.
     817 * Do not use pattern my var = value if ...; as it seemingly may cause unexpected things.
     818   target_key is optional argument.
     819 * Allow setting geometry type with schema argument.
     820 * Fix incorrect behavior of Geo::OGR::Geometry method Points in the case of a Point (#4833)
     821 * Preserve the coordinate dimension in Move method
     823Python bindings:
     824 * Changes to run without setuptools (#4693)
     825 * Automatically run 2to3 for Python3
     826 * Define __nonzero__ on Layer object to avoid GetFeatureCount() being called behind our back when doing 'if a_layer:' (#4758)
     827 * Fix performance problem when instanciating Feature, especially with Python 3
     828 * Add RasterBand.ReadBlock(), mostly for driver testing
     829 * Reject strings when array of strings are expected
     830 * make gdal.PushErrorHandler() also accept a Python error handler function as an argument (#4993)
     831 * Fix Feature.ExportToJSon() to write the id attribute when it is 0 (the undefined value is NullFID == -1)