Changes between Version 23 and Version 24 of MaintenanceReportsByMateusz2007

Jan 7, 2008, 4:02:20 PM (17 years ago)
Mateusz Łoskot

Added GDAL Maintenance Report 13


  • MaintenanceReportsByMateusz2007

    v23 v24  
    11= GDAL Maintenance Reports 2007 by Mateusz Loskot =
     3== Report 13 ==
     5From: 2007-11-16
     7To:   2007-11-30
     9=== Tickets ===
     11#1005 Proble with VSIStatBufL
     13#1130 Setting the "AREA_OR_POINT" Metadata item on GeoTIFFs fails to work
     15#1467 Add nodata value/transparency support to GIF file creation
     17#1484 NHD (ESRI) geodatabase reading problems
     19#1570 KML: 3D export appears 2D
     21#1586 In MinGW ogr apps do not get installed correctly
     23#1625 problems reading etopo2v2 (arc grid, / GMT (netcdf) /HDF)
     25#1704 ogr2ogr kml export of polygons can have incorrect vertex winding order
     27#1822 PCRaster Licensing Unclear
     29#1831 KML driver review and cleanup
     31#1832 Please add jpeg driver to WinCE project file
     33#1840 KML Driver - Documentation needed
     35#1858 KML Driver - Folder <description> disappears
     37#1859 Incorrect Documentation for OGRGeometry::Within and Contains
     39#1866 KML driver needs very new Expat
     41#1870 GDAL2Tiles KML Children Visibility + Square Pixel Condition
     43#1876 jasper includes dir hardwired, and inconsistently used
     45#1878 programs can't find .o when linking
     47#1889 Postgres primary key logic disabled, needs to be re-enabled
     49#1927 GDAL build for Solaris sparcv9 fails after libraries successfully built
     51#1929 Missing compilation and linking flags on Unix
     53#1943 GML -> SHP Conversion does not return
     55#1958 Building python bindings with Visual C++ fails in debug mode
     57#1966 Build Issues on Mac OS X
     59#1968 OGR GeoJSON Driver
     61#1987 EPSG:28992 - Lacking datum parameters for Amersfoort
     63#1992 OGR_G_CreateFromWkt does not work with Linear Rings
     65#1995 Missing doc for ELAS driver
     67#1999 Slowness of CPLReadLine() function on Windows
     69#2007 Add write support to OGR GeoJSON driver
     71#2009 Visual Leak Detector support
     73#2014 Switch to more conventional debug build operation
     75#2017 default XML namespaces should be consistent
     77#2031 CreateGeometryFromJson/ExportToJson
     79#2032 Building with ECW support on Mac OS X
     81#2033 gdaladdo tif_jpeg assertion failure: sp->cinfo.comm.is_decompressor
     84=== Other activities ===
     86 * Continuous testing
     87 * Cleanup and refactoring (ie. KML)
     88 * Providing support on IRC #gdal and mailing list
     89 * ~25 posts to the gdal-dev mailing list
     90 * Buildbot maintenance
    392== Report 12 ==