Changes between Version 37 and Version 38 of NetCDF_Improvements

Feb 14, 2012, 11:56:58 AM (13 years ago)



  • NetCDF_Improvements

    v37 v38  
    2525 * ~~NetCDF created by GDAL not CF-1.0 compliant for geographical grids (issue #2129)~~
    26  * netcdf driver does not read and write CF-1.0 coordinate system properly for projected CRS (issue #2893) - mostly fixed in trunk
     26 * netcdf driver does not read and write CF-1.0 coordinate system properly for projected CRS (issue #2893) - mostly fixed in trunk and 1.9
    2727   * ~~support for read and write of projected coordinate values~~
    2828   * ~~export std_parallel variables into a single standard_parallel netcdf attribute~~
    4747 * implement setmetadata and setmetadataitem, tricky because other nc attributes are already written to file
    49 === Issues that have been resolved (in trunk)  ===
     49=== Issues that have been resolved (in trunk and 1.9)  ===
    5050 * Duplication in Metadata when translating from NetCDF to NetCDF (issue #4204)
    5151 * metadata from a NetCDF variable should be stored inside the GDAL Band metadata, instead of a global metadata item (issue #4211)
    5353 * Floating-point metadata in netcdf file is converted to GDAL metadata as string without sufficient precision (issue #4211)
    5454 * GDAL version saved in GDAL global attribute
    55  * CF-version of file read could be kept in an internal variable, as well as CF-version for file creation - in trunk CF-1.5 is exported to file only
     55 * CF-version of file read could be kept in an internal variable, as well as CF-version for file creation - in trunk and 1.9 CF-1.5 is exported to file only
    6262 * Which datum should be set when there is no datum information at all in a netcdf file? WGS84 or none?
    6363 * How to export datum information that is present in a GDAL file, in a way that it can be restored later? - current codes uses spatial_ref
    64  * Import should correctly set appropriate CRS/datum information (e.g. WGS84) from the information in the netcdf file, when sufficient information is available. - in trunk compares WKT and CF grid_mapping and checks for conflict. There are issues with auto-detecting named CRS/datum based on spheroid only.
     64 * Import should correctly set appropriate CRS/datum information (e.g. WGS84) from the information in the netcdf file, when sufficient information is available. - in trunk and 1.9 compares WKT and CF grid_mapping and checks for conflict. There are issues with auto-detecting named CRS/datum based on spheroid only.
    7474== I/O issues ==
    76  * Disabled PAM support, as it created incompatibilities and metadata duplication. Will re-enable once things are settled - #4244 and #4245
     76 * ~~Disabled PAM support, as it created incompatibilities and metadata duplication. Will re-enable once things are settled~~ PAM has been re-implemented to store raster statistics only - #4244 and #4245
    7777 * ~~Support Create() method so that gdalwarp can be used on a netcdf file - #4221 (committed to trunk)~~
    7878 * ~~Fix access to different netcdf file types: nc (classic), nc2 (64-bit) and nc4 (NetCDF4 with HDF5 support) - #3890 and #2379~~
    8282 * ~~support packed data (with add_offset and scale_factor) transparently (see bug #3797) - will not implement~~
    8383 * ~~support for signed/unsigned Byte data - #4221~~
     84 * ~~Ignore coordinate and bounds variables (CF sections 5.2, 5.6 and 7.1) as raster bands, but expose them as subdatasets - this allows to open files with projected SRS (or dimension bounds) directly, without specifying the variable as a subdataset (added in r23977)~~