
Version 32 (modified by pds, 13 years ago) ( diff )


Update NetCDF driver for greater CF-1 convention compatibility (orientation, datums, map projections)

Status: Development


In August 2011 Etienne Tourigny initiated a discussion on the GDAL mailing list proposing and calling for interest in improvements to GDAL's NetCDF driver (Subject: discussion on improvements to the NetCDF driver and CF-1 convention), and collected ideas at wiki:NetCDF_Improvements.

This page summarises proposals on several of the key changes proposed on that Wiki page that are being actively developed, with the intention of upgrading the NetCDF driver code in the GDAL trunk. The changes affect orientation of data, handling of datum parameters, writing coordinate variables, handling of different NetCDF file formats, and are described specifically below. A common thread amongst the changes is to improve interoperability with the NetCDF Climate & Forecasting (CF-1) conventions, which are the widely utilised format for recording projection information in raster datasets.

The changes are listed here for comment:- including noting where applicable when they may affect backwards-compatibility with existing data exported by GDAL into NetCDF format.


The common rationale underlying these changes is:

  1. The NetCDF view of rasters created by GDAL should conform to CF-1 conventions :- and work for key operations with common

NetCDF tools such as creating a WMS or WCS display from a NetCDF raster (eg displaying a WMS using ncWMS, or a WCS using Thredds Data Server).

  1. Given (1), the driver should use the CF-1 conventions for storing needed metadata where at all possible, but where

necessary add extra metadata so the file can be readable back into GDAL with no loss of information or translation error. A specific example of this is named Datum and EPSG codes, which the current CF convention (CF-1.5) do not include a standard for recording. Therefore, GDAL should by default supplement CF-1 with this information.

  • If the user doesn't wish to supplement the files with GDAL metadata, they should specifically disable this using an appropriate '-co' option to the gdal command used.
  1. Given (2), when importing from NetCDF files, the driver will first read from CF-1 conventions, then read supplementary

data from GDAL-added attributes. If the two sources conflict, we should report this and consider the CF-1 encoded info as authoritative, which assumes a user has modified the data with a non-GDAL program.

Planned Changes

Changes to metadata items including update to CF-1.5

As is common with many programs which manipulate netcdf data, a new GDAL metadata item (with version number) is added. Also, the netcdf history attribute will be updated, and the Conventions attribute will be set to CF-1.5 to reflect support of the latest CF conventions and projections (See

		:Conventions = "CF-1.5" ;
		:GDAL = "GDAL 1.9dev, released 2011/01/18" ;
		:history = "Mon Oct 10 21:12:19 2011: GDAL NCDFCreateCopy(, ... )\n",

Has back-compat impact?: No

Change to a default south-up orientation for NetCDF data

Related fix: #4251

New -co options: No

Has back-compat impact?: Only for GDAL versions prior to 1.6 (r18152). Since then, a check is made to ensure the driver recognizes bottom-up grids and flips the y-axis accordingly.


When GDAL exports to NetCDF, translate the data so that it is in "south up" orientation, i.e. invert the data from the GDAL default. Import is not changed as it is already compatible.


CF-1's default orientation is south-up, and all known current CF-1 -compliant applications expect this.

SRS Handling: Continue saving GDAL custom attribute tags by default to CRS definition, but add option not to save

Related fix: N/A
New -co options: -co WRITE_GDAL_TAGS (yes/no, defaults to yes)
Has back-compat impact?: No


In addition to following the CF-1 conventions to save projection metadata, the NetCDF driver writes metadata in several custom attributes:

  • A "spatial_ref" tag containing full OGC WKT string, including datum and EPSG codes if known.
  • A geotransform array saved as a string (GeoTransform),
  • and individual corner coordinates (NN, SS, WE and WW).

The new WRITE_GDAL_TAGS driver creation option allows the user to choose not to write these tags. However it would be set to 'YES' by default.

The new implementation saves the GeoTransform array only if the lon/lat or x/y values are not written to the file, and the corner coordinates are never saved as they are redundant.

PDS comment: do you mean just "lon/lat" above? As that's what it looks like in the code. And the new driver always saves X/Y right?

Note: when importing files in NetCDF format, the driver checks the GDAL-written WKT matches the projection information stored in the CF-compliant attributes. If there is a conflict, the CF-compliant CRS will be considered as authoritative.


We assume by default that if users export to a NetCDF file from GDAL, then they may wish to import into GDAL again and retain full information. Currently, the CF-1 convention doesn't allow saving all the projection information that GDAL can manipulate via a WKT (such as named Datums, and EPSG authorities).

However, there is certainly a use-case to export to a NetCDF file with no intention to access again via GDAL and use purely for use by CF-1 applications, in which case the user may wish to have no additional metadata present.

Note: In the longer-term we would view it as advantageous that the CF-1 conventions were augmented to allow recording of full datum information, and reduce the need to store extra CRS information in GDAL-managed attributes. However this will require agreement of the CF-1 community for a new standard, and would take time to agree upon and adopt. See .

SRS Handling: Add saving of reference Ellipsoid parameters in CF-1 compliant format used by dataset

Related fix: #2893
New -co options: No, though related to the new proposed WRITE_GDAL_TAGS option above.

Has back-compat impact?: No


When exporting to NetCDF, the new driver will utilise the CF-1 attributes that allow specification of the reference ellipsoid used by the dataset's CRS (e.g. 'semi_major_axis', 'inverse_flattening').

However, on importing data the driver will continue to use the full GDAL WKT specification in the 'spatial_ref' attribute where present. This is because the CF-1.5 conventions still don't include provision for saving full Datum information, such as the name and authority of the datum, which is needed for precise transformations. The CF-1 ellipsoid attributes will only be used as a fallback when the full WKT isn't present.


CF-1 convention's only support of datums currently is to specify a reference ellipsoid using parameters such as 'semi_major_axis' and 'inverse_flattening'.

While these attributes alone do not fully specify the datum (which requires an EPSG code so control points can be referenced), they at least allow fairly accurate map projection of the created NetCDF file using tools such as ncWMS.

In the longer-term it would be beneficial to work with the CF-1 community to allow saving of full datum information in a format readable by CF-1.

SRS Handling: When exporting to NetCDF map projections via GDAL, save projection coordinate variables. Optionally, also save lat and lon mapping variables.

Related fix: #2893
New -co options:

  • WRITE_LONLAT=YES/NO/IFNEEDED (default: YES for geographic, IFNEEDED for projected) ->Note, this not implemented yet
  • TYPE_LONLAT=float/double (default: double for geographic, float for projected)

Has back-compat impact?: No


When exporting rasters to NetCDF, save Coordinate Variables for the projected SRS, as required by the CF-1 convention, normally saved as "x" and "y".

Optionally using -co options listed above, also write 2D 'lat' and 'lon' arrays, which are specified as part of the CF-1 convention for map projections - but are not actually required for the Unidata-maintained NetCDF Java API and applications built upon them (eg ncWMS, Thredds Data Server).

The ifneeded option of WRITELONLAT is used in the case of exporting a projection which is not supported by the CF-1.5 standard (e.g. sinusoidal), so any CF-1.5 compliant software can locate the points on a lon/lat map.


The CF-1 conventions specify these coordinate variables as necessary for grids, see ch5.6 and App F in the document.

Tests with NetCDF CF-1 reading software indeed show that rasters with projected grids will not be correctly interpreted without the coordinate variables in the projected system (the NetCDF-Java API determines this, since it's used by ncWMS, ToolsUI and Thredds Data Server).

While the CF-1 convention examples also contain 2D "lat" and "lon" Variables containing the latitude and longitude at each data point, tests have shown that the NetCDF Java API can correctly interpret CF-1 data without these added. The rationale for this point is given at

Thus we've chosen to make it optional to write these Variables, as they are redundant from GDAL's point of view (Lat and Lon are calculated on-the-fly), and they increase the size of a NetCDF file significantly. (E.g. if the actual band-data is stored as a 2D Byte array, but the lat and lon are stored as doubles, then the file-size can easily increase by 10X).

Add support for different netcdf file types and compression

Related fix: N/A
New -co options:

  • ZLEVEL=[1-9] (default: 1)

Has back-compat impact?: NC2 and NC4 filetypes, as well as DEFLATE and PACKED compression may not be supported by older netcdf installations and GDAL versions

Change: TBD

Compatibility Issues

As specified above in the sub-sections.

Test Suite

The test has been updated (autotest/gdrivers/ to check CF-1 compliance of exported datasets, and also that round-trip conversion from another format (eg GeoTiff) to NetCDF and back is successful.


The GDAL driver summary page ( would be updated with description of new behaviour and options.


  • The code will be committed to the trunk, and if possible will be back-ported to the 1.8 series (should a 1.8.2 release occur after implementation and sufficient testing).
  • We will ask to the users of the driver to please test the new version with their important files and notify any regressions.
  • As there are many issues (most of which are in the trac database) and the modification to the code are relatively important, it would be much easier to apply the changes in one massive commit.


  • We also intend to improve interface for writing to NetCDF 4 - (but will handle this separately, may not need an RFC)

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