= HDF = There are two HDF formats, HDF4, and HDF5 which each have their own libraries and drivers. HDF4 is more common, but HDF5 is the next generation format. * http://www.gdal.org/frmt_hdf4.html - hdf4 driver docs * http://www.gdal.org/frmt_hdf5.html - hdf5 driver docs = Building with HDF4 = NCSA HDF library can be downloaded from the [http://www.hdfgroup.org The NCSA HDF Home Page] at the the [http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/ National Center for Supercomputing Applications]. HDF 4.2r1 is generally the preferred version if working from source. The szip option is not widely used, and may be omitted for simplicity. If your OS distribution already contains prebuilt HDF library you can use one from the distribution. == Open File Limits == Please note, that NCSA HDF library compiled with several defaults which is defined in ''hlimits.h'' file. For example, ''hlimits.h'' defines the maximum number of opened files: {{{ # define MAX_FILE 32 }}} If you need open more HDF4 files simultaneously you should change this value and rebuild HDF4 library (there is no need to rebuild GDAL if it is already compiled with HDF4 support). == Incompatibility with NetCDF Libraries == The HDF4 libraries include an implementation of the netcdf api which can access hdf files. If building with HDF4 and NetCDF it is necessary to build the HDF library with this disabled. If using Ubuntu/Debian dev packages you must make sure that the libhdf4-alt-dev package is installed instead of the libhdf4-dev package. If building HDF4 manually you have to add "--disable-netcdf" to "configure" and HDF4 will move its embedded NetCDF functions in a different private namespace to avoid name clashes. {{{ ./configure --disable-netcdf --disable-fortran }}} If building older versions of HDF4 (before HDF4.2r3) the macro HAVE_NETCDF needs to be defined instead. This can be accomplished by configuring the HDF4 libraries as follows: {{{ export CFLAGS="-fPIC -DHAVE_NETCDF" export CXXFLAGS="-fPIC -DHAVE_NETCDF" export LIBS="-lm" ./configure --disable-fortran }}} The -fPIC and LIBS may not be necessary on all platforms. Without this fix either GDAL will crash intermittently when accessing netcdf files, or the build of GDAL will fail. == Potential conflicts with internal libz == The HDF4 libraries depend on [http://www.zlib.net/ libz] library. If you build HDF4 from sources, you most likely use libz library already installed in your system. Then, when you run GDAL ''./configure'' script using option ''--with-libz=internal'' requesting GDAL to use its internal version of [source:trunk/gdal/frmts/zlib libz], you may notice that HDF4 support is not enabled as you expected. This might signal a conflict between internal libz and the version installed in you system against which HDF libraries were linked. More detailed description of the problem and its symptoms can be found in summary of Ticket #1955. = Building with HDF5 = * download from: http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/release/obtain5.html == Building on Windows with MSVC == If your HDF5 source directory does not have an /include directory in its root, then you must do the following: * in nmake.opt add a pointer to the directory containing the headers, such as {{{ HDF5_INCLUDE = $(HDF5_DIR)\src }}} * modify the EXTRAFLAGS parameter in gdal\frmts\hdf\makefile.vc to include this new definition, such as: {{{ EXTRAFLAGS = -I$(HDF5_INCLUDE) -DWIN32 -D_HDF5USEDLL_ }}} * You can test this by executing the following in gdal\frmts\hdf: {{{ nmake /f makefile.vc }}} = Open Tickets = [[TicketQuery(status=new|assigned|reopened&keywords~=hdf&order=priority)]]