Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #3754

Sep 16, 2010, 10:10:28 PM (14 years ago)

On further debugging I found that if source layer is from oracle spatial, Ogr never tries to read its data type. Thus when you push data from oracle to ESRI shape files, gType is always wkbUnkown. However while translating features function call of ResetGeomType fix geometry type of ESRI shape file.

Such handling is missing in case of PostGIS and may in other data formats as well (I am not sure).


  • Ticket #3754 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 Try to convert any point or line layer from oracle spatial to postgis.
     1Try to convert any point or line layer from oracle spatial to postgis.[[BR]]
    23They are always converted into polygon type.
    3 After some more debugging I found that while opening oracle spatial layer Ogr is not reading its gtype and hence it is always wkbUnknown.
     4After some more debugging I found that while opening oracle spatial layer Ogr is not reading its gtype and hence it is always wkbUnknown. [[BR]]
    46Thus when you create new layer in postgis its type is not persisted correctly.
    57I am using GDAL 1.7.0 and I was able to replicate this bug with 1.7.2 as well.