Changes between Version 28 and Version 29 of NetCDF_exportUpdateChanges

Oct 12, 2011, 10:38:21 PM (13 years ago)



  • NetCDF_exportUpdateChanges

    v28 v29  
    63 === Continue saving GDAL custom attribute tags by default to CRS definition, but add option not to save ===
     63=== SRS Handling: Continue saving GDAL custom attribute tags by default to CRS definition, but add option enot to sav ===
    6565'''Related fix''': N/A [[BR]]
    7171In addition to following the CF-1 conventions to save projection metadata, the NetCDF driver writes metadata in several custom attributes:
    7272 * A "spatial_ref" tag containing full OGC WKT string, including datum and EPSG codes if known.
    73  * A geotransform array saved as a string (GeoTransform), and individual corner coordinates (NN, SS, WE and WW).
     73 * A geotransform array saved as a string (GeoTransform),
     74 * and individual corner coordinates (NN, SS, WE and WW).
    7576The new WRITE_GDAL_TAGS driver creation option allows the user to choose not to write these tags. However it would be set to 'YES' by default.
    7778The new implementation saves the GeoTransform array only if the lon/lat or x/y values are not written to the file, and the corner coordinates are never saved as they are redundant.
     80**PDS comment**: do you mean just "lon/lat" above? As that's what it looks like in the code. And the new driver always saves X/Y right?
    7984Note: when importing files in NetCDF format, the driver checks the GDAL-written WKT matches the projection information stored in the CF-compliant attributes. If there is a conflict, the CF-compliant CRS will be considered as authoritative.
    8389We assume by default that if users export to a NetCDF file from GDAL, then they may wish to import into GDAL again and retain full information. Currently, the CF-1 convention doesn't allow saving all the projection information that GDAL can manipulate via a WKT (such as named Datums, and EPSG authorities).
    85 However, there is certainly a use-case to export to a NetCDF file with no intention to access again via GDAL and use purely for use by CF-1 applications, in which case we don't need to save the added metadata.
     91However, there is certainly a use-case to export to a NetCDF file with no intention to access again via GDAL and use purely for use by CF-1 applications, in which case the user may wish to have no additional metadata present.
    8793Note: In the longer-term we would view it as advantageous that the CF-1 conventions were augmented to allow recording of full datum information, and reduce the need to store extra CRS information in GDAL-managed attributes. However this will require agreement of the CF-1 community for a new standard, and would take time to agree upon and adopt.  See .