Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of MaintenanceReportsByMateusz2007

Nov 7, 2007, 10:38:22 AM (17 years ago)
Mateusz Łoskot

Added GDAL Maintenance 2007 - Report 11


  • MaintenanceReportsByMateusz2007

    v20 v21  
    99=== Tickets ===
    11 ''TBD''
     11#1594 Memory allocation error during SPATIAL INDEX creation for Shapefile
     13#1595 GDALComputeRasterMinMax is failing on NETCDF subdasets
     15#1620 Bug opening shapefile ind in write mode
     17#1634 WINCE: 1.4.1 compile fixes
     19#1643 Nightly fails to compile on 64bit gcc 4.1.1 20070105
     21#1704 ogr2ogr kml export of polygons can have incorrect vertex winding order
     23#1749 CreateCopy crashes when creating a virtual copy of a vrt data set
     25#1790 After creating qix file no features are read from 3D point shapefile
     27#1794 AAIGRID - error calculating yllcorner in ascii header
     29#1830 PCRASTER: fix to go from C assert -> CPLAssert
     31#1844 GML reader truncates field values
     33#1889 Postgres primary key logic disabled, needs to be re-enabled
     35#1902 Data truncation sometimes occurs when fetching data using ogr odbc driver
     37#1924 GDAL with Xerces support
     39#1928 Can not import ogr/gdal on Mac OS + eggs
     41#1927 GDAL build for Solaris sparcv9 fails after libraries successfully built
     43#1929 Missing compilation and linking flags on Unix
     45#1932 Perl tests crash on telascience-stable builder
     47#1936 Segmentation fault in gdal_rasterize (finally fixed by Even Rouault)
     49#1942 Updated docs about spatial index creation
     51#1953 Remove NG from SWIG bindings summary by ./configure
     53#1954 1.4.3rc2: File datestamps in distributions wrong
     55#1955 libz conflict disable HDF4 support
     57#1958 Building python bindings with Visual C++ fails in debug mode
     59=== Other activities ===
     61 * Intensive testing and preparing to release
     62 * Buildbot maintenance
     63 * Wiki editions
     64   * [wiki:BuildingOnWindows]
     65   * [wiki:DownloadSource]
     66   * [wiki:Release/1.4.3-News]
     67   * [wiki:NewsAndStatus]
     68   * [wiki:SponsorshipSurvey]
     69   * [wiki:FAQRaster]
     70 * ~70 posts to the gdal-dev mailing list
    1372== Report 10 ==