{{{ #!rst The following script takes in some WKT on stdin, projects it to the coordinate system of your choice, and emits it on stdout. The first argument passed assigns the coordinate system to the WKT, and the second is your output coordinate system. :: project_wkt.py EPSG:26915 EPSG:4326 < input.wkt > output.wkt .. code-block:: python #!/usr/bin/env python import sys from osgeo import ogr, osr in_ref_text = sys.argv[1] out_ref_text = sys.argv[2] g = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(sys.stdin.read()) in_ref = osr.SpatialReference() in_ref.SetFromUserInput(in_ref_text) out_ref = osr.SpatialReference() out_ref.SetFromUserInput(out_ref_text) g.AssignSpatialReference(in_ref) g.TransformTo(out_ref) sys.stdout.write(g.ExportToWkt()) }}}