= GDAL Maintenance Reports 2008 by Mateusz Loskot = From: 2008-08-01 To: 2008-08-15 === Tickets === #2220 Non standard constant string processing in OGR SQL === Other activities === * Documentation and Wiki update * Support on mailing list (''to be updated'') and IRC channel * Small source code cleanup * Testing warp.py cases == Report 4 == From: 2008-07-16 To: 2008-07-31 === Tickets === #1183 Oracle WKTEXT Translation #1937 gdal_rasterize does not check that coordinates systems match #1998 SVN svn:keywords maintenance script #2168 MSG compile problem #2276 New gcc requires swig 1.3.33 for perl bindings #2325 GCC 4.3 warning for mitab #2490 Trunk nightly snapshots missing #2479 Undefined GDALAutoCreateWarpedVRT on Windows CE #2485 Time is stripped off Date/time fields in Shape file #2486 IReadBlock failure in gdaladdo #2495 Suspicious GCC warnings for AVC driver #2497 Check whether libm defines sincos() at configure time #2498 OGRSpatialReference::Validate does not return correct error code in Python #2513 Crash at an e00 file #2521 XPlane causes undefined behavior with GCC 4.3.x === Other activities === * Hacking and learning [http://trac.osgeo.org/csmap/ CS-Map], related to Oracle improvements * Fixing MSG driver and hacking EUMETSAT Wavelet Transform Software * Buildbot maintenance * Documentation update * Extensive testing with GCC 4.3 == Report 3 == From: 2008-07-01 To: 2008-07-15 === Tickets === #543 OCI driver: getExtent should use USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA #657 Query on oraclespatial using OGR/OCI #1172 GDAL OVF OCI does not work with SrcSQL #1183 Oracle WKTEXT Translation #2198 Incorrect condition checking Visual C++ version in cpl_string.h #2452 Disable 64-bit functions from CPL under Windows CE #2453 telascience buildbot runs as root === Other activities === * Buildbot maintenance * Updated Wiki pages * Updated formats and data documentation * Improved scripts and project files for Visual C++ * Cleaned number of compilation warnings ---- == Report 2 == From: 2008-05-01 To: 2008-05-15 === Tickets === #1497 Use EnhancedPrecisionOp for difference and intersection operations #1929 Missing compilation and linking flags on Unix #2358 Segfault in swq_select_finish_summarize #2370 Undefined reference to xercesc_2_8 ---- == Report 1 == From: 2008-03-01 To: 2008-03-15 === Tickets === #2221 OGR SQL limits table name and column name character set #2050 Expat configure problem on MinGW