Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#6251 closed defect gives wrong distance — at Initial Version

Reported by: remilemoy Owned by: warmerdam
Priority: normal Milestone: closed_because_of_github_migration
Component: default Version: 1.11.0
Severity: normal Keywords: proximity


When computing distances between all points of a raster and a given pixel (the center of a city in a monocentric city model) using, I obtained wrong distances. The error is not big, but not very small either, something like 5 or 10% (500-900m for 10km), depends on the CRS I used (I tried another one because I thought it was CRS-related) and is bigger in a North-South direction than East-West.

I saw the error when I computed the distance in another way (euclidian distance using the projected coordinates). I am confident that this euclidian distance is right because I compared it to the one given by an online national GIS system ( -- I was working on a French city), and the distances I measured where in good agreement (and it worked for both CRSs I tried).

So I will just stop using gdal_proximity, also because I don't really need it in this project, but I wanted to mention the error -- I hope that this is the right place to do so.

Sorry if it is actually my mistake, I am still a beginner with GIS!



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